CDZ An idea regarding the American media

there was no vandalism or looting aka destruction of property that we know of”
That was written within hours of the event

If you will review all my posts you will see a different opinion

Correct. So, contrary to what you previously said, you did in fact say that there was no destruction.

Once again, how is it that I knew there was destruction within hours of the event but you were lead to believe that there was no destruction hours after the event? Immediately after you made the false claim that there was no destruction, I corrected you showing you direct footage of destruction. I had seen this footage. Why hadn't you?

You were aware of the event but unaware of the destruction. Your right-wing propaganda failed to inform you of the destruction that took place hours ago. You were only aware of the shade of truth that your right-wing media informed you of and it caused you to make a claim that was a flat-out lie. There was in fact destruction.
Which, of course, PALES in comparison the the Blm/ANTIFA destruction which is now approaching 2 billion dollars, and which our 5th column media encourages and supports.

This entire thread is nothing but a ruse being made by extremely rigid lock step leftists to actually increase the corruption inherent in our media rather than reduce it.
but have you protested FaceBook and Twitter silencing trump or trump supporters on their platforms?

no, of course you havent

Should a business be free to conduct itself the way it wants or shouldn't it? Should a baker be forced to make a wedding cake for a gay couple or not? I thought the agreement was that a business should be able to regulate itself and its own rules, while staying within the confines of the law, and the free market would handle the rest.

I think you should be free to create your own social media website and enforce any arbitrary rules you would like, including the silencing of people you wish. If you don't like the way a company is operating, then simply go somewhere else. If you don't like the baker's rules, then go to a different bakery. Can't have it both ways.
So, contrary to what you previously said, you did in fact say that there was no destruction.
I think I said no KNOWN destruction at the time

later we found out otherwise

you really are good at ankle biting but short on the big picture
We already see on social media how standards are arbitrarily applied I really don’t see how it would be any different with this proposed body. The point about today’s media is certainly valid but until the media it’s self is willing to admit to the problems in the industry I don’t see anything changing.
Should a business be free to conduct itself the way it wants or shouldn't it?
You are hiding behind a thin reed

I am suggesting that the liberal mind cannot tolerate dissenting opinions and demands absolute conformity of thought

you, FaceBook and Twitter among others are perfect examples
Which, of course, PALES in comparison the the Blm/ANTIFA

I've been very clear on this. See my signature.
You have made it clear that you focus on transgression from the right that pale in comparison to those on the left in terms of prevalence, magnitude and degree of tolerance for these acts from our media.

You ignore the GLARING example of media bias while nitpicking in order to attack the other side.
You know, folks, it should be patently obvious to any thinking individual that the mainstream has a bias and where that bias lies. For the lock step leftists here to use this thread as just one more exercise in their de rigueur fingerpointing only confirms that they are not actually interested in solutions.

There can be no solutions when hyper-partisans are doing everything in their power to distract away from the actual problem.
I think I said no KNOWN destruction at the time

later we found out otherwise

There was known destruction. I showed you the known destruction immediately after you made the false claim that there was no known destruction.
Should a business be free to conduct itself the way it wants or shouldn't it?
You are hiding behind a thin reed

I am suggesting that the liberal mind cannot tolerate dissenting opinions and demands absolute conformity of thought

you, FaceBook and Twitter among others are perfect examples

If the gay baker is allowed to deny service to someone because of personal disagreements then I believe Facebook is also allowed to deny service to someone as well.

Ultimately, I think it needs to be equal and as long as we’re consistent then that’s fine with me. If the gay baker doesn’t want to serve the cake, then I’m fine with that. But you have to understand that there’s another side to that. You can’t have it both ways.

Personally I am in favor of dissenting opinions. It’s part of the reason I’m here, a very conservative message board.

If it were up to me, I wouldn’t want anyone censored at all. But it’s not up to me. It’s up to them to decide how they want to conduct their business. And if you don’t like the way the baker runs his business, then you go to a different bakery. Simple as that.
You have made it clear that you focus on transgression from the right that pale in comparison to those on the left in terms of prevalence, magnitude and degree of tolerance for these acts from our media.

I’ve criticized both sides deserving of criticism. My signature makes that as clear as I can.
The media itself feeds in to that. We now have a large segment of the populace that is getting a distorted, incomplete, intellectually dishonest view of reality (from both ends) and thinking it's "the truth" without questioning it. If they report something in a way that doesn't comport with our worldview, we change the channel. We don't want to know.

We have another large segment that cares far more about who won "Dancing With The Stars" than anything going on at any level of government, who wouldn't be able to answer the most simple of civics questions if their life depended on it.

Self-inflicted wound, as usual. We've become fat, lazy, spoiled and entitled, we've dropped our standards into the gutter, and this is the predictable outcome.
This is my mandatory I hate "No Child Left Behind" and "Every Child Succeeds" post. Both parties have chosen to make sure the latest generations have to learn how to do critical thinking on their own, rather than exercising it in the classrooms.
If they report something in a way that doesn't comport with our worldview, we change the channel.

This. Exactly this. We fill ourselves with the information that we want to hear and it's absolutely pathetic.

And these news organizations feed into this. They know exactly how to keep people clicking on their stories. They know what their audience wants to hear. Look at what has happened with Fox news recently.

We saw it play out in real time here. As Fox news started gradually shifting against Trump, the conservatives on this site started turning away from Fox News.

I'm not perfect at this, but personally, I like to get different perspectives. It's part of the reason I'm here on a very conservative-leaning message board.

We have another large segment that cares far more about who won "Dancing With The Stars" than anything going on at any level of government, who wouldn't be able to answer the most simple of civics questions if their life depended on it.

Now it's my turn to be a bit more optimistic.

I think Trump may have changed this. Politics used to be boring but the last four years proved to be...interesting for lack of a better word. Almost everyone had an opinion, whether for or against, the Trump administration. We saw a record-breaking amount of new voters.

Trump may have turned on an entire generation of people who were otherwise apolitical. The question moving forward will be how many people remain engaged and how many people drop out. I think we can expect a drop in vote totals next election, but I'm sure we will also have some people stay engaged.
Should a business be free to conduct itself the way it wants or shouldn't it?
You are hiding behind a thin reed

I am suggesting that the liberal mind cannot tolerate dissenting opinions and demands absolute conformity of thought

you, FaceBook and Twitter among others are perfect examples
If the gay baker is allowed to deny service to someone because of personal disagreements then I believe Facebook is also allowed to deny service to someone as well.
Well... I believe it was a religious baker denying service to a gay someone... But I understand your point. Thing is I'm pretty sure he DID HAVE TO BAKE THEM A CAKE per the law... They just couldn't force him to use his artistic abilities for said cake.

If that's true ( take it with a grain of salt, pretty sure they settled before it got that far in courts ) then in this reference Facebook should be forced to host said opinions, but not required to promote or stop others from from ignoring you. Assuming of course that they are a platform and not a publisher.

If you are a publisher I absolutely agree that they have the right to do whatever they want on their site.
Should a business be free to conduct itself the way it wants or shouldn't it?
You are hiding behind a thin reed

I am suggesting that the liberal mind cannot tolerate dissenting opinions and demands absolute conformity of thought

you, FaceBook and Twitter among others are perfect examples
If the gay baker is allowed to deny service to someone because of personal disagreements then I believe Facebook is also allowed to deny service to someone as well.
Well... I believe it was a religious baker denying service to a gay someone... But I understand your point. Thing is I'm pretty sure he DID HAVE TO BAKE THEM A CAKE per the law... They just couldn't force him to use his artistic abilities for said cake.

If that's true ( take it with a grain of salt, pretty sure they settled before it got that far in courts ) then in this reference Facebook should be forced to host said opinions, but not required to promote or stop others from from ignoring you. Assuming of course that they are a platform and not a publisher.

If you are a publisher I absolutely agree that they have the right to do whatever they want on their site.

You may be right but it seems like splitting hairs to me. I think the point I'm trying to make is that they should be able to conduct their business however they want, including refusing or at least minimizing their service to others.

Cake baker can say he's not going to make his fancy cakes for gay customers. Facebook can say they're not going to give the same privileges to certain users. It's up to them as far as I am concerned.

Personally, I wish conservatives would just create their own social media platform and go to that. They bitch and moan about how mean Facebook and Twitter are. Then they boycott them. Then they come back to them and bitch and moan some more. Just go do your own thing and run it however the hell you want. If they want to remove all liberals or anyone who doesn't worship Trump, fine. Go for it and have fun.
If the gay baker is allowed to deny service to someone because of personal disagreements then I believe Facebook is also allowed to deny service to someone as well.
Are you equating Facebook with thousands of homosexuals worldwide on their keyboards persecuting conservatives to one homosexual baker somewhere in America?

Don't make me laugh
Should a business be free to conduct itself the way it wants or shouldn't it?
You are hiding behind a thin reed

I am suggesting that the liberal mind cannot tolerate dissenting opinions and demands absolute conformity of thought

you, FaceBook and Twitter among others are perfect examples
If the gay baker is allowed to deny service to someone because of personal disagreements then I believe Facebook is also allowed to deny service to someone as well.
Well... I believe it was a religious baker denying service to a gay someone... But I understand your point. Thing is I'm pretty sure he DID HAVE TO BAKE THEM A CAKE per the law... They just couldn't force him to use his artistic abilities for said cake.

If that's true ( take it with a grain of salt, pretty sure they settled before it got that far in courts ) then in this reference Facebook should be forced to host said opinions, but not required to promote or stop others from from ignoring you. Assuming of course that they are a platform and not a publisher.

If you are a publisher I absolutely agree that they have the right to do whatever they want on their site.
a better comparison is a white cafe owner denying service to black people when there are no other choices for food.

FaceBook is a monopoly and so is Twitter
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If the gay baker is allowed to deny service to someone because of personal disagreements then I believe Facebook is also allowed to deny service to someone as well.
Are you equating Facebook with thousands of homosexuals worldwide on their keyboards persecuting conservatives to one homosexual baker somewhere in America?

Don't make me laugh

You're making an argument that the size of the business changes this.

Do you think small and large businesses should get different treatment? Because I don't agree.
You're making an argument that the size of the business changes this.

Do you think small and large businesses should get different treatment? Because I don't agree.
they always have

Think Standard Oil in 1911

It was broken up because it was ruled a detriment to the nation
If they report something in a way that doesn't comport with our worldview, we change the channel.

This. Exactly this. We fill ourselves with the information that we want to hear and it's absolutely pathetic.

And these news organizations feed into this. They know exactly how to keep people clicking on their stories. They know what their audience wants to hear. Look at what has happened with Fox news recently.

We saw it play out in real time here. As Fox news started gradually shifting against Trump, the conservatives on this site started turning away from Fox News.

I'm not perfect at this, but personally, I like to get different perspectives. It's part of the reason I'm here on a very conservative-leaning message board.

We have another large segment that cares far more about who won "Dancing With The Stars" than anything going on at any level of government, who wouldn't be able to answer the most simple of civics questions if their life depended on it.

Now it's my turn to be a bit more optimistic.

I think Trump may have changed this. Politics used to be boring but the last four years proved to be...interesting for lack of a better word. Almost everyone had an opinion, whether for or against, the Trump administration. We saw a record-breaking amount of new voters.

Trump may have turned on an entire generation of people who were otherwise apolitical. The question moving forward will be how many people remain engaged and how many people drop out. I think we can expect a drop in vote totals next election, but I'm sure we will also have some people stay engaged.
I very much hope you're right, and anecdotally, our daughters (22 and 25) couldn't WAIT to vote. Yeah, let's hope they can stay engaged in decent numbers. Ironically, Trump may have awakened a sleeping giant. Here's hoping.

The compartmentalization of our "news" sources is a serious problem, though. Looking back, it was inevitable with the proliferation of the internet. I just don't know how to raise standards and expectations without some kind of structure in place to provide a foundation and accountability.

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