An interesting development in the "pardon" charade...

Poor Natalie, she's self soothing again........

The TDS is strong in this one - at least 5 threads a day about TRUMP!!!! TRUMP!!!!!TRUMP!!!!!

Obviously you're a're following all five?....You are way too kind.....
Trump is acting like a fucking pussy, Dems keep take shot after shot against him and he refuses to hit back. He knows hes going to have to take out his enemies like the Corleone Baptism.

I wonder what hes planning....
and they don't care if they have to wipe their ass on the Constitution to do it.

By all means...find the Constitutional breaches....Go on....(but after you change your diaper, that is)
This is why Trump was able to pardon Arpaio to begin with. obama sent dozens of civil rights attorneys to Arizona to discover or make up charges. Eric Holder personally undertook the Arpaio investigation. The one thing obama was not going to trust was faking state crime charges that would be pardoned by a republican governor. So he made up federal charges, denied Arpaio trial by jury and found a rubber stamp judge. Simple. The only thing the demofarts never considered was a republican president interested in undoing obama's damage.

Now does it make sense?
No, a lie never makes sense to an honest person.

Actually it was BUSH's DOJ who started the investigation into Arpaio in June 2008 after
in 2007 Arpaio’s deputies detained Manuel de Jesus Ortega Melendres for nine hours. Melendres was a Mexican tourist with a valid tourist visa. Melendres sued on the basis of racial profiling.

Federal district Judge G. Murray Snow issued a preliminary injunction, telling Arpaio and his department to stop detaining people without a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed.

Snow has no ties to the Obama administration. He was nominated by President George W. Bush in 2007. Snow followed up with a permanent injunction in 2013.
Foreseeing that some right wingers will contend that Manafort (or Flynn, or Kushner, etc.) haven't done anything wrong in New York, residency is a factor....Regarding crooked Manafort......

.The probe by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, one of the most outspoken critics of the president, is in a preliminary stage, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named because the investigation isn’t public. Manafort, who ran Trump’s campaign from April to August last year, has owned property in the Hamptons and Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is also in the early stages of an investigation into Manafort’s transactions, a person familiar with that probe said. Representatives for Schneiderman and Vance declined to comment.

The inquiries by the two Democrats could pose added legal peril for Manafort if investigators find evidence of a crime. Unlike a probe by the US Justice Department and FBI, the president and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have no authority over New York state investigators scrutinizing whether Manafort broke state laws. Schneiderman is responsible for enforcing New York’s securities laws under the Martin Act, which gives him broad powers to pursue white-collar crime.

New York officials said to be probing former Trump aide Paul Manafort’s real-estate deals - The Boston Globe
What's the probable cause for issuing any warrants?

Schlonging Hillary
What's the probable cause for issuing any warrants?

Its those damn judges who Trump hates that issue those warrants....Wait to see what they state...Patience, babybu
Their warrants will be thrown out by a higher court - ultimately the Supreme Court, if it gets that far. However, I predict it won't get past the scheming stage. What judge is going to approve a warrant with no probable cause?
So what you are saying anything they can do to get Trump is just fine. Perhaps you haven't heard, but I guarantee that all the people called have by now, their testimony at the grand jury can be I refuse to answer that question. The only way to compel testimony is through immunity. Now, thanks to you and Mueller, that is off the table since every state would have to grant immunity as well as the Feds.

Every underhanded trick you come up with sitting there fantasizing about Trump going just makes it more unlikely.

No, what he's saying is there is something called " the rule of law". Even the president is not above it.
Nor are you crooked democrats.
This is why Trump was able to pardon Arpaio to begin with. obama sent dozens of civil rights attorneys to Arizona to discover or make up charges. Eric Holder personally undertook the Arpaio investigation. The one thing obama was not going to trust was faking state crime charges that would be pardoned by a republican governor. So he made up federal charges, denied Arpaio trial by jury and found a rubber stamp judge. Simple. The only thing the demofarts never considered was a republican president interested in undoing obama's damage.

Now does it make sense?
No, a lie never makes sense to an honest person.

Actually it was BUSH's DOJ who started the investigation into Arpaio in June 2008 after
in 2007 Arpaio’s deputies detained Manuel de Jesus Ortega Melendres for nine hours. Melendres was a Mexican tourist with a valid tourist visa. Melendres sued on the basis of racial profiling.

Federal district Judge G. Murray Snow issued a preliminary injunction, telling Arpaio and his department to stop detaining people without a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed.

Snow has no ties to the Obama administration. He was nominated by President George W. Bush in 2007. Snow followed up with a permanent injunction in 2013.
Bush is an open borders douche bag. He was almost as bad as Obama on the immigration issue.
Some of us have speculated that the Arpaio pardon was a "silent" assurance to the long list of Trump former and current staff that if they were ever indicted for their misdeeds, they need NOT worry since Trump could always pardon them also.

Perhaps foreseeing this underhanded plan of Trump to further obstruct the course of justice (to save his own sorry orange hide), Mueller, as the clever prosecutor that he is, is now teaming up with New York state's AG to possibly eventually bring charges against these "people of interest" in STATE courts; probably prompting the convening of yet another grand jury in NY..

Now, unbeknownst to many of us, a president CANNOT pardon a conviction that was ruled in a state's court....only federal courts.

This may then place the fear right back on the spines of those witnesses who will be called to testify under oath, that the pardon option may no longer apply as a "get out of jail free" card...


Soooooooooooooooo Clever.


To bad you pricks weren't thinking during the campaign.
Perhaps you haven't heard, but I guarantee that all the people called have by now, their testimony at the grand jury can be I refuse to answer that question.

I realize that English is a tough language, but what the hell is that above sentence.???

(BTW, as long as I have YOUR "guarantee", then ereything is fine.....LOL)

I'm sorry. You believed their lawyers had never heard of the fifth amendment. I'm sure you never imagined that it would apply to Republicans.
" Washington CNN Department special counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, several people familiar with the matter told Politico. Since the US president is unable to pardon state crimes, the collaboration could also be seen as an effort to pressure Manafort to cooperate in the broader Russia investigation under Mueller, Politico reported. CNN has not independently confirmed the report. The move, which Politico reported on Wednesday night, is another indication that Mueller is ramping up pressure on Manafort, who served as the former chairman of President Donald Trump's campaign. Manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but he is seen as a central figure in Mueller's investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling."
Report: Mueller, New York AG to work together on Manafort - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort was recently forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign agent. He was working for the Russians during the 2012-2014 era and receiving 17 MILLION from them to advise on U.S./Ukraine policies.

"WASHINGTON -- President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for political consulting work he did for a Ukrainian political party, acknowledging that he coached party members on how to interact with U.S. government officials. Manafort says in a Justice Department filing Tuesday that his firm, DMP International, received more than $17 million from the Party of Regions, the former pro-Russian ruling party in Ukraine, for consulting work from 2012 through 2014. Manafort is the second member of the Trump campaign to register as a foreign agent. In March, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn registered with the Justice Department for work his consulting firm performed for a Turkish businessman that he said could have aided the Turkish government. Both registrations came after the work had been completed."
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Then this clause showed up in the Republican party platform in July 2016 at the RNC convention--or around the same time that Comey testified that U.S. Intelligence started the investigation into the Trump team. But Trump and team were being watched prior to that by the U.K and other foreign intelligence.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics

In July of this year, Paul Manafort's home was raided--and his computer and files were siezed.

Washington (CNN) FBI agents raided a home of President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort last month, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The agents seized materials in Manafort's home as part of the ongoing Russia investigation led by Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the source said.
FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

The special Grand Jury has also subpoened Paul Manforts former attorney.
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman - CNNPolitics

It makes sense because Trump has repeatedly stated he would pardon Michael Flynn and other who may be involved in this Russian investigation. So they have felt safe from any consequences. So it's going to be Paul Manafort that will be the squealer, because Trump cannot pardon him for State crimes. This is a very clever manuver by Robert Mueller.


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