An EU Army?

Probably not a bad idea, given America is refocusing away from Europe and towards Asia and the Middle East.

I don't know why folks in the West believe corporate propaganda. The whole situation in the Ukraine was started by Europe and the United States funding neo-fascist political operatives through Gladio a style operation against the majority will of the Ukrainian people. When it came back to bite them in the ass and the Ukrainian people revolted, now they want to use force and are blaming the Russians because the folks in Ukraine that are revolting are ethnically Russian?

Europe can't have it's way peacefully, so it wants to use propaganda and war. It won't let the people of Ukraine just VOTE, so it needs to force it's will upon them?


We must ask ourselves, WHY, if after this latest peace accord, isn't the Ukrainian government adhering to it? WHY don't they want the Donetsk and Lughansk regions to have open, free and fair elections held with international observers? Why don't they want those regions to determine their own fate? If these people are aware that their voices were ignored and railroaded by western corporate interests during the coup, should they have to tolerate the use of force by western imperial interests just so Europe can have cheap energy and another member for the EU and NATO?

Ukraine conflict resolution under fire

DPRKievLPRNATO - Russia RelationsRussiaRussia - Ukraine RelationsUkraine
nsnbc : Conflict resolution in Ukraine is hampered by mistrust, apparent attempts to obstruct the work of the OSCE mission in Ukraine and political and military posturing rather than adherence to the Minsk accords. Russia invited all NATO members and the leadership of the Alliance to attend a security conference hosted by Russia in mid-April.
"The government in Kiev has thus far stalled the withdrawal of some of the Ukrainian military’s heavy weaponry while thousands of Ukrainian troops were evacuated from the kettle around Debaltsevo.

These moves caused distrust among the representatives of the rebelling Donetsk and Lughank regions who fear that Kiev uses the ceasefire and politics to stall further developments until Kiev is certain that it has military superiority. The Kiev government’s shopping for Western weapons in the United Arab Emirates has strengthened these suspicions.

The Kiev government, for its part, is suspicious that the Donbass region aims at the establishment of one or two independent States or that the DPR and LPR aim at an accession into the Russian Federation. This distrust is fueled by the precedent established by the 2014 referendum in Crimea and Crimea’s subsequent accession into the Russian Federation."

I don't know why folks in the West believe corporate propaganda. The whole situation in the Ukraine was started by Europe and the United States funding neo-fascist political operatives through Gladio a style operation against the majority will of the Ukrainian people. When it came back to bite them in the ass and the Ukrainian people revolted, now they want to use force and are blaming the Russians because the folks in Ukraine that are revolting are ethnically Russian?

Europe can't have it's way peacefully, so it wants to use propaganda and war. It won't let the people of Ukraine just VOTE, so it needs to force it's will upon them?


We must ask ourselves, WHY, if after this latest peace accord, isn't the Ukrainian government adhering to it? WHY don't they want the Donetsk and Lughansk regions to have open, free and fair elections held with international observers? Why don't they want those regions to determine their own fate? If these people are aware that their voices were ignored and railroaded by western corporate interests during the coup, should they have to tolerate the use of force by western imperial interests just so Europe can have cheap energy and another member for the EU and NATO?

Ukraine conflict resolution under fire

DPRKievLPRNATO - Russia RelationsRussiaRussia - Ukraine RelationsUkraine
nsnbc : Conflict resolution in Ukraine is hampered by mistrust, apparent attempts to obstruct the work of the OSCE mission in Ukraine and political and military posturing rather than adherence to the Minsk accords. Russia invited all NATO members and the leadership of the Alliance to attend a security conference hosted by Russia in mid-April.
"The government in Kiev has thus far stalled the withdrawal of some of the Ukrainian military’s heavy weaponry while thousands of Ukrainian troops were evacuated from the kettle around Debaltsevo.

These moves caused distrust among the representatives of the rebelling Donetsk and Lughank regions who fear that Kiev uses the ceasefire and politics to stall further developments until Kiev is certain that it has military superiority. The Kiev government’s shopping for Western weapons in the United Arab Emirates has strengthened these suspicions.

The Kiev government, for its part, is suspicious that the Donbass region aims at the establishment of one or two independent States or that the DPR and LPR aim at an accession into the Russian Federation. This distrust is fueled by the precedent established by the 2014 referendum in Crimea and Crimea’s subsequent accession into the Russian Federation."

It won't let the people of Ukraine just VOTE,

They did vote, after Putin's puppet fled to Russia.

so it needs to force it's will upon them?

I agree, Russia needs to stop forcing its will. Putin must remove Russian troops from Ukraine, immediately.
I agree, Russia needs to stop forcing its will. Putin must remove Russian troops from Ukraine, immediately.
No regular troops, and remove volunteer corps will not, because it's too close to the central regions of Russia, but on the contrary will strengthen in the tank hazardous areas.

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