Zone1 An important correction I need to make in something I wrote here


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I made a mistake when I said or implied that 99% of people go to Purgatory before going on to Heaven

I meant to say that 99% of those bound for Heaven go to Purgatory first--- DEFINITELY NOT 99% of humans, just Christians (real ones)

Jesus said that FEW find the narrow way

Canonized saints have said (in so many words) EXCEEDINGLY few

Looking around at current events and etc... one can certainly see how this is so
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I meant to say that 99% of those bound for Heaven go to Purgatory first--- DEFINITELY NOT 99% of humans, just Christians.
1. What percentage of Christians do you think are bound for Heaven?
2. Do non-Christians go to Purgatory or just straight to Hell?
3. Where do Jews fit into this scheme?
1. What percentage of Christians do you think are bound for Heaven?
2. Do non-Christians go to Purgatory or just straight to Hell?
3. Where do Jews fit into this scheme?
Those who reject Christ go to Hell. It is the unforgivable sin

That's partly because it is obvious that Jesus was God. He raised people from the dead and etc...

And only HE can raise one's soul from the dead of sinfulness
1. What percentage of Christians do you think are bound for Heaven?
2. Do non-Christians go to Purgatory or just straight to Hell?
3. Where do Jews fit into this scheme?
The answer that 1misery tells you is not the word of God. It is the word of 1misery who I find blastphomous.
I made a mistake when I said or implied that 99% of people go to Purgatory before going on to Heaven

I meant to say that 99% of those bound for Heaven go to Purgatory first--- DEFINITELY NOT 99% of humans, just Christians (real ones)
Either way such Cult nonsense is side splitting .
Where in Scripture can I find purgatory OP?
Mt 18:23

the scriptures about being saved... will be saved...

Also in a book the Protestants threw out (Luther and continuing) Maccabees,

there was prayer for dead soldiers on the battlefield.The commander had the still living pray for their comrades in arms who didn't make it
The answer that 1misery tells you is not the word of God. It is the word of 1misery who I find blastphomous.
So now you are accusing JESUS of lying?

Jesus said that FEW find the narrow Way

Then there is this: Whatever you say to ME you say to Jesus Christ

Mt 25:31-46
Those who reject Christ go to Hell. It is the unforgivable sin
THat's kind of fucked up, yo!

One of the nicest people I know was born in Japan and is a Buddhist.

So you are saying that she should go to Hell because she worshipped the wrong guy?
Mt 25:31-46
That is what Mathew says.
He also says
Matthew 7:21—from the Sermon on the Mount: "'Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
That can be interpretted as Jews going to heaven because Jesus's father is the God Jews worship.

Some Christians interpret the Bible says only 144,000 wil go to heaven.
What does the King James version say about the 144,000?
[3] And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. [4] These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.

Mortal man must be humble in belief and not all knowing.
Mt 18:23

the scriptures about being saved... will be saved...

Also in a book the Protestants threw out (Luther and continuing) Maccabees,

there was prayer for dead soldiers on the battlefield.The commander had the still living pray for their comrades in arms who didn't make it
Sir, that passage of Scripture is clearly about forgiveness, clearly.

I distinctly remember commenting about the topic of forgiveness in another thread in recent weeks.

It's something you have to practice and have in your heart in order to make it to heaven.

Where do you get purgatory from in this passage?
THat's kind of fucked up, yo!

One of the nicest people I know was born in Japan and is a Buddhist.

So you are saying that she should go to Hell because she worshipped the wrong guy?
I didn't make the Rules

Maybe you could talk to the Man Upstairs

but you're probably askeerdt of that
Sir, that passage of Scripture is clearly about forgiveness, clearly.

I distinctly remember commenting about the topic of forgiveness in another thread in recent weeks.

It's something you have to practice and have in your heart in order to make it to heaven.

Where do you get purgatory from in this passage?
nice dodge

no mention of the Book thrown out by Protesters RE praying for the dead... figures..

ho hum.. should be used to this fakery :bigbed:
I didn't make the Rules
Frankly, your God kind of sounds like a Batman Villian.

You know, like that scene in The Dark Knight, where the Joker puts bombs on two boats, and gives people on the other boat the control to the bomb, to see who would blow up the people in the other boat first.

I'm not sure why you want to worship a sadist. I refuse to.
Frankly, your God kind of sounds like a Batman Villian.

You know, like that scene in The Dark Knight, where the Joker
too bad. Reality bites

I don't always "like" God much either... meaning: some of the evils he obviously allows.. 65 million babies murdered because of stupid humans and their Roe decision and I could go on all day. But "the system" is what it is
Frankly, your God kind of sounds like a Batman Villian.

You know, like that scene in The Dark Knight, where the Joker puts bombs on two boats, and gives people on the other boat the control to the bomb, to see who would blow up the people in the other boat first.

I'm not sure why you want to worship a sadist. I refuse to.
Who would worship such a vengeful God?
Who would worship such a vengeful God?
When I am in the Real Presence of Christ, the tangible Presence found in HIS Church.. I feel nothing but LOVE and acceptance and HELPFUL guidance/suggestions

True, at times in the past I have also felt.. uh... uncomfortable feelings surrounding my sinfulness, but again, Jesus HELPS us to overcome such

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