An interesting theory that possibly mitigates the idea of FBI corruption

Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

Look at you fucking backpedal already, that's how much actual thought you put into your loud words.

Comey said that no persecutor would take up document handling case like this without intent - he was 100% correct, they never have.

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
so - the soldiers who may have taken a pic of a sub, or w/o intention pass on classified info (again,w/o intent) should never have been prosecuted? i know several that were.

what happened?
Idiot, people meeting is not in itself proof of CORRUPTION.

Are you a paid shill or just a useful idiot?

You are the idiot if you think that two people meeting is proof positive of corruption. At MOST it could be characterized as inappropriate.

You have ZERO knowledge what they talked about.
so trump jr and the russian lawyer means nothing now.

got it.

btw - your standards, not mine. just apply them evenly.
The only thing Lynch asked for was that the case be publicly referred to as MATTER, not INVESTIGATION, due to obvious political implications.

that is troublesome in and of itself

if you can really, with a straight face, justify this, then there is something wrong with you

I will tell you right now that if real collusion between Trump and ANY foreign government can be established; I will condemn him and demand justice

but the idea is preposterous

and just so you know; finding out that he suspected their activity and was pleased about it does not equate to collusion

we know that somebody got damaging info from the DNC - odds are it was a leaker somewhere

the fact that Hillary had a private server to host classified information is enough for her to be prosecuted

many others have actually served time for less

You're talking to an American version of Baghdad Bob.
Stop making up bullshit. She didn't share anything with Wiener, she simply used that laptop for her work.
that is a crime in and of itself

the notion that "intent" takes away from criminal culpability is absurd & Comey's willingness to use that shows corruption

just having a private server suggests that she was trying to hide something

she knew that it was illegal, yet did it anyway

she made it easy for our enemies to collect sensitive information

anyone else would be in jail
Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

Look at you fucking backpedal already, that's how much actual thought you put into your loud words.

Comey said that no persecutor would take up document handling case like this without intent - he was 100% correct, they never have.

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
so - the soldiers who may have taken a pic of a sub, or w/o intention pass on classified info (again,w/o intent) should never have been prosecuted? i know several that were.

what happened?

Bullshit - there was ONE such case and prosecutor in the case thought pretty strongly that careful documentation, including panoramic photographing of classified areas of the submarine were conducted with a clear intent of espionage.
Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

Look at you fucking backpedal already, that's how much actual thought you put into your loud words.

Comey said that no persecutor would take up document handling case like this without intent - he was 100% correct, they never have.

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
so - the soldiers who may have taken a pic of a sub, or w/o intention pass on classified info (again,w/o intent) should never have been prosecuted? i know several that were.

what happened?

Bullshit - there was ONE such case and prosecutor in the case thought pretty strongly that careful documentation, including panoramic photographing of classified areas of the submarine were conducted with a clear intent of espionage.
there have been numberous cases but you seem more here to scream, cuss and shout so, carry on.
Stop making up bullshit. She didn't share anything with Wiener, she simply used that laptop for her work.
that is a crime in and of itself

No it wasn't, you don't know wtf you are talking about.

Just doing your work on a personal laptop is not against any law. There was no evidence of Huma trying to share anything with Wiener.
Hey antontoo What about all of those classified documents found on Weiner's laptop? Nope. No corruption there either, eh?

here is the thing; I don't necessarily see corruption there; it looks more like gross incompetence

IIRC that info got transferred because of an auto sync feature withing the Weiner's private network

but again; it would still be a felony & others have faced grave consequences for the same act & even for less

any 1st year law student can tell you that ignorance of the law is no excuse
please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI

corruption within the FBI has been proven

the fact that Obama' DOJ provided cover for Hillary Clinton still cannot be ignored & there will have to be consequences

I saw this on another forum & wanted to share it here

this last presidential election was set up perfectly for a republican to win

it is obvious that the democrats were hell bent on ensuring that Hillary was going to get the nomination; hell, they rigged the damn thing for her

but almost everyone was confident that Jeb Bush (please clap) was a shoe in for the republicans

even after Jeb was eliminated; conventional wisdom was that Marco Rubio, or some other establishment approved candidate, would get the nod

most observers and pundits felt that we were going to have an establishment republican as POTUS - this line of thinking also permeated the FBI

BUT; when Trump inexplicably won the republican nomination; all of that changed

just about everyone (myself included) felt that Donald did not have a prayer - who could have predicted the utter collapse of the seemingly impenetrable "blue wall"???

so; here is the theory

the leadership of the FBI just KNEW that Hillary was about to be POTUS; so their behavior surrounding her investigation had more to do with CYA & fear of enraging their future boss than it did with outright corruption or any attempt to "take political sides"

their behavior was reprehensible & illegal either way; but this theory makes sense to me

Grassy Knoll
Hey antontoo What about all of those classified documents found on Weiner's laptop? Nope. No corruption there either, eh?

here is the thing; I don't necessarily see corruption there; it looks more like gross incompetence

IIRC that info got transferred because of an auto sync feature withing the Weiner's private network

but again; it would still be a felony & others have faced grave consequences for the same act & even for less

any 1st year law student can tell you that ignorance of the law is no excuse

Again, no such case was ever persecuted without clear intent. Prosecutor would have to believe that Huma acted with bad intent to take up this case.

Sorry you don't like that, but that's the reality of how these laws have always been enforced.
Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

Look at you fucking backpedal already, that's how much actual thought you put into your loud words.

Comey said that no persecutor would take up document handling case like this without intent - he was 100% correct, they never have.

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
so - the soldiers who may have taken a pic of a sub, or w/o intention pass on classified info (again,w/o intent) should never have been prosecuted? i know several that were.

what happened?

Bullshit - there was ONE such case and prosecutor in the case thought pretty strongly that careful documentation, including panoramic photographing of classified areas of the submarine were conducted with a clear intent of espionage.
there have been numberous cases but you seem more here to scream, cuss and shout so, carry on.

There has not been, STFU or bring evidence, k?

I curse because it's really annoying to watch cranks and charlatans weave all kinds of nutty conspiracies out of plain falsehoods and then spread them to other politicos like a bad case of flu.
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Ignoramus there has been ZERO corruption by FBI proven, no point even reading past this stupidity.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

In order to prosecute, the sensitive information she mishandled would have had to have fallen into the wrong hands and there had to be intent.

There is no evidence that her server was ever hacked. None of her emails turned up in the WikiLeaks dumps. This may have been a matter of good luck over good management but what Clinton did was no different than W and his entire administration with their server inside the White House.

The email Investigation was a political witch hunt of the first order.
There has not been, STFU or bring evidence, k?

one has already been pointed out in this thread - where was the intent in this case?

Pardon me: Navy sailor in jail for submarine photos pleads for mercy from Trump

AS ALREADY STATED - Intent in the case was ESPIONAGE, that is what prosecutor believed and that is why he brought charges.

There were many cases of other sailors taking selfies in classified areas of submarine and were never prosecuted. His case was unique in how he was clearly documenting the classified areas and how he deliberately smashed up all his equipment after initial interview with FBI.
it must hurt being so damn blinded by partisanship

the FBI and Obama's DOJ has clearly behaved inappropriately - the simple fact that Comey acknowledged that Mrs Clinton mishandled classified info & failed to prosecute is very disturbing; especially since many others have served jail time for the same & lesser offenses

democrats should be outraged - the fact that the left has so thoroughly embraced corruption to push their agenda is a big part of why so many were pushed into the corner of Donald Trump

HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

Look at you fucking backpedal already, that's how much actual thought you put into your loud words.

Comey said that no persecutor would take up document handling case like this without intent - he was 100% correct, they never have.

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
so - the soldiers who may have taken a pic of a sub, or w/o intention pass on classified info (again,w/o intent) should never have been prosecuted? i know several that were.

what happened?

Bullshit - there was ONE such case and prosecutor in the case thought pretty strongly that careful documentation, including panoramic photographing of classified areas of the submarine were conducted with a clear intent of espionage.
there have been numberous cases but you seem more here to scream, cuss and shout so, carry on.

There has not been, STFU or bring evidence, k?

I curse because it's really annoying to watch cranks and charlatans weave all kinds of nutty conspiracies out of plain falsehoods and then spread them to other politicos like a bad case of flu.
you curse cause you "got nothing" but anger.

i've not been rude nor disrespectful to you - simply asking questions and i get the SFTU crap from you. i know many who've done jail time for passing on info w/o intent. many people do. but that doesn't fit your anger-bone so it must not be true and you cuss to get people to not see the insecurity behind your own answers.

i see it. kinda cute in a juvenile way. but i've yet to meet anyone who had anything valid to say by cussing all the time and shouting at others who disagree with them.

good to see after talking briefly with you that has not changed.

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