An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

^So your response to the OP is "I'm too good to respond to that, respond to my post though".


Not that it's rocket science but you are level 1 responding to basic politics.

This being said make your OWN post about minimum wage bonuses and try TRY to have some substance about the OP in the future.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

^So your response to the OP is "I'm too good to respond to that, respond to my post though".


Not that it's rocket science but you are level 1 responding to basic politics.

This being said make your OWN post about minimum wage bonuses and try TRY to have some substance about the OP in the future.

Epic fail. I provided your response. You're too much of a fucking idiot to see it. It's right there, right in front of your fucking face. But it's so beyond you, you can't even fathom it.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

^So your response to the OP is "I'm too good to respond to that, respond to my post though".


Not that it's rocket science but you are level 1 responding to basic politics.

This being said make your OWN post about minimum wage bonuses and try TRY to have some substance about the OP in the future.

Epic fail. I provided your response. You're too much of a fucking idiot to see it. It's right there, right in front of your fucking face. But it's so beyond you, you can't even fathom it.

..........Actually you stated you are "too cool" to respond to the OP and made a different topic in your post then doubled down on your unintelligent behavior.

I'm sure when the readers see your brainy insults they will think you are smart.

*Why do I feel like I'm poking a dead guy with a stick*

Maybe I just expect more?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

^So your response to the OP is "I'm too good to respond to that, respond to my post though".


Not that it's rocket science but you are level 1 responding to basic politics.

This being said make your OWN post about minimum wage bonuses and try TRY to have some substance about the OP in the future.

Epic fail. I provided your response. You're too much of a fucking idiot to see it. It's right there, right in front of your fucking face. But it's so beyond you, you can't even fathom it.

Let me attempt to respond to your thread that you made by trying to derail or ignore mine in your own fashion.

"That is a bunch of big stupid dumby stuff. He's just too stupid. Epic fail. If you were smart you would know what I'm saying"

^did this response make me smart in your perspective kiddo?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.

Every politician at that level takes green from Wall Street. This issue has NOTHING to do with class envy. It has to do with the pay gap. But welcome to politics and nice try :)
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.

Every politician at that level takes green from Wall Street. This issue has NOTHING to do with class envy. It has to do with the pay gap. But welcome to politics and nice try :)

Ok, there is a huge gap in how much Liz Warren is paid vs. What small business owners are paid. Corporate Cronyism is a staple of Socialist Elite Economies where small business and the middle class are non existent. We have tried Corporate Cronyism for the pas 8 years and the biggest losers have been small business and the middle class. If Liz wants to help small business, she can start by lowering their taxes and reducing regulation.
If she said that, then she just got a brownie point from me.
It IS obscene.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

^So your response to the OP is "I'm too good to respond to that, respond to my post though".


Not that it's rocket science but you are level 1 responding to basic politics.

This being said make your OWN post about minimum wage bonuses and try TRY to have some substance about the OP in the future.

Epic fail. I provided your response. You're too much of a fucking idiot to see it. It's right there, right in front of your fucking face. But it's so beyond you, you can't even fathom it.

All this guy does is put up threads that look good on the surface, but all they are is bait to attack whoever shows up. Even if they're sympathetic to the issue.

Fuck him, he's a troll and nothing more. Boy's in serious need of a shrink.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
Seems like a lot of empty talk in my opinion.

She talks about ending obscene profits of Wall Street, and helping working people. But adds very little in the way of policy, it seems to be rhetoric and no follow through to dupe gullible working class people into voting for her.

Does she mention anything of breaking up the major banks through anti-trust laws?

Reimplementing Glass-Steagall?

Implementing anti-usury laws?

Revising trade laws, moving away from free trade policies which undermine American firms and American workers for the benefit of major multinationals?

At least reducing immigration and opposing amnesty to protect the jobs and wages of American workers?

Implementing a tax structure that incentivizes companies to do business in America, and taxes at a higher rate those who don't?

Just talking about how the disparity is "unfair" without addressing any of the underlying causes as to why it exists seems like a moot point for me. It is just bait for voters, like Obama provided in 2008.
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Warren is another Hilary...corrupt, and a liar......but thee left is going to vote for her since she says all the things they love to hear....hate the rich, blame the rich, give me power and I'll punish the rich....

and the whole time she will be raking in corporate money hand over fist......if anyone are dupes it is the left.......obama has done more to help major healthcare companies than anyone else....while wrecking healthcare for everyone....and he is going to be rich and fat and happy...while all you lefties sit their nursing your anti rich hatred......
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
the republicans have been trying to make it the few who has it.... the republicans here and across this country are too stupid to see it
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
the republicans have been trying to make it the few who has it.... the republicans here and across this country are too stupid to see it
Obama claims to be for working people, yet median incomes have declined and the income disparity has grown. He, like all major US politicians, is bought off by the liberal Capitalist elite, who have no allegiance to nations, but to their money and multinationals.
It should be illegal for companies to hand out bonuses the way they see fit?


You know what? This is not about any of that. This is about a democrat going to their cliches.

Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing

We all know the fake native American (who somehow does not offend the hypocrite moron Lakota) points these things out in order to appeal to the large voting block.

Typical of democrats. That is all they have. Democrats are hypocrites about everything, and their constituency fall for it every time.

So, let us know what socialist utopian solution that is proposed from the fake lying Indian on how to stop companies from handing out bonuses the way they see it.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
Seems like a lot of empty talk in my opinion.

She talks about ending obscene profits of Wall Street, and helping working people. But adds very little in the way of policy, it seems to be rhetoric and no follow through to dupe gullible working class people into voting for her.

Does she mention anything of breaking up the major banks through anti-trust laws?

Reimplementing Glass-Steagall?

Implementing anti-usury laws?

Revising trade laws, moving away from free trade policies which undermine American firms and American workers for the benefit of major multinationals?

At least reducing immigration and opposing amnesty to protect the jobs and wages of American workers?

Implementing a tax structure that incentivizes companies to do business in America, and taxes at a higher rate those who don't?

Just talking about how the disparity is "unfair" without addressing any of the underlying causes as to why it existsseems like a moot point for me. It is just bait for voters, like Obama provided in 2008.
here we have one of those stupid ones I posted about.... too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
Seems like a lot of empty talk in my opinion.

She talks about ending obscene profits of Wall Street, and helping working people. But adds very little in the way of policy, it seems to be rhetoric and no follow through to dupe gullible working class people into voting for her.

Does she mention anything of breaking up the major banks through anti-trust laws?

Reimplementing Glass-Steagall?

Implementing anti-usury laws?

Revising trade laws, moving away from free trade policies which undermine American firms and American workers for the benefit of major multinationals?

At least reducing immigration and opposing amnesty to protect the jobs and wages of American workers?

Implementing a tax structure that incentivizes companies to do business in America, and taxes at a higher rate those who don't?

Just talking about how the disparity is "unfair" without addressing any of the underlying causes as to why it existsseems like a moot point for me. It is just bait for voters, like Obama provided in 2008.
here we have one of those stupid ones I posted about.... too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
Maybe you can explain how opposing auditing the privately owned Federal Reserve is in the interests of working class Americans? She claims to oppose the corruption of the financial system yet she protects the very foundation of it?
Elizabeth Warren Opposes Congressional Meddling Audit The Fed Bill Zero Hedge

No reason to be an asshole to me because you don't recognize neither party, nor any major politician, cares about you.
It should be illegal for companies to hand out bonuses the way they see fit?


You know what? This is not about any of that. This is about a democrat going to their cliches.

Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing

We all know the fake native American (who somehow does not offend the hypocrite moron Lakota) points these things out in order to appeal to the large voting block.

Typical of democrats. That is all they have. Democrats are hypocrites about everything, and their constituency fall for it every time.

So, let us know what socialist utopian solution that is proposed from the fake lying Indian on how to stop companies from handing out bonuses the way they see it.
Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing
theses are talking points from the right ... trying to convince their fellow republicans that this is what's happening .... this is what they want them to believe the reality of things ... tell their followers that there is a class warfare, there is the dividing of races ...their is gender dividing ... these fools buy it hook line and sinker the are their worse best friends ...

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