An Obama Promise being kept!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

Obama also said:
You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know — Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
EPA to kill new coal-fired plants through first-ever greenhouse-gas regulations « Hot Air

The report, from energy analyst Rob Barnett, posits that the new U.S. EPA rule, rolled out last month and open for public comment until June 12,
will effectively ban the construction of new coal-fired power plants because the CO2 emission rates required of fossil plants are so strenuous that no conventional coal plant could meet them.

The End of Coal Burning in the U.S.: Scientific American

So how will Obama's KEPT Promise skyrocket YOUR electricity costs???

An average a house that is 1600-2000 square feet and having electric appliances except for the furnace use an average of 1500Kwatt-hours per month making 50 Kwatt-hours per day and a total of 18,000 Kwatt-hours per year.

Coal fired utilities cost of 4 cents per Kwatt-hour that would be in a year: or $720.00
Wind/solar utilities costs of 22 cents per Kwatt-hour or per year $3,960.
An increase of 550% ... IN THE COST of coal being replaced by Wind/solar at 22 cents.

My electricity costs per Kwatt-hour is $0.0553 per Kwatt-hour.

But if this average 1600-2000 sqft house utilities replaced with Wind/solar, using my current Kwatt-hour of $0.553 multiplied by 550%
this current house utility payment at $0.0553 X 18,000 Kwatt-hours is about $1,000
BUT if no coal fired, Wind/solar at current cost per Kwatt-hour of 550% more then coal fired or $0.3595 per Kwatt-hour..

The "Skyrocketed" price of wind/solar utilities for a 18,000 kwatt hour used home will be $6,470 or a monthly electricity bill of $539.
Versus current coal fired utilities rate of $0.0553 for 18,000 kwatt-hours of $1,000 or a monthly bill currently of less then $100.

I guess Obama would definitely be right... Average climbing from $100 per month to over $500 IS SKYROCKETING!!!
Relax. He'll be gone in a few months.

Well from the "independent" "White" voters that put him into office because they didn't want to be perceived as "racist" and NOT because he was inept,inexperienced and definitely LESS qualified then Palin...there is a bunch that don't want to admit they were fooled by Obama!

This "bunch" of "White/Independent" voters were part of the 44% of the Majority ethnic group in 2008 that put Obama in office.

Today polling shows that support is down to 38% for whites that voted for Obama and among blacks where their 12% of the votes was made up of 94% for Obama.. today 87%!

Hispanics make up the same 67% in 2008 in 2012.

So while the numbers are growing of people that recognize they were "fooled" and voted because all things being unknown.. at least they that voted for Obama were NOT racists!

Which by the way was probably the poorest excuse AND certainly NOT acknowledged by the majority of white voters for Obama!
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Wonder who the lucky person is who gets to officially stick the fork in Barry?

I'm leaning towards Hillary to do the honor.

That may be a valid question, but Obama will not be done even if he loses by less then 5%!
You realize there WILL be blood in the streets as Obama has been SO DIVISIVE that both sides depending on the margin will be upset and creating at the minimum increased secession talk! I live in Texas now after 20 years in FL and between the two states.. Texas has:
more coal, more oil, more cattle, more open land more people open to secession.

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