An Open Letter To: The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Insurrection

So what are you trying to prove?
That Trump ordered all of those people individually to go the the Capital unarmed and take out Maxine Waters threatened to take out Trump?

Who tries to take over a government violently without one single gun?

Did you not see cops being crushed in doorways by that mob?

Fire extinguishers bounced off cops heads?

Cops being dragged INTO that mob and pummeled and stabbed with flagstaff bearing of all things… American flags?

Windows and doors being smashed open

Chemical sprays being used on cops

Cops being assaulted in every manner possible

Insurrectionists chanting that they wanted to “Hang Mike Pence”

Insurrectionists chanting “Nancyyyyy”

Did you folks miss all that?
Did you not see cops being crushed in doorways by that mob?

Fire extinguishers bounced off cops heads?

Cops being dragged INTO that mob and pummeled and stabbed with flagstaff bearing of all things… American flags?

Windows and doors being smashed open

Chemical sprays being used on cops

Cops being assaulted in every manner possible

Insurrectionists chanting that they wanted to “Hang Mike Pence”

Insurrectionists chanting “Nancyyyyy”

Did you folks miss all that?
Sorry....I didn't see any of that....and neither did you.
Then you had your fucking eyes closed
Pretty amazing, huh?

They haven't been shown this stuff in their universe. They don't know what happened.

They're not kidding. They don't know. And if you showed them the fucking videos, they would say they were fake.

There is no dealing with people like this.
Ah, yes, the "insurrection" in which the security let a group of completely unarmed people in with no resistance whatsoever, and all they did was take selfies and 'steal' a podium. If that's an insurrection, it's the most flaccid one in world history.
What a fucked up liar you are. We have the videos of many of the Capital Police being beaten and assaulted. Everyone that went into the Capital should get five years, no parole, and then is they committed further crimes, they should get the maximum for those, sentences consecutive.
There was no "insurrection", you pearl clutching clown.
Oh baldee, have I hurt your penie, weenie feelings?
If so, suck it.
And before you ask, it will not make your weenie and bigger.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.
"the insurrection was savagely put down"

: a usually violent attempt to take control of a government
He led an armed insurrection [=rebellion, uprising] against the elected government.

Full Definition of insurrection
: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Insurrection | Definition of Insurrection by Merriam-Webster

Oddball seems to have a reading comprehension problem or just a very low IQ?
Oh baldee, have I hurt your penie, weenie feelings?
If so, suck it.
And before you ask, it will not make your weenie and bigger.

a violent uprising against an authority or government.
"the insurrection was savagely put down"

: a usually violent attempt to take control of a government
He led an armed insurrection [=rebellion, uprising] against the elected government.

Full Definition of insurrection
: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Insurrection | Definition of Insurrection by Merriam-Webster

Oddball seems to have a reading comprehension problem or just a very low IQ?
I guess every time Maxine Waters or Al Sharpton stages a riot we can call it an insurrection now.
But the ironic thing is that there was an insurrection and the Democrats did one against Trump....with the help of a few Republicans.
Depends on how you wanted to take it. I'm sure the Secret Service changed his mind on walking down there.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was pumping his pawns up for weeks - telling them to come to DC cause it was 'gonna be wild!' he knew what he was doing & he also knew he had no intentions to go with them - cause he's a lying coward. instead he went back to the WH to watch it all on TV ... there WILL be testimony to that fact. why did he wait HOURS to tell them they were 'special & loved' & 'to go home'? 'cause he was enjoying the show & the power to get his basket dwellers to do his bidding.

btw - his SS didn't talk him outa walking to st john's church for that pathetic photo op; but sure. you go with your reply.

You can always assume the you always do.

i've seen donny in action for over 40 years ... i know exactly why he did what he did.

Course....when Biden lies and people die...well that's acceptable.
deflection denied.jpg
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was pumping his pawns up for weeks - telling them to come to DC cause it was 'gonna be wild!' he knew what he was doing & he also knew he had no intentions to go with them - cause he's a lying coward. instead he went back to the WH to watch it all on TV ... there WILL be testimony to that fact. why did he wait HOURS to tell them they were 'special & loved' & 'to go home'? 'cause he was enjoying the show & the power to get his basket dwellers to do his bidding.

btw - his SS didn't talk him outa walking to st john's church for that pathetic photo op; but sure. you go with your reply.

i've seen donny in action for over 40 years ... i know exactly why he did what he did.

View attachment 543708're privy to all of Trump's secrets...personally.
Dude....get over yourself.

^^^ take yer pick, lenny. any number of those videos show exactly what lesh said went on. are you saying they were all crisis actors? are you saying the cops that testified what went down were lying?

Well....reality seems to be a problem where you are concerned.
I watched CSPAN's coverage.....and there was no indication that much of anything was going on at the Capital. CNN only showed Trump supporters peacefully filing thru roped off areas like tourists.
Only later did our corrupt media create this footage you seem to think wasn't staged, and there never was any physical evidence of.
There were no pictures of the aftermath (damage) of this so-called insurrection....only the false-flag operation that Pelosi staged with the help of ANTIFA, BLM, the FBI, and the CIA. If there were any I guarantee they would have been splashed all over the news for months.....yet you never saw any of it. The whole area was sealed off to prevent discovery. For several months Pelosi put up Constantine Wire and a wall surrounding the scene of the crime preventing us from seeing what actually happened.

Do you actually think you can trust a government that is caught lying about mounted border agents supposedly whipping Haitian immigrants. Even after the photographer who took the pics they used to make this false claim said nothing of the sort happened, the president himself continued the lie yesterday and probably will keep lying about it till he can find another fake story to push down our throats.
The utter stupidity of cocksuckers like you that keep believing these charlatans. It's simply breathtaking. Nothing they say can be trusted anymore, yet you do....and will continue to do so.

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Well....reality seems to be a problem where you are concerned.
I watched CSPAN's coverage.....and there was no indication that much of anything was going on at the Capital. CNN only showed Trump supporters peacefully filing thru roped off areas like tourists.
Only later did our corrupt media create this footage you seem to think wasn't staged, and there never was any physical evidence of.
There were no pictures of the aftermath (damage) of this so-called insurrection....only the false-flag operation that Pelosi staged with the help of ANTIFA, BLM, the FBI, and the CIA. If there were any I guarantee they would have been splashed all over the news for months.....yet you never saw any of it. The whole area was sealed off to prevent discovery. For several months Pelosi put up Constantine Wire and a wall surrounding the scene of the crime preventing us from seeing what actually happened.

Do you actually think you can trust a government that is caught lying about mounted border agents supposedly whipping Haitian immigrants. Even after the photographer who took the pics they used to make this false claim said nothing of the sort happened, the president himself continued the lie yesterday and probably will keep lying about it till he can find another fake story to push down our throats.
The utter stupidity of cocksuckers like you that keep believing these charlatans. It's simply breathtaking. Nothing they say can be trusted anymore, yet you do....and will continue to do so.

okey dokey lenny ... now i get it....

you're fucking nuts.

vandalism capital riot - Google Search

Capitol Violence | Federal Bureau of Investigation
The FBI is corrupt.
You're a fool if you believe anything they publish.
After all, Hillary's campaign created the Russian Collusion hoax, and the FBI carried it out.
How can you be so ignorant to believe anything they say after that?
There is still unknown numbers of witnesses still in jail waiting trial on no charges 9 months after the fake insurrection.
i never claimed that. but what i've seen, read, & heard PUBICLY since the 80s is all one needs to know what a vile unhinged creature he is & has always been.
you don't really have much of a defense goin' on there, lenny.
I copied your lava lamp.
Hope you don't mind
What a fucked up liar you are. We have the videos of many of the Capital Police being beaten and assaulted. Everyone that went into the Capital should get five years, no parole, and then is they committed further crimes, they should get the maximum for those, sentences consecutive.
I already replied to every moment in the video, bit by bit. All they carried was blunt objects, and the coproaches did barely anything to stop them, despite usually salivating over the idea of gunning someone down in cold blood. Obvious false flag.
Wow. The revisionist history has gotten really retarded. That's a powerful delusion you have!

The rioters were screaming, "Hang Mike Pence!" and threatened to shoot Nancy Pelosi.

They smashed windows and doors, bear maced the police, attacked the police with their flag poles and with fire extinguishers. They even managed to trample one of their fellow rioters to death!





And yet the coproaches never used lethal force, and the rioters never used anything but blunt objects. Obvious false flag is obvious.

Oh, and the most heavily armed and armored "rioters" were pointing everyone to alternative entrances without actually taking part. You'd think the Government would have figured out how to make their plants less apparent.
The FBI is corrupt.

those that were from 'trumplandia' certainly were.

You're a fool if you believe anything they publish.

lol ... & you're a fool for not believing anything.

After all, Hillary's campaign created the Russian Collusion hoax, and the FBI carried it out.

no, she didn't. & no they didn't.

How can you be so ignorant to believe anything they say after that?


There is still unknown numbers of witnesses still in jail waiting trial on no charges 9 months after the fake insurrection.

lol ... & now for the facts:


No, there are not 'hundreds' of Capitol riot defendants in DC jail​

More than 600 people have been arrested in connection with January 6, less than 40 remain behind bars
No, there are not 'hundreds' of Capitol riot defendants in DC jail

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