An Open Letter To: The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Insurrection

as his FIRST oversees visit? & not to any member of NATO which has been the standard protocol for decades?
You really are an idiot, the litmus test is where a president goes first?

Trump turned his back on NATO by not visiting them first? Trump turned his back on our allies by not visiting NATO.

You really are that stupid? You cant state anything wrong with Trump and then back it up with innuendo let alone fact.
i post facts. where are your links to refudiate them?

PLEASE... by all means - go for it. please tell me how the election was stolen. how biden cheated.

c'mon ... i want links.
you are a moron that does not know your ass from a hole in the ground.

When challenged to the points you assert accusing Trump, you can not even respond with anything other than gibberish.

You linked nothing? Now you want links. You did not link everything?

Google is not a source. Google has become nothing more than propaganda for the democrats.

if all you got is a link, google, you dont know what you are talking about. a monkey can do a google search
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again, you claim as soon as there is a violation, we no longer have the right to assemble?

no i did not. to PEACEFULLY assemble. once violence occurs, then that right has ceased on its own & arrests can legally be made. do try to actually read the words & not imagine what you see on the screen.

To speak?? And democrat can disrupt a nice peaceful protest by conservatives, by simply showing up and doing something violent.

lol ... if any ' (D) ' did that ... then the ' (D) ' should be arrested. see? easy peasy.

You are awfully vague, I guess that way it can mean anything you want depending on one responds?

no. you are twisting to try to make some sort of point ... i'm not sure what that is other to show your sucky debating skills.
You really are an idiot, the litmus test is where a president goes first?

an actual effective leader of the 'free world' ... does.

Trump turned his back on NATO by not visiting them first? Trump turned his back on our allies by not visiting NATO.

NATO is an alliance against dictating fascist &/or terroristic nations.

saudi arabia is not a member of NATO for very good reasons.

btw ... 15 of the 19 animals that slammed into our nation on 9/11 were saudiis. maybe THAT would be a good enough reason, 'eh?

You really are that stupid? You cant state anything wrong with Trump and then back it up with innuendo let alone fact.

lol... does yer back hurt from all that ankle grabbing you do for donny?
ou are a moron that does not know your ass from a hole in the ground.


When challenged to the points you assert accusing Trump, you can not even respond with anything other than gibberish.


You linked nothing?

that's right - you haven't linked a fucking thing to back up what you deem as 'fact' but is only opinion. opinions don't hold any water in a debate, unless they have credible proof from unbiased sites.

Now you want links. You did not link everything?

i linked many things & asked if you wanted more for the FACTS i stated re: donny's corruption. you never replied, sooooooo.....

Google is not a source.

you're right - google is not a 'source'. it's a search engine. so is bing, yahoo, & duck duck go - ALL of which i use. but any links i SOURCE
( learn the distinction) ALL come from unbiased sites that are accepted on a university research level. <pssssst> wiki isn't one of them, unless it's general knowledge & not to use as a fact based entity.... why? because it can be manipulated & no university would accept it as valid.

Google has become nothing more than propaganda for the democrats.

blah blah blah ... hopefully i don't have to tell you YET AGAIN - using the term 'democrats' means nothing since i am not one.

if all you got is a link, google, you dont know what you are talking about. a monkey can do a google search

LOL!!!! you are losing this so badly.... 'google' has nothing to do with anything.
so elektra ...

you failed to answer a question i posed a few posts back:

do you think donny actually won the 2020 presidential election?

that's a simple YES or NO answer.
Monday, August 9, 2021

Fifth Superseding Indictment Unsealed in Oath Keeper Conspiracy Case Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach

Two Additional Conspirators Identified, Charges Added in Eighteen-Defendant Conspiracy Case​

One Florida man and one Georgia man were indicted last week for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, which disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election. The indictment further charges co-defendants with additional federal offenses.
David Moerschel, 43, of Tampa, Florida, and Brian Ulrich, 43, of Guyton, Georgia, are charged with federal offenses that include conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting, and entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds. Moerschel is additionally charged with destruction of government property and aiding and abetting. Ulrich and Moerschel are the latest of 18 defendants to be charged in this case.
As alleged in the indictment, the defendants agreed to plan and participate in an operation to interfere with the certification of the electoral college vote by coordinating in advance with others, using websites and social media to recruit participants, and traveling to Washington, D.C., with paramilitary gear and supplies including firearms, tactical vests with plates, helmets and radio equipment.
According to the indictment, Moerschel attended planning meetings prior to Jan. 6, including a GoToMeeting titled “florida dc op planning chat” on Dec. 31, 2020, and “dc planning call” on Jan. 3. As alleged, he joined an invitation-only encrypted Signal group message titled “OK FL DC OP Jan 6” which Moerschel, co-defendants and leaders of the conspiracy used to communicate with one another and coordinate activity. On Jan. 4, co-defendant Kelly Meggs wrote in the chat: “Rally 3 pm if possible and need location DM but only those who will caravan.” On the same day, co-defendant Jessica Watkins wrote in the chat: “Where can we drop off weapons to the QRF team? I’d like to have the weapons secured prior to the Op tomorrow.”
Similarly, Ulrich was in communication with other defendants at least as early as Dec. 31, 2020, when he joined an invitation-only Signal group message titled “DC OP: Jan 6 21.” Ulrich messaged the chat: “The more patriots the merrier ‘gonna be wild” and “Someone can tell me if I’m crazy but I’m planning on having a backpack for regular use and then a separate backpack with my ammo load out with some basics that I can [just] switch to is shit truly the fan blades…” He added, “I will be the guy running around with the budget AR.” On Jan. 1, Ulrich messaged co-defendant Joshua James on Signal and asked, “Hey we told to bring guns and maybe stage them in VA?? But you are showing hotels in DC for Alabama. Are we bring[ing] guns or no[.] If so how will that work?” James responded, “[We’re] working on a Farm location[.] Some are bringing long rifles some sidearms…I’m bringing sidearm.” Ulrich traveled to Washington on Jan. 4 and stayed at the Mayflower Hotel.
Fifth Superseding Indictment Unsealed in Oath Keeper Conspiracy Case Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


Trump CFO’s lawyer says he suspects more indictments on way

By MICHAEL R. SISAKSeptember 20, 2021
Trump CFO's lawyer says he suspects more indictments on way

just thought i'd drop that little nugget to bump the thread.

An Open Letter To: The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Insurrection

Despite the 2022 Mid-term Elections being over one year away, time is actually growing quite short for Nancy Pelosi’s select committee investigating the January 6th insurrection.

Last week, the House speaker signaled that the Committee would soon be focusing on sitting members of Congress who, in her words, “participated in the big ‘lie.’”

The select committee’s chair, Democratic Representative Bennie G. Thompson of Mississippi, has said that he has “no reluctance to subpoena” members of Congress “whose testimony is germane to the mission of the select committee” if they refuse to cooperate voluntarily. The question of whether members of the House GOP knew about or were involved in the events of January 6th falls squarely within the legitimate scope of the investigatory committee.

However, there is no established historical or legal precedent regarding congressional power to enforce subpoenas against members of Congress. So, those Republican congressmen (and women) who openly promoted the “big lie” will inevitably seek court ordered actions to block the enforcement of the committee’s subpoenas. These delaying actions, even if unsuccessful, should stall the committee’s investigation for an extended period.

Regardless of the evidence already known about the lead-up to the insurrectionists’ attack on the Capitol, including all the public statements made by participants at trump’s pep-talk to his devoted legion the morning of January 6th, there's a real question if there's the political will to take steps necessary to get the twice impeached, former cheeto-in-chief trump, and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans on record and under oath. (The corporate controlled Senate Democrats’ foot-dragging in passing the current bill to protect voters’ rights is a strong indication of this lack of political will by the “moderate” Democrats.)

Pelosi’s House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the Capitol by trump inspired insurrectionists has already exposed the true horror experienced by the Capitol Police who defended our nation.

Also, Americans are well aware of the speeches and the tweets that promoted the “big lie” that the election was stolen, incited violence, called for insurrection and encouraged trump’s supporters to stop the electoral college certification by any means necessary. Some examples follow:

The twice impeached, former cheeto-in-chief trump: "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" “And after this, we're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you” [1]

Rep. Mo Brooks: “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.” “Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America? Louder! Will you fight for America?”[2]

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: This is Republican's "1776 moment"[3]

Rep. Paul Gosar: President Biden is an “illegitimate usurper” - Mr. Trump was “the victim of an attempted coup”

Rep. Andy Biggs: "When it comes to January 6, I am going to be right down there in the well of the House with my friend from Alabama, Mo Brooks, and dozens of others”[4]

Rep. Madison Cawthorn: “Call your congressman and feel free — you can lightly threaten them.” “Say: ‘If you don’t support election integrity, I’m coming after you.”

We know Ali Alexander, credited with founding the Stop the Steal campaign, bragged about coordinating with Reps. Brooks, Gosar, and Biggs multiple times on live streams in December, including specifically that “we’re the four guys who came up with a January 6 event.”[5] We know Rep. Brooks knew there was enough of a threat of violence that he wore body armor to the Stop the Steal rally.[6]

So, members of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Insurrection, you are in an uphill battle with nearly every House Republican planning to block your progress. All Senate Republicans will stand in your way. And the corporate controlled “moderate” Senate Democrats’ willing failures to end the filibuster and pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will make everything accomplished by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Insurrection... irrelevant.

[1] Transcript Of Trump's Speech At Rally Before Capitol Riot : NPR

[2] Trump is on trial for inciting an insurrection. What about the 12 people who spoke before him? - POLITICO

[3] How Republicans Fanned the Flames Before US Capitol Building Riot - The New York Times (

[4] Biggs points finger at antifa as new videos show his ties to 'Stop the Steal' (

[5] Freedom Caucus Chair Andy Biggs Helped Plan January 6 Event, Lead Organizer Says (

[6] GOP Lawmaker Mo Brooks Says He Wore Body Armor to Jan. 6 Trump Rally (

House sellect committee = Hand Picked Lying Democrats

Committee investigating Jan. 6 Capitol invasion will go ‘straight to subpoenas’ if needed, Rep. Schiff says

Committee investigating Jan. 6 Capitol invasion will go 'straight to subpoenas' if needed, Rep. Schiff says

tick tock leonard.....
So what are you trying to prove?
That Trump ordered all of those people individually to go the the Capital unarmed and take out Maxine Waters threatened to take out Trump?

Who tries to take over a government violently without one single gun?

So what are you trying to prove?
That Trump ordered all of those people individually to go the the Capital unarmed and take out Maxine Waters threatened to take out Trump?

trump didn't hafta 'order' anybody. they were willing to do whatever he wanted them to do. how many shot their load when they thought he was gonna ' walk to the capital with them '

unfortenetly for his duped pawns - donny flat out lied, cause he's a coward & decided to go back to the WH & watch it unfold on TV. probably shoving a few big macs down his gullet as well.

oh & they sure as hell weren't unarmed, lenny. you lie just as well as donny.

Who tries to take over a government violently without one single gun?


lol ... ' unarmed' dose not mean ungunned. nor does a 'weapon' mean exclusively a firearm. but that matters not lenny - since all kindsa weapons were discovered on capital grounds INCLUDING firarms.

Prosecutors have charged a fourth Capitol riot defendant with a firearms violation

Prosecutors have charged a fourth Capitol riot defendant with a firearms violation
JUNE 17, 2021 / 4:47 PM / CBS NEWS
trump didn't hafta 'order' anybody. they were willing to do whatever he wanted them to do. how many shot their load when they thought he was gonna ' walk to the capital with them '

unfortenetly for his duped pawns - donny flat out lied, cause he's a coward & decided to go back to the WH & watch it unfold on TV. probably shoving a few big macs down his gullet as well.

oh & they sure as hell weren't unarmed, lenny. you lie just as well as donny.

lol ... ' unarmed' dose not mean ungunned. nor does a 'weapon' mean exclusively a firearm. but that matters not lenny - since all kindsa weapons were discovered on capital grounds INCLUDING firarms.

Prosecutors have charged a fourth Capitol riot defendant with a firearms violation

Prosecutors have charged a fourth Capitol riot defendant with a firearms violation
JUNE 17, 2021 / 4:47 PM / CBS NEWS
You're full of crap. Trump never said he would, nor had any intention of walking to the Capital. Even before COVID that would have been a no-no.
You're full of crap. Trump never said he would, nor had any intention of walking to the Capital. Even before COVID that would have been a no-no.


you're welcome for being shown - just like donny - how BAD a liar you can be.

you're welcome for being shown - just like donny - how BAD a liar you can be.

I think it's clear that he wanted to be with them in spirit.
We both know in retrospect that it wouldn't be a good idea for him to go down there in person...especially with crazy FBI agents running around starting fights with people. Especially with all of those insane Grandparents running around fomenting insurrection.
Maybe you need to use a little common-sense here.

BTW, can you explain Biden's lie today that a border patrol agent whipped a Haitian?
You parse words with Trump...double-checking every syllable....but never question one single bold-faced lie by Xiden.
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With them in spirit.
Be we both know it wouldn't be a good idea for him to go down there in person...especially with crazy FBI agents running around starting fights with people.
Maybe you need to use a little common-sense here.

oh good god, lenny - i can tell even you know that 'explanation' is a fail.

a big fat orange


just like yer chosen one.
he lied...

that's the edited version.
Depends on how you wanted to take it. I'm sure the Secret Service changed his mind on walking down there.
You can always assume the you always do.
Course....when Biden lies and people die...well that's acceptable.
all they did was take selfies and 'steal' a podium.

Wow. The revisionist history has gotten really retarded. That's a powerful delusion you have!

The rioters were screaming, "Hang Mike Pence!" and threatened to shoot Nancy Pelosi.

They smashed windows and doors, bear maced the police, attacked the police with their flag poles and with fire extinguishers. They even managed to trample one of their fellow rioters to death!






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