An image that will haunt him to the grave.

Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.
Tell what the irony is, muslim.
That the most anti free speech jackass ever is now deciding what is and isnt acceptable. It is beyond absurd.

This, coming from the guy who's nation has some of the oppressive speech laws in the western world
You have a president literally wrapping himself up in the flag and announcing that he is going to set the bar on free speech. When will any of this concern you ?

Demanding federally funded colleges to allow free speech is a concern to you?
President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.
His attitude towards the free press indicates that he is only interested in a press that is supportive of Donny. Anything he doesnt like is dismissed as fake news. The idea that he can define standards of free speech is risible.

Maybe he can rope in Hannity as a consultant ?

Hey Tommy Tard….

Our magnificent President is only against FAKE NEWS,

you know like what you get from the likes of cnn, msnbctard

and all the rest of the lame stream lying libtard media…

Trump suggested withholding funds from colleges that

discriminate against Republicans……..

Please tell me you don’t support discrimination…..
I am not English.
Welsh? Scottish? Surely not Irish. It doesn't matter. You are certainly not one to give lessons on free speech guarantees
considering you are from a place that long ago hollowed out the meaning of free speech and made a sick joke of the concept.
Tell what the irony is, muslim.
That the most anti free speech jackass ever is now deciding what is and isnt acceptable. It is beyond absurd.

This, coming from the guy who's nation has some of the oppressive speech laws in the western world
You have a president literally wrapping himself up in the flag and announcing that he is going to set the bar on free speech. When will any of this concern you ?

The goal is to get universities to protect the free speech of conservatives, not hamper the free speech of liberals or even the schools.

Conservative speakers have been heckled mercilessly and hounded right off the campus to where they can't even give the speech they were invited to give. On one or two occasions the schools themselves cancelled conservative speaker appearances because of concerns about safety.

Trump is not the bad guy here and this measure is specifically due to the harassment conservative students and speakers receive on campuses.
But trump is the last person to judge what is acceptable free speech. There are examples of his idiocy too many to list.

I've already explained this. He's not saying what is acceptable free speech, he's only asking the schools to do a better job of protecting free speech, particularly that of conservatives.
That the most anti free speech jackass ever is now deciding what is and isnt acceptable. It is beyond absurd.

This, coming from the guy who's nation has some of the oppressive speech laws in the western world
You have a president literally wrapping himself up in the flag and announcing that he is going to set the bar on free speech. When will any of this concern you ?

The goal is to get universities to protect the free speech of conservatives, not hamper the free speech of liberals or even the schools.

Conservative speakers have been heckled mercilessly and hounded right off the campus to where they can't even give the speech they were invited to give. On one or two occasions the schools themselves cancelled conservative speaker appearances because of concerns about safety.

Trump is not the bad guy here and this measure is specifically due to the harassment conservative students and speakers receive on campuses.
But trump is the last person to judge what is acceptable free speech. There are examples of his idiocy too many to list.

I've already explained this. He's not saying what is acceptable free speech, he's only asking the schools to do a better job of protecting free speech, particularly that of conservatives.
But he is linking it to research funding. The two are not linked unless as part of a threat.
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.
That's because colleges in the US have turned into brainwashing factories where hatred, intolerance and violence towards any POV that opposes the radical Left is practiced openly.

UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist
It's weird how someone like Tommy can be smart and stupid at the same time. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
Trump is trying to create as much madness and trauma in the left before 2020 as he can.....and by this thread it seems to be working.....
You let a grandstanding show man lead the country and you'll end up with a circus. Your kids will think it's necessary to lie and surround themselves with criminals to be successful.
So what's your suggestion, let one one these con artist commie crooks on the Left run the country?
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.
That's because colleges in the US have turned into brainwashing factories where hatred, intolerance and violence towards any POV that opposes the radical Left is practiced openly.

UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist
But your link shows that this is not tolerated.
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.

We know Brits abhor free speech. It really must wrinkle your ass that he pushes freedom of speech on Marxist infested college campuses.
There is no such thing as the "constitution" in the UK. They've been spying on their people for decades now.
Tell what the irony is, muslim.
That the most anti free speech jackass ever is now deciding what is and isnt acceptable. It is beyond absurd.

This, coming from the guy who's nation has some of the oppressive speech laws in the western world
You have a president literally wrapping himself up in the flag and announcing that he is going to set the bar on free speech. When will any of this concern you ?

The goal is to get universities to protect the free speech of conservatives, not hamper the free speech of liberals or even the schools.

Conservative speakers have been heckled mercilessly and hounded right off the campus to where they can't even give the speech they were invited to give. On one or two occasions the schools themselves cancelled conservative speaker appearances because of concerns about safety.

Trump is not the bad guy here and this measure is specifically due to the harassment conservative students and speakers receive on campuses.
But trump is the last person to judge what is acceptable free speech. There are examples of his idiocy too many to list.
Trump has been far more open to the press and held significantly more press conferences than your fascist Obama.
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.
That's because colleges in the US have turned into brainwashing factories where hatred, intolerance and violence towards any POV that opposes the radical Left is practiced openly.

UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist
But your link shows that this is not tolerated.
My link shows that a piece of shit intolerant violent Leftard punched a conservative in the face for merely expressing an opinion. Intolerance and violence towards conservatives is practiced openly across faculty and students in US academia.
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.

I just can't wait to see the left try and rationalize being opposed to free speech.
Supporting free speech means upholding hate speech. Didn't you already know that?
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.
That's because colleges in the US have turned into brainwashing factories where hatred, intolerance and violence towards any POV that opposes the radical Left is practiced openly.

UC-Berkeley police arrest suspect in campus attack on conservative activist
But your link shows that this is not tolerated.
My link shows that a piece of shit intolerant violent Leftard punched a conservative in the face for merely expressing an opinion. Intolerance and violence towards conservatives is practiced openly across faculty and students in US academia.
And he was arrested for doing so. What else would you ave the college do ?
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

You may think that's a case of shameless, distasteful, odious pandering to gullible goofs, but really, he did it because it's correctly calculated, and it works with his "base".

You may think it will haunt him. It won't, because those who see through that bullshit he doesn't care about. Those who don't you see on here in fits of rage over your objections to the Dear Leader's mindlessness.
This, coming from the guy who's nation has some of the oppressive speech laws in the western world
You have a president literally wrapping himself up in the flag and announcing that he is going to set the bar on free speech. When will any of this concern you ?

The goal is to get universities to protect the free speech of conservatives, not hamper the free speech of liberals or even the schools.

Conservative speakers have been heckled mercilessly and hounded right off the campus to where they can't even give the speech they were invited to give. On one or two occasions the schools themselves cancelled conservative speaker appearances because of concerns about safety.

Trump is not the bad guy here and this measure is specifically due to the harassment conservative students and speakers receive on campuses.
But trump is the last person to judge what is acceptable free speech. There are examples of his idiocy too many to list.

I've already explained this. He's not saying what is acceptable free speech, he's only asking the schools to do a better job of protecting free speech, particularly that of conservatives.
But he is linking it to research funding. The two are not linked unless as part of a threat.

Schools that take government money need to beaware of the consequences. It it is a private school with no federal funding, they are a private enterprise however the colleges that take federal funds, then they are a government entity and need to follow the First Amendment. Pretty simple, and very correct.
Trump: Colleges that don't support 'free speech' will lose federal funding


President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.

That is according to the Washington Post.

Trump made the point at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. He said he will soon sign an executive order making this official.

He truly cannot see the irony in what he is saying.

We know Brits abhor free speech. It really must wrinkle your ass that he pushes freedom of speech on Marxist infested college campuses.

Indeed. When Trump said how the Left was trying to use BULLSHIT on him, I could see the Queen and all her panty-led European elitist pogs all wrinkling their noses and tightening their asses in horror and disdain.
Mate, I fucking despise the royal family and would be happy to see them lined up against a wall. But Liz has more class in her little finger than trump could buy with all his billions.

And you know that because you've stood in front of him and seen him live how many times? I've seen him live in person up close twice. All you know about the man is what the hostile media presents to you, who are committed to making him look as bad as they possibly can. The worst thing Trump is guilty of is being politically incorrect and saying what he really thinks and feels. That is what America wants in a leader and why they put him in office. Get used to it.

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