An Example Of How Messed Up Our Politicians Are And How We Got In This Shape


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Borrowing Money From China, increasing our Deficit, and mortgaging our Children's and grandchildren's futures for THIS $HIT:

$357,000 to study "Cocaine and Risky Sex Habits of QUAIL"
I think 'Quail' is a cOde word for 'HUNTER BIDEN :p)

(Move over, SHRIMP).....$1.6 million for researching "LIZARDS on a Treadmill"

$250,000 to send "kids in Pakistan to Space Camp and Dollywood

- Impoverished American kids don't need / deserve opportunities like this....?

$700,000 taken from an autism research grant for the National Science Foundation to figure out whether astronaut Neil Armstrong used the word "a" when he landed on the moon in 1969 in his famous "one giant leap for mankind" quote.

I would love to see a bill passed into law that mandates that any politician who submits such insane, deficit-funded, pork-spending. deficit-funded bills be immediately ejected from office, especially since we are approx $28 TRILLION in DEBT.
- Some Republican said today that if the US continues to tack on debt, such as Biden's plan to add $6 trillion in new budget debt the US till 'Go BANKRUPT'. 'GO BANKRUPT'?! We are WELL PAST 'bankrupt' - we are $28 TRILLION in the HOLE....His comment shows how our politicians have no grasp of the reality the economic hole we are in and why politicians continue to spin like we have a $28 Trillion SURPLUS.

Rand Paul did an excellent job ripping BOTH parties for their insane bipartisan deficit-adding / spending Bill....Godbless him!

If it does not directly pertain to defending this country from the world, any pork in any bill should be immediate grounds for the incarceration of up to 10 years in federal prison with that appropriate federal conviction on their record.
I don't really have a problem with this kind of spending. Seems like one of the few areas where we might be getting our money's worth. It's minimal and not driving the debt and deficit. There are probably some pointless studies/programs and even some in bad faith. For someone like Senator Paul, a graduate of Duke Med, to throw this out there looks to me like theater and a bit disingenuous.
Every 10 years or so, we really need to have a mandate (constitutional) to have zero-based budgeting.

Every expenditure has to be voted on (as it is now) except the size of the bills has to be below a certain amount. Lets say, $100M per funding bill. Make it $100K....make it $500M....whatever.

So, to pick something politically innocuous, NASA. We spent about $22B on Nasa in 2020. Every 10 years or so, have NASA and every other department divide their budget request into either 220 bills of $100M or 44 bills of $500M. Everything. From payroll to office supplies, to Mars rovers, to the freeze dried popcorn they sell in the gift shop over in Clear Lake. Each bill has to go through the House an the Senate and be signed by the President. There is no (or should be none anyway) gumbo of crap that isn't itemized. The fat in the budgets which we all know is there will reveal itself. "The Department of Agriculture with fewer employees spends 3X what NASA spends on its fleet of vehicles...why?" The GAO can look at these things when they are itemized.
I don't really have a problem with this kind of spending. Seems like one of the few areas where we might be getting our money's worth. It's minimal and not driving the debt and deficit. There are probably some pointless studies/programs and even some in bad faith. For someone like Senator Paul, a graduate of Duke Med, to throw this out there looks to me like theater and a bit disingenuous.
You pay for it then!

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