An Honest, Bi-Partisan Look at the 2016 Presidential Election Candidates


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
2016 Presidential Election Candidates: Off-The-Top-Of-Your-Head Analysis


Donald Trump is the epitome of the US Success Story, a story consisting of all the good AND bad that goes along with it. He is intelligent, driven, a manipulator, a narcissist, says what ever he feels, and is far more liberal than he makes out to be - flashes of that shown when he talks about being for a path to citizenship, eminent domain, etc. He is a self-promoter and is always 'in it' for personal gain above anything else. He will do just about anything to be seen as 'one of the people', from professing to have faith to professing to be a die-hard Conservative. Much like Obama, to be a success in business, he has learned to be all things to all people and how to motivate & manipulate. Besides Jeb Bush, he is the next best thing to a 'career politician' for the GOP. He is seen as a 'renegade' who does not care what anyone says - he says and does whatever he wants, which has attracted people....though those same people don't seem to see that he is the same type of man we have had for 7 years, just claiming to be in a different party.

Self-made success story, brain-surgeon, extremely intelligent man; Christian; soft-spoken; NOT much experience being a 'politician' - meaning he often says what he thinks instead of calculating everything carefully before he speaks - like the more polished 'career politicians', leaving himself open to criticism. An honest man, probably making him the biggest 'outsider' in the race. He is NOT 'well-rounded', meaning he would need to choose his Cabinet wisely if elected...and is he TOO soft-spoken?

Successful business woman who has broken through glass ceilings; advisor to John McCain's Presidential campaign in 2008 so no stranger to politics, and Un-successful challenger to Barbara Boxer's seat - still pulling in 42% of the she is not AS much as an 'outsider' as she claims to be; partial draw as '1st female President' potential, seen as 'more trustworthy' than Hillary.

Let's be honest - Jeb Bush is THE GOP 'Washington Establishment' candidate (strike one), and he is another BUSH, seen as a 'dynasty candidate', someone who thinks It is HIS TURN (strike 2). He is more Liberal than Conservative, as shown by him having declared that he is for Amnesty and pretty much everything else going on right now regarding illegal immigration (pro-sanctuary cities, pro-path to citizenship, not highly in favor of enforcing all existing immigration laws, etc...) When asked what his platform would be, his 1st words were nothing to do about helping Americans or America - it was to help and address the status of illegals...demonstrating he has not / is not listening to Americans and - like other politicians - don't care what they have to say because he has his own agenda (Strike 3). He also just proved he has no problem lying to Americans, especially about stupid stuff, as he lied about reorganizing and cutting back his staff because he is almost out of money. If he will lie about the small stuff, he will lie about much bigger things.

*** The other GOP candidates really aren't worth serious mention as, at most, they are running for consideration as 'VP'

THE quintessential 'career politician' and 'Washington Insider in this election: 1st Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, an d now running for President. She also un-deniably carries more baggage with her than any other candidate. Despite her many scandals she still commands much loyalty. The on-going Benghazi investigation, for example, and the evidence which revealed that Hillary most definitely lied about the terrorist attack being a protest over a video and the on-going FBI investigation into her State Department E-mails and potential violations of the law regarding the handling of classified material has done nothing to cause support for her to waiver among Liberals Democrats. Polls do show, however, that Americans consider her to be the least trustworthy candidate in the entire race.

Although he is known as the longest serving 'independent' politician serving in Congress, Bernie is an openly, extremely public member of the Socialist Party and is running for President as a member of the Democratic Party. He is a former mayor of 2 terms before being elected to Congress; however, 'Socialist' is all you really need to know about Sanders, as it explains about everything there is to know about the man's ideology and political agenda / ideas.
Trump isn't all that different from Obama as far as personality, and I think he is more Liberal than he shows / people know.

Carson is a good descent man without much experience and may be seen as 'too soft-spoken'.

Fiorina is missing 'something'. While hanging around in 3rd and is a descent candidate, I am not sure if she can make the successful case to be President. If '1st woman President' is her 'ace', she is seen as more trustworthy than Clinton, but that is not enough to win her the election IMO.

Jeb Bush might as well drop out now as no one likes the idea of a 'dynasty' candidate, especially one who thinks it is 'THEIR TURN', which includes Hillary Clinton. The name 'Bush' hurts him to begin with...and when your own momma says you shouldn't be President / she wouldn't vote for you that says a lot.

Hillary is too much of a self/party-serving, ME-1st career politician. I honestly believe the woman would f* a snake if it meant she would win the Presidency. 'Chameleon' is a good description for her, as she has 'flip-flopped' on so many issues - much like Obama admitted in his own book, Hillary has also learned to be all things to all people to get what she wants...and she has proven what she wants is what's best for Hillary.

Bernie is an old white Socialist. Even members of his own party say he just can't win. Bernie is hanging on but will not stand a chance against the Clinton 'Juggernaut'.

The race within the GOP will be far more interesting as there is no real race within the DNC. The only thing that can de-rail Hillary from being the DNC candidate is the on-going FBI investigation...and Obama has already relayed to the DOJ they will be doing NOTHING no matter what the FBI claims to find.
2016 Presidential Election Candidates: Off-The-Top-Of-Your-Head Analysis


Donald Trump is the epitome of the US Success Story, a story consisting of all the good AND bad that goes along with it. He is intelligent, driven, a manipulator, a narcissist, says what ever he feels, and is far more liberal than he makes out to be - flashes of that shown when he talks about being for a path to citizenship, eminent domain, etc. He is a self-promoter and is always 'in it' for personal gain above anything else. He will do just about anything to be seen as 'one of the people', from professing to have faith to professing to be a die-hard Conservative. Much like Obama, to be a success in business, he has learned to be all things to all people and how to motivate & manipulate. Besides Jeb Bush, he is the next best thing to a 'career politician' for the GOP. He is seen as a 'renegade' who does not care what anyone says - he says and does whatever he wants, which has attracted people....though those same people don't seem to see that he is the same type of man we have had for 7 years, just claiming to be in a different party.

Self-made success story, brain-surgeon, extremely intelligent man; Christian; soft-spoken; NOT much experience being a 'politician' - meaning he often says what he thinks instead of calculating everything carefully before he speaks - like the more polished 'career politicians', leaving himself open to criticism. An honest man, probably making him the biggest 'outsider' in the race. He is NOT 'well-rounded', meaning he would need to choose his Cabinet wisely if elected...and is he TOO soft-spoken?

Successful business woman who has broken through glass ceilings; advisor to John McCain's Presidential campaign in 2008 so no stranger to politics, and Un-successful challenger to Barbara Boxer's seat - still pulling in 42% of the she is not AS much as an 'outsider' as she claims to be; partial draw as '1st female President' potential, seen as 'more trustworthy' than Hillary.

Let's be honest - Jeb Bush is THE GOP 'Washington Establishment' candidate (strike one), and he is another BUSH, seen as a 'dynasty candidate', someone who thinks It is HIS TURN (strike 2). He is more Liberal than Conservative, as shown by him having declared that he is for Amnesty and pretty much everything else going on right now regarding illegal immigration (pro-sanctuary cities, pro-path to citizenship, not highly in favor of enforcing all existing immigration laws, etc...) When asked what his platform would be, his 1st words were nothing to do about helping Americans or America - it was to help and address the status of illegals...demonstrating he has not / is not listening to Americans and - like other politicians - don't care what they have to say because he has his own agenda (Strike 3). He also just proved he has no problem lying to Americans, especially about stupid stuff, as he lied about reorganizing and cutting back his staff because he is almost out of money. If he will lie about the small stuff, he will lie about much bigger things.

*** The other GOP candidates really aren't worth serious mention as, at most, they are running for consideration as 'VP'

THE quintessential 'career politician' and 'Washington Insider in this election: 1st Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, an d now running for President. She also un-deniably carries more baggage with her than any other candidate. Despite her many scandals she still commands much loyalty. The on-going Benghazi investigation, for example, and the evidence which revealed that Hillary most definitely lied about the terrorist attack being a protest over a video and the on-going FBI investigation into her State Department E-mails and potential violations of the law regarding the handling of classified material has done nothing to cause support for her to waiver among Liberals Democrats. Polls do show, however, that Americans consider her to be the least trustworthy candidate in the entire race.

Although he is known as the longest serving 'independent' politician serving in Congress, Bernie is an openly, extremely public member of the Socialist Party and is running for President as a member of the Democratic Party. He is a former mayor of 2 terms before being elected to Congress; however, 'Socialist' is all you really need to know about Sanders, as it explains about everything there is to know about the man's ideology and political agenda / ideas.
Rather missed the "honest" party there, by a few country miles...
The moment you called Trump intelligent, your title became a lie.
Thank you for your opinion, as ignorant as it may be. I assume you would consider yourself 'intelligent', and since Trump is infinitely more successful that you are, more wealthy than you will ever be, more highly connected, and successfully the front-runner in the GOP I would consider that 'intelligent'. You are just letting your hatred / bias for the man cloud your intellectual assessment. Understood...

So far the responses have been tempered with bias / opinion to an extent (while offering no evidence to support their opinion), but that is expected and ok for discussion / debate....
The moment you called Trump intelligent, your title became a lie.
I felt the same way as soon as I saw "honest" in the title. Anyone who's being honest doesn't have to broadcast it. We'll just know.
Trump's more...Off the cuff think it is than Obama was when still a candidate. Obama had better oratory, but Trump's more 'really speaking instead of giving a speech.' Once elected and reading speeches off teleprompters, President Obama like every politician was unlistenable. :)

Trump right now I can sit there and listen for a bit. Everyone else already suffers from the canned, reading a speech problem.
The only thing that can de-rail Hillary from being the DNC candidate is the on-going FBI investigation...and Obama has already relayed to the DOJ they will be doing NOTHING no matter what the FBI claims to find.

Should the FBI find something actionable, whether or not the DOJ actually prosecutes it will be moot. Whatever they find will work its way into the public arena, and she will have to deal with it there, right in the middle of her campaign.
I assume you would consider yourself 'intelligent'

Well, I assume that I am. My intelligence has been clinically measured as being in the 99.8 percentile. Statistically speaking, it would be pretty safe to assume that I'm more intelligent than anyone you've ever met. Most people in "the biz" would tell you that they've never met someone who scored that high. There are some who would find it difficult to believe me, simply on the statistical unlikelihood of encountering someone who scores so high.

But I don't know. I mean, maybe the experts are wrong. And....ya know....all this thinking stuff. It doesn't feel difficult to me. Maybe it's just that everyone else is really dumb. :dunno:

and since Trump is infinitely more successful that you are

That's a funny thing to say. This idea of "successful" that people always talk about. It's so.....vague. And subjective. I'd like to see Trump trying to play an ukulele and then we'll see who's the real success in life.


more wealthy than you will ever be

But at least I'll never have to declare bankruptcy.

more highly connected

You mean, he rubs elbows with more liars, crooks, and scumbags? I guess my plan to live the simple life with a small circle of a few close friends of high character is going the way I intended.

and successfully the front-runner in the GOP I would consider that 'intelligent'.

HA! If that's your criteria, then you're not so bright yourself.

You are just letting your hatred / bias for the man cloud your intellectual assessment. Understood...

So, anyone who does not worship Trump as you seem to be doing, is hindered by hatred and bias? Wow, you're deranged. And I was right, you're definitely not very bright. Trump is playing you, you fucking tool. Trump is a Democrat in sheep's clothing. He's making fun of you. And here you are, worshipping the man as if he were the Second Coming.

So far the responses have been tempered with bias / opinion to an extent (while offering no evidence to support their opinion), but that is expected and ok for discussion / debate....

Well, now that we've had the proper time to adapt, we can all adjust our responses to "knock, knock" format. Because you're clearly a joke.
"Well, I assume that I am. My intelligence has been clinically measured as being in the 99.8 percentile. Statistically speaking, it would be pretty safe to assume that I'm more intelligent than anyone you've ever met."


'LINK'? 'Evidence' of ANY kind other than your narcissistic fabricated opinion? By what I have read from you, it would be safer to say my Shih Tzu has a higher IQ than you...
"Well, I assume that I am. My intelligence has been clinically measured as being in the 99.8 percentile. Statistically speaking, it would be pretty safe to assume that I'm more intelligent than anyone you've ever met."


'LINK'? 'Evidence' of ANY kind other than your narcissistic fabricated opinion? By what I have read from you, it would be safer to say my Shih Tzu has a higher IQ than you...

Gee, you go me there. Your brilliance is a tidal crash upon the rose petal of my inferiority.
"Well, I assume that I am. My intelligence has been clinically measured as being in the 99.8 percentile. Statistically speaking, it would be pretty safe to assume that I'm more intelligent than anyone you've ever met."


'LINK'? 'Evidence' of ANY kind other than your narcissistic fabricated opinion? By what I have read from you, it would be safer to say my Shih Tzu has a higher IQ than you...

Gee, you go me there. Your brilliance is a tidal crash upon the rose petal of my inferiority.

Yah, I heard it before on the Big Bang Theory from Sheldon: "I am NOT crazy - my mother had me tested.' Good for you, Swim!

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