An interesting theory that possibly mitigates the idea of FBI corruption


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI

corruption within the FBI has been proven

the fact that Obama' DOJ provided cover for Hillary Clinton still cannot be ignored & there will have to be consequences

I saw this on another forum & wanted to share it here

this last presidential election was set up perfectly for a republican to win

it is obvious that the democrats were hell bent on ensuring that Hillary was going to get the nomination; hell, they rigged the damn thing for her

but almost everyone was confident that Jeb Bush (please clap) was a shoe in for the republicans

even after Jeb was eliminated; conventional wisdom was that Marco Rubio, or some other establishment approved candidate, would get the nod

most observers and pundits felt that we were going to have an establishment republican as POTUS - this line of thinking also permeated the FBI

BUT; when Trump inexplicably won the republican nomination; all of that changed

just about everyone (myself included) felt that Donald did not have a prayer - who could have predicted the utter collapse of the seemingly impenetrable "blue wall"???

so; here is the theory

the leadership of the FBI just KNEW that Hillary was about to be POTUS; so their behavior surrounding her investigation had more to do with CYA & fear of enraging their future boss than it did with outright corruption or any attempt to "take political sides"

their behavior was reprehensible & illegal either way; but this theory makes sense to me

The only people surprised by Trump getting the nomination were Clinton-Obama and their crooked political cronies.
They employed every trick in the book to get Clinton nominated and they continued to carry out that strategy employing illegal and unethical tactics in the campaign.

Trump simply bludgeoned his opposition with direct, blunt confrontation and a good dose of truth.

People say he absorbs a tremendous amount of information and has a photographic memory.

That would make him a hard guy to debate no matter how much you tried to cheat.

The FBI should never be engaged in anything unethical and illegal... PERIOD and anyone that was involved in "The Insurance Policy" need to be prosecuted and sentenced.
please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI

corruption within the FBI has been proven

Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.

Clinton got T-Boned by a Republican named Comey publicly re-opening email investigation 7 days before election, while Trump's campaign investigation has been going on for half a year already in full secrecy until well after election.
Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump
Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

Look at you fucking backpedal already, that's how much actual thought you put into your loud words.

Comey said that no persecutor would take up document handling case like this without intent - he was 100% correct, they never have.

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
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please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI

corruption within the FBI has been proven

the fact that Obama' DOJ provided cover for Hillary Clinton still cannot be ignored & there will have to be consequences

I saw this on another forum & wanted to share it here

this last presidential election was set up perfectly for a republican to win

it is obvious that the democrats were hell bent on ensuring that Hillary was going to get the nomination; hell, they rigged the damn thing for her

but almost everyone was confident that Jeb Bush (please clap) was a shoe in for the republicans

even after Jeb was eliminated; conventional wisdom was that Marco Rubio, or some other establishment approved candidate, would get the nod

most observers and pundits felt that we were going to have an establishment republican as POTUS - this line of thinking also permeated the FBI

BUT; when Trump inexplicably won the republican nomination; all of that changed

just about everyone (myself included) felt that Donald did not have a prayer - who could have predicted the utter collapse of the seemingly impenetrable "blue wall"???

so; here is the theory

the leadership of the FBI just KNEW that Hillary was about to be POTUS; so their behavior surrounding her investigation had more to do with CYA & fear of enraging their future boss than it did with outright corruption or any attempt to "take political sides"

their behavior was reprehensible & illegal either way; but this theory makes sense to me

i really don't care why you broke the law - just that you did.
please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI

corruption within the FBI has been proven

the fact that Obama' DOJ provided cover for Hillary Clinton still cannot be ignored & there will have to be consequences

I saw this on another forum & wanted to share it here

this last presidential election was set up perfectly for a republican to win

it is obvious that the democrats were hell bent on ensuring that Hillary was going to get the nomination; hell, they rigged the damn thing for her

but almost everyone was confident that Jeb Bush (please clap) was a shoe in for the republicans

even after Jeb was eliminated; conventional wisdom was that Marco Rubio, or some other establishment approved candidate, would get the nod

most observers and pundits felt that we were going to have an establishment republican as POTUS - this line of thinking also permeated the FBI

BUT; when Trump inexplicably won the republican nomination; all of that changed

just about everyone (myself included) felt that Donald did not have a prayer - who could have predicted the utter collapse of the seemingly impenetrable "blue wall"???

so; here is the theory

the leadership of the FBI just KNEW that Hillary was about to be POTUS; so their behavior surrounding her investigation had more to do with CYA & fear of enraging their future boss than it did with outright corruption or any attempt to "take political sides"

their behavior was reprehensible & illegal either way; but this theory makes sense to me

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

we have information that shows that Comey changed his narrative because of the directive from Lynch & we know about the tarmac meeting

we have the appearance of impropriety beyond any shadow of doubt

plus, we know that Comey leaked information

the head of the FBI purposefully leaked information with the sole intent of damaging the sitting and duly elected POTUS

yes - the corruption is obvious

Comey should already be in jail

Mueller heading any investigation is an absolute farce based on his relationship with Comey

the fact that his entire team is comprised of people that are hostile to Trump?

the whole thing is ridiculous & has caused many to lose all faith in the concept of equal justice under the law

the investigation of Trump for collusion is a farce
HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

we have information that shows that Comey changed his narrative because of the directive from Lynch & we know about the tarmac meeting

Bullshit - there was ZERO change in the actual case.

The only thing Lynch asked for was that the case be publicly referred to as MATTER, not INVESTIGATION, due to obvious political implications.

Anything else you want to bring forth as evidence of Comey-the-boyscout corruption?
please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI<snip/unsnip>their behavior was reprehensible & illegal either way; but this theory makes sense to me thoughts?
In the world of politics, that makes perfect sense. It doesn't excuse the FBI but does add some perspective.
Lets not confuse rank and file FBI agents with the corrupt political hacks at the top.
Hey antontoo What about all of those classified documents found on Weiner's laptop? Nope. No corruption there either, eh?
Hey antontoo What about all of those classified documents found on Weiner's laptop? Nope. No corruption there either, eh?

What about them?

His wife, top Clinton aid with full clearances, used that laptop, that's why they were there. How the fuck is that evidence of corruption?
Hey antontoo What about all of those classified documents found on Weiner's laptop? Nope. No corruption there either, eh?

What about them?

His wife, top Clinton aid with full clearances, used that laptop, that's why they were there. How the fuck is that evidence of corruption?

So it's ok that U.S. officials share classified material with their spouses via their personal computers?
Hey antontoo What about all of those classified documents found on Weiner's laptop? Nope. No corruption there either, eh?

What about them?

His wife, top Clinton aid with full clearances, used that laptop, that's why they were there. How the fuck is that evidence of corruption?

So it's ok that U.S. officials share classified material with their spouses via their personal computers?

Stop making up bullshit. She didn't share anything with Wiener, she simply used that laptop for her work.
The only thing Lynch asked for was that the case be publicly referred to as MATTER, not INVESTIGATION, due to obvious political implications.

that is troublesome in and of itself

if you can really, with a straight face, justify this, then there is something wrong with you

I will tell you right now that if real collusion between Trump and ANY foreign government can be established; I will condemn him and demand justice

but the idea is preposterous

and just so you know; finding out that he suspected their activity and was pleased about it does not equate to collusion

we know that somebody got damaging info from the DNC - odds are it was a leaker somewhere

the fact that Hillary had a private server to host classified information is enough for her to be prosecuted

many others have actually served time for less

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