An example for the differences between Trump and Obama

Perhaps he could have found a word you'd like better. It's also possible that there isn't a grouping of words and handwriting style in the history of mankind the leftylibs would be satisfied with if it came from Trump.
And if you had a solitary smidgen of honesty, you would admit it's true.
it's more than obvious that trump is getting great press over there and it's tearing up the haters over here. so much so they need to follow him around like a lost puppy dog waiting on him to drop something so they can scream it's horrible and how dare he do that.

say something good about trump, one will feel some undying need to offer "balance" as they see it and tell you how stupid you are.
Perhaps he could have found a word you'd like better. It's also possible that there isn't a grouping of words and handwriting style in the history of mankind the leftylibs would be satisfied with if it came from Trump.
And if you had a solitary smidgen of honesty, you would admit it's true.

Agree. I will flat say Trump was the biggest mistake and largest waste of human energy in American history. Because he isnTeump? Not at all. I'm an 80's kid. We watched Trump do Pizzahut commercials and we all wanted to be the rechist kids in the world. Still, like his ideas or not, he has a huge mess arose him. I do like Trump for the fits he gives the Clinton clan and democrats in general. That's why I voted for him.
You know... Trumps message is perfectly Trump. He doesn't wax poetic, throw around fifty dollar words or worry about being politically correct much. I think he is sometimes unnecessarily abrupt and at times he's crass, but I don't think this rises to the level of insincerity and stupidity you're trying to pin on it. Amazing? Well sure. Lots of other words to apply, but we didn't hire a crafty, oily politician this time. He expressed what he himself felt at the time and I'm sure there IS more than a little amazement to be found there..
In contrast... Obamas and Hillary Haglets messages seem rehearsed, contrived... Pieces of phony expression meant more for their legacy then an expression of true feelings
Obama's message is so long, who has the time to read all that bullshit written in barely readable handwriting? I certainly didn't.

Trump's message is short and packs much more punch. Of course, the libs worry that their shaming tactics don't work on Trump, which they are right to worry, because they don't.
Spoken like a true ignoramace

Look at the differences between the Presidents entries in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memoria.

"President Donald Trump's entry in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memorial was strangely upbeat, self-referential and written in his signature all-caps: “IT IS A GREAT HONOR TO BE HERE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS - SO AMAZING & WILL NEVER FORGET!”
Obama had already visited once, in 2008, when he was an Illinois senator running for president. On that trip, he left this note in the guestbook:

“I am grateful to Yad Vashem and all of those responsible for this remarkable institution. At a time of great peril and promise, war and strife, we are blessed to have such a powerful reminder of man's potential for great evil, but also our capacity to rise up from tragedy and remake our world. Let our children come here, and know this history, so that they can add their voices to proclaim 'never again'. And may we remember those who perished, not only as victims, but also as individuals who hoped and loved and dreamed like us, and who have become symbols of the human spirit.”

Trump seems childlike in the way he approached this compared to Obama's (and other Presidents ) reverent tone...
are you fucking kidding me?

you wonder why the radical left gets zero credibility for their *attacks* on trump. if you are still curious, re-read this bag-o-shit and try again.


the left bitches and whines out in chorus and harmony WE TOLD YOU SO and flutters their little parakeet wings about and waits for the next thing trump does so they can rinse and repeat.

at this point trump *could* get away with a lot more cause you don't let up and people will just ignore you and tune you out. you can't cry wolf by the hour and expect to ever be taken seriously.

Never said it was big thing but on one of Isreal's more revered places the guy wrote some a campaign slogan using words lie 'AMAZING'....

George W was short but very respectful too...

This is not an impeachable crime or anything... It is just to show you the type of people these are...

Trump comes across as shallow who finds it hard to write some thing deep and meaniful....

Obama was quite long but beutifully written.

George W was short but very meaningful.

Not a biggy but it doesn't make Trump look that smart either...
what's more shallow? trump doing this, or shitting kittens cause he did?

i vote 2. w/o question and it's not even close.

No one is shitting kittens... No calling the police or having attacks...

This is just a simple observation... Why are you getting so worked up...

just get tired of "the hunting" for people to be mad at, mock for, hate about and the like. it just seems you can't let hate come to you and try to keep it from even doing that, so many these days gotta go manufacture it and grab it like the holy hand turd and rub it all over like a prize.

just gets old with the constant attack after attack after attack. 2 scoops of icecream was asinine. this is right there with it.
The Dems just got finished dealing with 8 years of that crap. Can you blame them for wanting to dish some back?
are you fucking kidding me?

you wonder why the radical left gets zero credibility for their *attacks* on trump. if you are still curious, re-read this bag-o-shit and try again.


the left bitches and whines out in chorus and harmony WE TOLD YOU SO and flutters their little parakeet wings about and waits for the next thing trump does so they can rinse and repeat.

at this point trump *could* get away with a lot more cause you don't let up and people will just ignore you and tune you out. you can't cry wolf by the hour and expect to ever be taken seriously.

Never said it was big thing but on one of Isreal's more revered places the guy wrote some a campaign slogan using words lie 'AMAZING'....

George W was short but very respectful too...

This is not an impeachable crime or anything... It is just to show you the type of people these are...

Trump comes across as shallow who finds it hard to write some thing deep and meaniful....

Obama was quite long but beutifully written.

George W was short but very meaningful.

Not a biggy but it doesn't make Trump look that smart either...
what's more shallow? trump doing this, or shitting kittens cause he did?

i vote 2. w/o question and it's not even close.

No one is shitting kittens... No calling the police or having attacks...

This is just a simple observation... Why are you getting so worked up...

just get tired of "the hunting" for people to be mad at, mock for, hate about and the like. it just seems you can't let hate come to you and try to keep it from even doing that, so many these days gotta go manufacture it and grab it like the holy hand turd and rub it all over like a prize.

just gets old with the constant attack after attack after attack. 2 scoops of icecream was asinine. this is right there with it.
The Dems just got finished dealing with 8 years of that crap. Can you blame them for wanting to dish some back?

oh, all this "tit for tat" was long before obama. every time a party comes in the other party tries to stop them from doing much of anything.

or are you saying this practice just started w/obama?

now - i don't disagree on this "payback" mentality. but again it goes further back than you give it credit for. my question is - when does it stop and when do we collectively grow up?
Never said it was big thing but on one of Isreal's more revered places the guy wrote some a campaign slogan using words lie 'AMAZING'....

George W was short but very respectful too...

This is not an impeachable crime or anything... It is just to show you the type of people these are...

Trump comes across as shallow who finds it hard to write some thing deep and meaniful....

Obama was quite long but beutifully written.

George W was short but very meaningful.

Not a biggy but it doesn't make Trump look that smart either...
what's more shallow? trump doing this, or shitting kittens cause he did?

i vote 2. w/o question and it's not even close.

No one is shitting kittens... No calling the police or having attacks...

This is just a simple observation... Why are you getting so worked up...

just get tired of "the hunting" for people to be mad at, mock for, hate about and the like. it just seems you can't let hate come to you and try to keep it from even doing that, so many these days gotta go manufacture it and grab it like the holy hand turd and rub it all over like a prize.

just gets old with the constant attack after attack after attack. 2 scoops of icecream was asinine. this is right there with it.
The Dems just got finished dealing with 8 years of that crap. Can you blame them for wanting to dish some back?

oh, all this "tit for tat" was long before obama. every time a party comes in the other party tries to stop them from doing much of anything.

or are you saying this practice just started w/obama?

now - i don't disagree on this "payback" mentality. but again it goes further back than you give it credit for. my question is - when does it stop and when do we collectively grow up?
I totally agree with you. I'm explaining the mentality not defending the actions
Good old President ONimrod, can't even sign a guest book without excessive bloviating.

Look at the differences between the Presidents entries in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memoria.

"President Donald Trump's entry in the guest book at Israel's national Holocaust memorial was strangely upbeat, self-referential and written in his signature all-caps: “IT IS A GREAT HONOR TO BE HERE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS - SO AMAZING & WILL NEVER FORGET!”
Obama had already visited once, in 2008, when he was an Illinois senator running for president. On that trip, he left this note in the guestbook:

“I am grateful to Yad Vashem and all of those responsible for this remarkable institution. At a time of great peril and promise, war and strife, we are blessed to have such a powerful reminder of man's potential for great evil, but also our capacity to rise up from tragedy and remake our world. Let our children come here, and know this history, so that they can add their voices to proclaim 'never again'. And may we remember those who perished, not only as victims, but also as individuals who hoped and loved and dreamed like us, and who have become symbols of the human spirit.”

Trump seems childlike in the way he approached this compared to Obama's (and other Presidents ) reverent tone...

Le Grande Orange is an 'merican. That's the diff.
I think a better comparison between Obama & Trump are the gifts they gave the Pope.

Trump-mlk book collection

THAT is telling
I think a better comparison between Obama & Trump are the gifts they gave the Pope.

Trump-mlk book collection

THAT is telling
Haha, you think they each went shopping?

You don't think a Pres has any input as to such an important thing?
I think a staffer says "we got the pope a new pair of underwear" along a list of 50 other agenda items

Y'all think and believe some goofy shit
Obama's message is so long, who has the time to read all that bullshit written in barely readable handwriting? I certainly didn't.

Trump's message is short and packs much more punch. Of course, the libs worry that their shaming tactics don't work on Trump, which they are right to worry, because they don't.

Obama left a thoughtful heart-felt message. Trump wrote something superficial and meaningless.
I think a better comparison between Obama & Trump are the gifts they gave the Pope.

Trump-mlk book collection

THAT is telling
Haha, you think they each went shopping?

You don't think a Pres has any input as to such an important thing?
I think a staffer says "we got the pope a new pair of underwear" along a list of 50 other agenda items

Y'all think and believe some goofy shit
Do you honestly think Trump picked out those books for the pope or do you think a staffer handled it. Come on, use your logic

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