An extensive database of individuals involved in the global warming denial industry.

However, the main concern that many of you true believers seem to have, is not the science of global warming, but the heretics who refuse to believe. Then, a reasonable person has to ask why are they so upset that people don't believe? What is behind their need for people to believe? We aren't dealing with a religion here, or are we?

This really is a hileraious post. :eusa_drool:

You don't want to labeled a heretic, and yet you have no problem in labeling me a 'true believer'.

And you wonder why people get frustrated?

I get frustatrated by people needing to slap a childish and insulting label on anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

Here's an idea - stop using insulting labels and maybe you won't be labeled in return?

I have no problem with being labeled a heretic. When it comes to the religion of global warming, that is what I am.

A true believer is someone who accepts a concept as true, and has a problem with those who do not have the same view. That pretty well seems to define your defense of the science of global warming. Your feigned indignation over being referred to as a true believer has to be nothing more than a knee jerk reaction to being outed.

However, your response is non responsive to the gist of my remarks. Why are you true believers so upset that many of us refuse to accept the science of global warming?

Could it be that you are more interested in the politics of global warming, and are afraid that the skeptics are derailing your goals?
"Academic credentials" are meaningless when it comes to scientific truth..


So when you are sick, you don't go to a qualified doctor?

The only good, real science of any validity is produced by highly qualified researchers, operating with peer review.

You actually know this, I imagine, but prefer the message on

His credentials don't indicate a thing about whether his theories on some drug being effective are correct. Only well designed tests results prove that one way or another.

So when you go to a doctor, you have no interest in his qualifications. Interesting.
The problem is simply that the climate change agenda does not have fixing anything as a goal. It's only agenda is to make money.
The problem is simply that the climate change agenda does not have fixing anything as a goal. It's only agenda is to make money.

And you base this claim on, what ....exactly?

It just strikes me as such a trite and meaningless claim, and in many cases patently untrue.

It also seems to assume that the opposition to climate change are not influenced by money, which is also patently untrue given we know the coal and nuclear industries have spent a lot of money attempting to politicize the topic.

A great deal of climate change research involves very little government funding, and I am not aware of a single case where government funding to a university has been tagged to the results of that university's research.

If you know otherwise - let's see the proof.
However, the main concern that many of you true believers seem to have, is not the science of global warming, but the heretics who refuse to believe. Then, a reasonable person has to ask why are they so upset that people don't believe?
'Cause the non-believers are the crazy-fuckers that're running-loose, with guns!


"The piece helps dispel the myth that climate scientists have long been overhyping climate impacts — when everyone who actually follows climate science and talks to any significant number of climate scientists knows that the reverse is true. As Blakemore writes:

Established scientists, community and government leaders and journalists, as they describe the disruptions, suffering and destruction that manmade global warming is already producing, with far worse in the offing if humanity doesn’t somehow control it, are starting to allow themselves publicly to use terms like “calamity,” “catastrophe”, and “risk to the collective civilization”….

A few years ago, this reporter heard a prominent climate and environment scientist speaking at a large but off-the-record conference of experts and policy makers from around the world who had gathered at Harvard University’s Kennedy School….

He told us that he and most other climate scientists often simply didn’t want to speak openly about what they were learning about how disruptive and frightening the changes of manmade global warming were clearly going to be for “fear of paralyzing the public.”

Stop Downplaying The Climate Threat
(....And, get "the drop" on Teabaggers.)
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It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

It is far past time that the lies of those that are doing their best to mislead the public on the issue of AGW be exposed.

We are now at the beginning of the visable consequences of AGW. The increase in the number and intensity of weather events is just one of the indicators.
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

This does sound like a good idea - it's terrible how many people in the usa seem to very easily misled by blogs and self-appointed experts, while ignoring genuine scientific sources. This is very much a US phenomenon, but it is disturbing.

Maybe it is time to out some of these anti-science voices?

The only people who are anti-science are the ones seeking to declare scientific debate closed.
.....And, their head-count is suffering a serious-case o'.....​

.....The DWINDLES!!!!!!
May 20, 2012

"The first Heartland Institute conference on climate change in 2008 had all the trappings of a major scientific conclave – minus large numbers of real scientists. Hundreds of climate change contrarians, with a few academics among them, descended into the banquet rooms of a lavish Times Square hotel for what was purported to be a reasoned debate about climate change.

But as the latest Heartland climate conference opens in a Chicago hotel on Monday, the thinktank’s claims to reasoned debate lie in shreds and its financial future remains uncertain.

Along with the damage to its reputation, Heartland’s financial future is also threatened by an exodus of corporate donors as well as key members of staff."

May 14, 2012

Insurance Companies;
NO TIME For Heartland

"On Friday, the libertarian, Chicago-based Heartland Institute made a routine-sounding announcement. It would "spin off its insurance research project effective May 31." The D.C.-based Center on Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate would break off; its director, Eli Lehrer, would found some new project. "We urge any individual, foundation, and corporation with an interest in insurance and related finance issues to contribute to Eli’s new organization once it is up and running," said Heartland President Joseph Bast in a statement. "We look forward to working closely with Eli in the future."

Today, the spin-off -- dubbed the R Street Institute -- sent out a statement from its spokesman, R.J. Lehmann. Most of it was boilerplate about how the team of six Heartland refugees would keep working on "much the same portfolio of issues we already have been." Oh, one caveat:

"There is one thing that will certainly change from ending our association with Heartland: R Street will not promote climate change skepticism."

The backstory is explained here by Lucia Graves. Heartland has been a locus of climate change skepticism for some time. It had been shedding some corporate support since debuting a billboard with a picture of the Unabomber and the slogan "I still believe in global warming. Do you?" Next week, Heartland will host its 7th climate change conference -- typically, a haven for skeptics.

"Our project has never been engaged in climate science, per se, and there are no plans to begin working on that issue now," said Lehmann. "However, we do work on catastrophe risk issues, and to the extent that climate risk is relevant to that topic, our intent is to take scientific consensus seriously, in advocating for public policy issues that relate to climate risk."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

Can you say witchhunt?
Can you say.....



What is truly disturbing is how many people are mislead by government subsidized propaganda. They label every con man they agree with a "scientist" and everyone they disagree with as a "denialist." They even go as far as trying to shut down skeptical sources of information. That isn't science. That's a cult.

What truly is disturbing is that you dismiss academic qualifications as a concept. You dismiss all and any research as 'propaganda' while happy quoting blogs run by retired plumbers.

You label anyone who does not agree with you a "true believer", and refuse to acknowledge the value of real scientific research and study.

That isn't science, it's a cult.

That's complete and UTTER bullshit.. I'll accept most anything that comes from an objective source.. You've been shown the THREATS from the warmers, You've been shown their emails CONFIRMING data fraud. You've been shown the molested data.

It's NOT up to policy orgs to judge the fight.

THere are plenty of "dissenters" doing GREAT work. Their credentials are plenty good for me. Even IF you can get a Nobel Prize these days for shoddy work and bad documentaries filled with errors and hysteria...

Either debate the science or STFU
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

Can you say witchhunt?
Can you say.....




It's never been this warm before, ever.
I blame the internal combustion engine.
It's the only possible cause. :cuckoo:
Modern environmentalism has evolved into a religion, and its adherents are just as zealous as a suicide bomber. It has all of the attributes of a religion, guilt, Armageddon for our sins, the propensity for its leaders to force standards that they hypocritically ignore.

The fact is air and water is cleaner NOW than it was in the 50's or 60's. The fact is that less than 2% of the planet is developed.
Modern environmentalism has evolved into a religion, and its adherents are just as zealous as a suicide bomber. It has all of the attributes of a religion, guilt, Armageddon for our sins, the propensity for its leaders to force standards that they hypocritically ignore.

The fact is air and water is cleaner NOW than it was in the 50's or 60's. The fact is that less than 2% of the planet is developed.

That's so perfect. They're a doomsday cult
Can you say witchhunt?
Can you say.....



It's never been this warm before, ever.
I blame the internal combustion engine.
It's the only possible cause. :cuckoo:

Naww - it's those TERMITES...

The influence of termites on atmospheric trace gases: CH4, CO2, CHCl3, N2O, CO,

The influence of termites on atmospheric trace gases: CH4, CO2, CHCl3, N2O, CO, H2, and light hydrocarbons

Khalil, M. A. K.; Rasmussen, R. A.; French, J. R. J.; Holt, J. A.

Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 95, Issue D4, p. 3619-3634

Based on field studies of mounds of Australian termites we estimate that on a global scale termites emit about 12×1012 g/yr of methane (>20 tg/yr) and about 4×1015 g CO2/yr (>8 pg/yr). Most of the detailed results are based on studies of the species Coptotermes lacteus. We found that in mid-latitudes the emissions vary seasonally. As much methane is emitted in the summers as in all other seasons combined. The soils a few meters from the mounds consumed methane at an average rate of 40 µg/m2/h.

That's one small 9 GigaTon for termites, one GIANT 30 GigaTon for man..

And remember -- in our 30 GigaTons we get charged for Cow and Pig Farts because THEY are caused by man too..
The fact is air and water is cleaner NOW than it was in the 50's or 60's. The fact is that less than 2% of the planet is developed.

This really is very, very funny.

I hope it was meant to be.
The fact is air and water is cleaner NOW than it was in the 50's or 60's. The fact is that less than 2% of the planet is developed.

This really is very, very funny.

I hope it was meant to be.

It's actually the truth. In fact, less than 0.002% of the planet is developed - meaning covered with concrete, asphalt or a building. The rest is agricultural or natural.
Bripat -

The funny comment was more the idea that the earth's air and oceans are cleaner than they were during the 1950s.

And although only 0.002% of the panet may be concreted, the fact that there are parts of the world where 48,000 people on a square mile of land suggests to me human activity may still be a major factor in how land looks and operates in a geographical context.
It appears the AGW cult has created an enemies list. What possible honest purpose could this be used for?

Global Warming Disinformation Database

DeSmogBlog thoroughly investigates the academic and industry backgrounds of those involved in the PR spin campaigns that are confusing the public and stalling action on global warming. If there's anyone or any organization, ( i.e. scientist, self-professed "expert," think tank, industry association, company) that you would like to see researched and reported on DeSmogBlog, please contact us here.

OK,,sweet pea! Just what you gonna do about so called 'global warming'?

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