An hilarious and accurate summary of the beatdown Lewandowski gave the Dems


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
An hilarious and accurate summary of the beatdown Lewandowski gave the Dems

That's precisely how all future hostile witnesses need to testify before these hoax-mongering fools, albeit, by even more aggressively punctuating every answer with an allusion to not only Clinton's misconduct, but that of Comey, Brennan, Strzok, McCabe and others. . . .
Yeah, Corey really made them look stupid.
An hilarious and accurate summary of the beatdown Lewandowski gave the Dems

That's precisely how all future hostile witnesses need to testify before these hoax-mongering fools, albeit, by even more aggressively punctuating every answer with an allusion to not only Clinton's misconduct, but that of Comey, Brennan, Strzok, McCabe and others. . . .

Great video, thanks for posting!
They thought they'd take turns slamming him to the mat and he would just jump through their hoops because he's so in awe of them. Didn't work out that way. LOL
Yeah, Corey really made them look stupid.
Not so sure I would say that.

He was little more than a prop - almost no one bothered to actually ask a question. They were grandstanding but all came off as petulant children as they argued with each other non stop. It was a disgrace that this event occurred in our highest law making body.
Was I the only one to notice the last line there where Trump STOLE pancakes was an actual headline? That has to be an onion piece, right?

Holy shit news has gone off the rails, lol.
I wouldn't call an ignorant NaziCon monkey throwing feces at the Constitution a beatdown.
An hilarious and accurate summary of the beatdown Lewandowski gave the Dems

That's precisely how all future hostile witnesses need to testify before these hoax-mongering fools, albeit, by even more aggressively punctuating every answer with an allusion to not only Clinton's misconduct, but that of Comey, Brennan, Strzok, McCabe and others. . . .

These clowns are an absolute embarrassment and I look forward with glee to the moderate Dems defending their seats come Nov 2020. Oh yes indeed.
Yeah, Corey really made them look stupid.
Not so sure I would say that.

He was little more than a prop - almost no one bothered to actually ask a question. They were grandstanding but all came off as petulant children as they argued with each other non stop. It was a disgrace that this event occurred in our highest law making body.

Probably why trump polls over twice as high as congress.

You should be here telling the truth
Because the truth will set you free and the American people

Time has expired

I yield back

You may answer the question

I don’t believe there was a question congressman

Very well

Yes there was

Could you repeat the question, I didn’t hear it

I’ll be happy to repeat the question

It was just a rant

It must be nice to live in the:


Where you sing:

I wouldn't call an ignorant NaziCon monkey throwing feces at the Constitution a beatdown.

Ahhhhh, shut up. You leftist swine despise the constitutional Republic of the United States, The Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments, and the sociopolitical theory of the Declaration of Independence. In short, you despise the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law on which this nation was founded. You hate America. The only crimes committed were those of leftist swine in the Clinton campaign, the DOJ and FBI against Trump and the American people, and the Democratic Party in Congress and its propaganda wing of the Manchurian stream media are covering up those crimes.

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