An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
Seems like a lot of empty talk in my opinion.

She talks about ending obscene profits of Wall Street, and helping working people. But adds very little in the way of policy, it seems to be rhetoric and no follow through to dupe gullible working class people into voting for her.

Does she mention anything of breaking up the major banks through anti-trust laws?

Reimplementing Glass-Steagall?

Implementing anti-usury laws?

Revising trade laws, moving away from free trade policies which undermine American firms and American workers for the benefit of major multinationals?

At least reducing immigration and opposing amnesty to protect the jobs and wages of American workers?

Implementing a tax structure that incentivizes companies to do business in America, and taxes at a higher rate those who don't?

Just talking about how the disparity is "unfair" without addressing any of the underlying causes as to why it existsseems like a moot point for me. It is just bait for voters, like Obama provided in 2008.
here we have one of those stupid ones I posted about.... too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
Maybe you can explain how opposing auditing the privately owned Federal Reserve is in the interests of working class Americans? She claims to oppose the corruption of the financial system yet she protects the very foundation of it?
Elizabeth Warren Opposes Congressional Meddling Audit The Fed Bill Zero Hedge

No reason to be an asshole to me because you don't recognize neither party, nor any major politician, cares about you.
114TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION S. 264 To require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES JANUARY 27, 2015 Mr. PAUL (for himself, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. BURR, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. HATCH, Mr. HELLER, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. KIRK, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. LEE, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. MORAN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. RISCH, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. SCOTT, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TOOMEY, Mr. VITTER, Mr. PERDUE, Mrs. CAPITO, and Ms. HIRONO) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs A BILL To require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Reserve 5 Transparency Act of 2015’’. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:32 Jan 31, 2015 Jkt 049200 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\S264.IS S264

seems you bought a right wing nut job site ...

too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
It should be illegal for companies to hand out bonuses the way they see fit?


You know what? This is not about any of that. This is about a democrat going to their cliches.

Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing

We all know the fake native American (who somehow does not offend the hypocrite moron Lakota) points these things out in order to appeal to the large voting block.

Typical of democrats. That is all they have. Democrats are hypocrites about everything, and their constituency fall for it every time.

So, let us know what socialist utopian solution that is proposed from the fake lying Indian on how to stop companies from handing out bonuses the way they see it.
Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing
theses are talking points from the right ... trying to convince their fellow republicans that this is what's happening .... this is what they want them to believe the reality of things ... tell their followers that there is a class warfare, there is the dividing of races ...their is gender dividing ... these fools buy it hook line and sinker the are their worse best friends ...

Yeah, you are too brainwashed to see how your socialist party manipulates you.

To prove that you are nothing but a shill for the utopian democrats, why dont you tell us why companies cannot hand out bonuses the way they see fit. Should that be illegal in your socialist world? The government should disperse money but private companies can't. Got it.
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It should be illegal for companies to hand out bonuses the way they see fit?


You know what? This is not about any of that. This is about a democrat going to their cliches.

Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing

We all know the fake native American (who somehow does not offend the hypocrite moron Lakota) points these things out in order to appeal to the large voting block.

Typical of democrats. That is all they have. Democrats are hypocrites about everything, and their constituency fall for it every time.

So, let us know what socialist utopian solution that is proposed from the fake lying Indian on how to stop companies from handing out bonuses the way they see it.
Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing
theses are talking points from the right ... trying to convince their fellow republicans that this is what's happening .... this is what they want them to believe the reality of things ... tell their followers that there is a class warfare, there is the dividing of races ...their is gender dividing ... these fools buy it hook line and sinker the are their worse best friends ...

Yeah, you are too brainwashed to see how your socialist party manipulates you.

To prove that you are nothing but a shill for the utopian democrats, why dont you tell us why companies cannot hand out bonuses the way they see fit. Should that be illegal in your socialist world? The government should disperse money but private companies can't. Got it.
and we have another one too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
hey repub-lie-tard commie :fu:
Yes...republicans are voting against their own best democrats vote for lefty after lefty and their democrat controlled schools pump out students who can't read, do math or get jobs.......who vote for democrats who drive out businesses by raising taxes, fines and fees and then substitute actual jobs with welfare because all the job creators have run away........and democrat controlled public unions bankrupt state after state with their collusion with democrat politicians......

Yeah....tell me again how republicans are voting against their own interests...of uneducated, poor, hopeless and angry voter is a good democrat voter......
It should be illegal for companies to hand out bonuses the way they see fit?


You know what? This is not about any of that. This is about a democrat going to their cliches.

Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing

We all know the fake native American (who somehow does not offend the hypocrite moron Lakota) points these things out in order to appeal to the large voting block.

Typical of democrats. That is all they have. Democrats are hypocrites about everything, and their constituency fall for it every time.

So, let us know what socialist utopian solution that is proposed from the fake lying Indian on how to stop companies from handing out bonuses the way they see it.
Class warfare
Race dividing
Gender dividing
theses are talking points from the right ... trying to convince their fellow republicans that this is what's happening .... this is what they want them to believe the reality of things ... tell their followers that there is a class warfare, there is the dividing of races ...their is gender dividing ... these fools buy it hook line and sinker the are their worse best friends ...

Yeah, you are too brainwashed to see how your socialist party manipulates you.

To prove that you are nothing but a shill for the utopian democrats, why dont you tell us why companies cannot hand out bonuses the way they see fit. Should that be illegal in your socialist world? The government should disperse money but private companies can't. Got it.
and we have another one too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
hey repub-lie-tard commie :fu:
Still looking for your utopian solution. I think it is possible that you have literal shit for brains.
The nation will create only so much wealth in any given year. The more of it that goes to the high end of the income scale,

the less that goes to the lower end of the income scale.

It's simple math. If you like the idea of the richer getting more and the poorer getting less, then you should support Republicans.
Doesn't work like that....never keeping government out of the way wealth can be created for everyone....that is how we out performed the rest of the world in a mere 200 years of existence....the more th government confiscates in taxes, the more governmnent taxes, fines and increases fees to the point of destroying business growth...then you have limited wealth concentrated in the hands of politicians and their pet businesses.....

Government is the problem, not the answer to wealth creation for all people....
Where does Warren get her info, she has lied before and why would anyone trust what she says now?
Where does Warren get her info, she has lied before and why would anyone trust what she says now?

the weird thing......she, like Hilary, lies about things that are so trivial and lying about being an Indian she did get it wasn't completely trivial....but the ease twitch which she boggles the mind....
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
Seems like a lot of empty talk in my opinion.

She talks about ending obscene profits of Wall Street, and helping working people. But adds very little in the way of policy, it seems to be rhetoric and no follow through to dupe gullible working class people into voting for her.

Does she mention anything of breaking up the major banks through anti-trust laws?

Reimplementing Glass-Steagall?

Implementing anti-usury laws?

Revising trade laws, moving away from free trade policies which undermine American firms and American workers for the benefit of major multinationals?

At least reducing immigration and opposing amnesty to protect the jobs and wages of American workers?

Implementing a tax structure that incentivizes companies to do business in America, and taxes at a higher rate those who don't?

Just talking about how the disparity is "unfair" without addressing any of the underlying causes as to why it existsseems like a moot point for me. It is just bait for voters, like Obama provided in 2008.
here we have one of those stupid ones I posted about.... too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
Maybe you can explain how opposing auditing the privately owned Federal Reserve is in the interests of working class Americans? She claims to oppose the corruption of the financial system yet she protects the very foundation of it?
Elizabeth Warren Opposes Congressional Meddling Audit The Fed Bill Zero Hedge

No reason to be an asshole to me because you don't recognize neither party, nor any major politician, cares about you.
114TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION S. 264 To require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES JANUARY 27, 2015 Mr. PAUL (for himself, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. BURR, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. HATCH, Mr. HELLER, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. KIRK, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. LEE, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. MORAN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. RISCH, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. SCOTT, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TOOMEY, Mr. VITTER, Mr. PERDUE, Mrs. CAPITO, and Ms. HIRONO) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs A BILL To require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Reserve 5 Transparency Act of 2015’’. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:32 Jan 31, 2015 Jkt 049200 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\S264.IS S264

seems you bought a right wing nut job site ...

too stupid to realize they are fighting against their own best interest
I haven't bought any site.

You didn't answer my questions.

How is opposing auditing the privately owned Federal Reserve in the interests of working people?

I thought Senator Warren opposed Wall Street corruption. How can she oppose such corruption when she refuses to vote to shine the light on the foundations of the financial system?
The nation will create only so much wealth in any given year. The more of it that goes to the high end of the income scale,

the less that goes to the lower end of the income scale.

It's simple math. If you like the idea of the richer getting more and the poorer getting less, then you should support Republicans.
The income disparity has grown and median household income has declined under Obama. You would be better to disavow yourself of the foolish notion that the Democrats along with the Republicans don't give a shit about you or working people in this country.

So what, if anything, would be the solution to the problem Warren poses?


And, since no solution is perfect, what would be the potential problems?

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So what, if anything, would be the solution to the problem Warren poses?


And, since no solution is perfect, what would be the potential problems?


the solution....give Warren enough power to take money from the rich....if they resist...kill them....isn't that the solution most lefties end up embracing...isn't that their go to solution to most problems.....?
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

A couple of thoughts on the matter:

1) What other folks do with their money is none of Warren's business!
2) In what manner would Warren force a change upon the free market that would significantly alter what Wall Street does with its money? Would some sort of Socialist/Communist intrusion upon the free market be her solution?

Warren really has ZERO room to talk where "income" and loopholes are concerned:

"In 2008, the earliest year for which Warren has released income tax returns, Warren and her husband had a combined income of $831,208, which increased in 2009 to $981,670. Warren’s net worth as of the end of 2011 was as high as $14.5 million."

Elizabeth Warren obtained federal fee waivers despite high 6-figure income and 8-figure net worth
If she said that, then she just got a brownie point from me.
It IS obscene.

I just wish I had been the recipient of a nice bonus. We're only mad when we're not the ones on the receiving end of a good thing.
Expand the poor class (people utterly and totally reliant on government hand outs and opportunities) and create automatic democrat voters. The brainwashed crowd actually think the socialists care about the well being of the poor. Are they that dumb, you ask. Well, they are dumber in my estimation. We give more than enough evidence and point out lie after lie after lie and they still refuse to see it. They deliberately turn their backs and insist that the democrats truly care.

You tell me how and why they should be treated with any respect. It would be one thing if they were decent, but they are not decent. They are bloviated intolerant hypocrites. Therefore, I will treat them in kind. Am I suppose to be better about it and be patient as The Lord says to? Yes. I just cannot help myself.

To me they are such arrogant gasbags, that I just cannot do it. I hate them.
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"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.

I'd be interested in the evidence that Warren takes money from. Wall Street. Got any?
Expand the poor class (people utterly and totally reliant on government hand outs and opportunities) and create automatic democrat voters. The brainwashed crowd actually think the socialists care about the well being of the poor. Are they that dumb, you ask. Well, they are dumber in my estimation. We give more than enough evidence and point it lie after lie after lie and they still refuse to see it. They deliberately turn their backs and insist that the democrats truly care.

You tell me how and why they should be treated with any respect. It would be one thing if they were decent, but they are not decent. They are bloviated intolerant hypocrites. Therefore, I will treat them in kind. Am I suppose to be better about it and be patient as The Lord says to? Yes. I just cannot help myself.

To me they are such arrogant gasbags, that I just cannot do it. I hate them.

How many "people utterly and totally reliant on government hand outs and opportunities" vote?
Don't want to be a minimum wage earner? Apply yourself like those on Wall St have and perhaps you'll receive some of those bonuses. Nobody is going to hand it to you.

Fauxahontas is playing on emotions

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