An IRA Fable: Overcoming Politics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an IRA-politics consciousness fable inspired by the film In the Name of the Father.

Cheers (signing off),


A beautiful British woman named Elizabeth was fond of standing on her balcony every Saturday morning and watching people walk by her house. She did this with great happiness but started thinking about how she felt lonely and sought the companionship of a man. Elizabeth just turned 26 and wanted to marry. Would her yearnings go unrequited?


Suddenly, one Saturday, a very handsome man with well-groomed brown hair walked by, and Elizabeth became entranced by him. She called out to him and invited him inside her house and gave him tea and cake. His name was James, and he was charming and well-dressed and she fell in love with him. He felt very attracted to her as well and they consummated their interest one week later and then married one month later, after a passionate engagement. James revealed to Elizabeth then that he was actually half Irish, but she didn't care. She loved him very much and was passionately drawn to him.


What Elizabeth did not know was that James was a member of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) and was serving as a messenger, executive, gun-runner, and assassin for one of the major figures in a unit serving in Dublin and one in Belfast. James carried a rather impressive but rustic silver pistol which he kept hidden. It was this pistol which Elizabeth found one day while doing his laundry. She immediately worried that James was part of the IRA but didn't know how to ask her loving and lovable husband.


As we know, the problems between Ireland and England are well-known and rather old. England has ruled over Ireland and Catholics in Ireland are dissatisfied with Protestant British rule in Ireland. There have been many freedom-movements and violent protests, and the IRA stands out in the world of modern global politics as a liberty-minded terrorist group. Now that Elizabeth had married James, how would all this 'human politics' color their otherwise very intimate bond?


Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth." Who is the meek in this case? Is it James' struggling IRA group or Elizabeth's worried and caring heart? James can't just give up his 'cause' simply because he's in love with a British Protestant woman, and Elizabeth may be concerned about her 'level' of commitment to an Irish Catholic man who is tied to a staunch anti-UK group. How would Jesus offer both Elizabeth and James love?


Elizabeth decided to court James with a series of delicious meat-pies and dishes over the course of the next few weeks. Every time they ate together, she'd gently ask James about his opinions about the terrible troubles between Irish Catholics and British Protestants in England/Ireland. She didn't want James to think she'd reject him spiritually/morally on the grounds of his involvement with the IRA, so she was very careful about what she said and used the meat-dish eating as an experience catering to courtly etiquette...and peace(!).


JAMES: I'm part of the Irish Republican Army!
ELIZABETH: Why did you keep this a secret?
JAMES: I didn't want you to reject me on political grounds, Elizabeth.
ELIZABETH: James, you know I love you much...
JAMES: You're upset because I wasn't open with you.
ELIZABETH: No; you've been passionate and sincere; I'm merely 'concerned.'
JAMES: You're worried about my welfare...
ELIZABETH: Well, of course I am; but I'm also concerned you're disattached.
JAMES: I won't betray you or involve you in matters you don't care for now.
ELIZABETH: And you know all your secrets/ties are confidential with me.
JAMES: Maybe I was thinking we could ignore all the politics and just be in love.
ELIZABETH: I was thinking the same, James; but we need to come to agreements.
JAMES: Yes, you're right, of course; you're not obligated to endorse my activities!
ELIZABETH: Alright; and you're not 'required' to explain yourself in all matters to me.
JAMES: That's wise and also a safe plan; we'll simply be 'blindly in love.'
ELIZABETH: May the food of love transcend the odor of politics/war.
JAMES: Pass me another helping of that incredible shepherd's pie...



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