An interesting theory that possibly mitigates the idea of FBI corruption

how do you not?

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia

she was an open book and didn't give a shit. your ranting and raving just makes you look...well like you.

Dumbass open your link press "Ctrl-F" and type in the word "laptop". You will find exactly one word like that:

Law enforcement officials stated the emails were found on a laptop belonging to Clinton aide...

Meaning there is NOTHING in your linking about any laptop hacking.

And then you wonder why I keep cursing at you fucking idiots.
1 - i never said laptop. i said her server.
2 - you can't be stupid enough to think that she was running THE SERVER on her laptop
3 - well, YOU could be. my bad.

rant on man. you are not here to talk, just be a dick. at least you're successful at what you *try* to do in this instance.

Ok, what computer was hacked?

You meant to say SERVER?

There was never any evidence of that either.
There was SPECULATION that it was easy to hack but to-date no a single shred of evidence was found that it WAS in fact hacked and that her emails were compromised as a result.
i said "Computer" - of which a server is. you went to laptop land w/o me and went on some screaming "my nuts are on fire" rant. you never stop the hate to think, do you?

you should give it a chance sometime.

Computer is a short hand for personal computer not a server.

but EITHER WAY, there is no evidence to back up your now clarified claim that the server was hacked.
been in IT 25 years, pretty sure i got it. and since you're not technical enough to understand the differences, your opinion is about as valuable as a hillary clinton book review.
so - the soldiers who may have taken a pic of a sub, or w/o intention pass on classified info (again,w/o intent) should never have been prosecuted? i know several that were.

what happened?

Bullshit - there was ONE such case and prosecutor in the case thought pretty strongly that careful documentation, including panoramic photographing of classified areas of the submarine were conducted with a clear intent of espionage.
there have been numberous cases but you seem more here to scream, cuss and shout so, carry on.

There has not been, STFU or bring evidence, k?

I curse because it's really annoying to watch cranks and charlatans weave all kinds of nutty conspiracies out of plain falsehoods and then spread them to other politicos like a bad case of flu.
you curse cause you "got nothing" but anger.

i've not been rude nor disrespectful to you - simply asking questions

I take people talking out of their ass and into my face personally.

I take time to make sure what I post is accurate and you should take the time and extend to people you converse with the same courtesy.
then get your face away from my ass, perv.

and i've been polite to you until it was proven, by you, you could not do the same.

back to ignore. i've wound you up enough for a good 20-30 cuss word post soon.
I take people talking out of their ass and into my face personally.

I make sure what I post is factually accurate and you should take the time and extend to people you converse with the same courtesy.

you post in a constant state of rage and lose your shit when the facts challenge your personal beliefs

and you ignore and dismiss facts that counter your point

it's amusing to watch
Dumbass open your link press "Ctrl-F" and type in the word "laptop". You will find exactly one word like that:

Law enforcement officials stated the emails were found on a laptop belonging to Clinton aide...

Meaning there is NOTHING in your linking about any laptop hacking.

And then you wonder why I keep cursing at you fucking idiots.
1 - i never said laptop. i said her server.
2 - you can't be stupid enough to think that she was running THE SERVER on her laptop
3 - well, YOU could be. my bad.

rant on man. you are not here to talk, just be a dick. at least you're successful at what you *try* to do in this instance.

Ok, what computer was hacked?

You meant to say SERVER?

There was never any evidence of that either.
There was SPECULATION that it was easy to hack but to-date no a single shred of evidence was found that it WAS in fact hacked and that her emails were compromised as a result.
i said "Computer" - of which a server is. you went to laptop land w/o me and went on some screaming "my nuts are on fire" rant. you never stop the hate to think, do you?

you should give it a chance sometime.

Computer is a short hand for personal computer not a server.

but EITHER WAY, there is no evidence to back up your now clarified claim that the server was hacked.
been in IT 25 years, pretty sure i got it. and since you're not technical enough to understand the differences, your opinion is about as valuable as a hillary clinton book review.

Nice appeal to authority with zero real retort.

Tell me, how is it possible that in those 25 years you didn't learn to differentiate clearly between servers and PCs?

Better yet, tell us what in those 25 years you learned about evidence of someone actually hacking into Hillary's server.
I take people talking out of their ass and into my face personally.

I make sure what I post is factually accurate and you should take the time and extend to people you converse with the same courtesy.

you post in a constant state of rage and lose your shit when the facts challenge your personal beliefs

and you ignore and dismiss facts that counter your point

it's amusing to watch

I also post facts you cannot actually address so you fall back on inane responses like the above.
1 - i never said laptop. i said her server.
2 - you can't be stupid enough to think that she was running THE SERVER on her laptop
3 - well, YOU could be. my bad.

rant on man. you are not here to talk, just be a dick. at least you're successful at what you *try* to do in this instance.

Ok, what computer was hacked?

You meant to say SERVER?

There was never any evidence of that either.
There was SPECULATION that it was easy to hack but to-date no a single shred of evidence was found that it WAS in fact hacked and that her emails were compromised as a result.
i said "Computer" - of which a server is. you went to laptop land w/o me and went on some screaming "my nuts are on fire" rant. you never stop the hate to think, do you?

you should give it a chance sometime.

Computer is a short hand for personal computer not a server.

but EITHER WAY, there is no evidence to back up your now clarified claim that the server was hacked.
been in IT 25 years, pretty sure i got it. and since you're not technical enough to understand the differences, your opinion is about as valuable as a hillary clinton book review.

Nice appeal to authority with zero real retort.

Tell me, how is it possible that in those 25 years you didn't learn to differentiate clearly between servers and PCs?

Better yet, tell us what in those 25 years you learned about evidence of someone actually hacking into Hillary's server.
are you saying a PC can't be a server?

please say yes. i could use the giggle. :)
Ok, what computer was hacked?

You meant to say SERVER?

There was never any evidence of that either.
There was SPECULATION that it was easy to hack but to-date no a single shred of evidence was found that it WAS in fact hacked and that her emails were compromised as a result.
i said "Computer" - of which a server is. you went to laptop land w/o me and went on some screaming "my nuts are on fire" rant. you never stop the hate to think, do you?

you should give it a chance sometime.

Computer is a short hand for personal computer not a server.

but EITHER WAY, there is no evidence to back up your now clarified claim that the server was hacked.
been in IT 25 years, pretty sure i got it. and since you're not technical enough to understand the differences, your opinion is about as valuable as a hillary clinton book review.

Nice appeal to authority with zero real retort.

Tell me, how is it possible that in those 25 years you didn't learn to differentiate clearly between servers and PCs?

Better yet, tell us what in those 25 years you learned about evidence of someone actually hacking into Hillary's server.
are you saying a PC can't be a server?

please say yes. i could use the giggle. :)

:rolleyes: Come on stop being a pathetic dodger and address the actual issue like a person with a shred of dignity.

THE FACT is that there is no evidence of ANY hacking on ANY of Hillary's servers OR personal computing devices. Your original claim is FALSE.
please understand that when I say "mitigates" I do not mean "exonerates" the FBI

corruption within the FBI has been proven

the fact that Obama' DOJ provided cover for Hillary Clinton still cannot be ignored & there will have to be consequences

I saw this on another forum & wanted to share it here

this last presidential election was set up perfectly for a republican to win

it is obvious that the democrats were hell bent on ensuring that Hillary was going to get the nomination; hell, they rigged the damn thing for her

but almost everyone was confident that Jeb Bush (please clap) was a shoe in for the republicans

even after Jeb was eliminated; conventional wisdom was that Marco Rubio, or some other establishment approved candidate, would get the nod

most observers and pundits felt that we were going to have an establishment republican as POTUS - this line of thinking also permeated the FBI

BUT; when Trump inexplicably won the republican nomination; all of that changed

just about everyone (myself included) felt that Donald did not have a prayer - who could have predicted the utter collapse of the seemingly impenetrable "blue wall"???

so; here is the theory

the leadership of the FBI just KNEW that Hillary was about to be POTUS; so their behavior surrounding her investigation had more to do with CYA & fear of enraging their future boss than it did with outright corruption or any attempt to "take political sides"

their behavior was reprehensible & illegal either way; but this theory makes sense to me


I think you are a dumbasss.
HA! Inappropriately? What happened to CORRUPTION?

we have information that shows that Comey changed his narrative because of the directive from Lynch & we know about the tarmac meeting

we have the appearance of impropriety beyond any shadow of doubt

plus, we know that Comey leaked information

the head of the FBI purposefully leaked information with the sole intent of damaging the sitting and duly elected POTUS

yes - the corruption is obvious

Comey should already be in jail

Mueller heading any investigation is an absolute farce based on his relationship with Comey

the fact that his entire team is comprised of people that are hostile to Trump?

the whole thing is ridiculous & has caused many to lose all faith in the concept of equal justice under the law

the investigation of Trump for collusion is a farce

I have news, REPUBLICANS knew the relationship with Comey when REPUBLICANS put Mueller in charge.

Kind of makes your lies dumber that shit.
Manafort lied.

Trump is guilty as shit.. He lied, Flynn lied, Pence lied, Jr lied, Manafort lied
General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
And, Hillary's corrupt smelly ass got JACK SHIT for being a complete idiot using a personal server to send classified info.

She should at least get a fine. At least!!!

General Patraeus was found with top secret documents in his house, where his journalist lover would have a full read. That is clear, intent driven leak of classified documents, complete with a confession - all he got was a fine and a probation.
And, Hillary's corrupt smelly ass got JACK SHIT for being a complete idiot using a personal server to send classified info.

She should at least get a fine. At least!!!


...because unlike Patraeus case there was no clear intent. You should read the thread.

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