An open letter to your President Donald J Trump.

Well, well, well....
Optimism is spread wide among REAL legit American's.
Unity among REAL legit American's is growing by the day.
American pride is back among REAL legit American's.
The stock market is kicking ass.
Unemployment rate at record lows.
Property values are skyrocketing.
The invasion at our border has been slowed to a trickle.
Corrupt politicians are pissing their pants daily.
Twisted media has been bitch-slapped.
You've trashed Bottom Feeder Care (ACA)
Weirdos and low life piece of shits feel like weirdos and low life piece of shits again.
Damn DONNY T....I'm almost tired of all the winning.
Thanks again for having the ballsack to do THE RIGHT THING...soon you may need a wheelbarrow to push those nuts around in.
Thank you Mister President Pussy Grabber for showing the world that White Nationalism in the USA is alive and well. After reneging on your Health Care plan that covers all Americans at a lower cost with better benefits it's plain to see that you care little for main street America. Let's hope that in 2018 the Democrats turn both the House and Senate dark blue to stop your discordant plans.

Higher Grade Americans seems to me to be code for another "Master Race".
Dear Mr President,
Thank you for bringing legitimate American's out of the shadows and back together. Thank you for acting on behalf of higher grade American's. Thank you for completely ignoring status quo. Thank you for having the balls to do the right thing. Thank you for making anyone illegitimate feel scared shitless while stand-up positive contributors feel proud and appreciated. Thank you for making piece of shits finally feel like the piece of shits they are. Thank you for doing exactly what you said you'd do.

Proud, REAL American's

Help me add to the letter people!

Dear President Tinkles

Thank you for making us the laughing stock of the world
Hmmm...I never heard anyone refer to Barry as Tinkles. Must have missed it I guess.
Higher Grade Americans seems to me to be code for another "Master Race".

Nah. It merely signifies those Americans who have not dispensed with the historical foundations, laws and traditions of the United States, as opposed to those who have and are most numerous among the Democrats and other "Progressive" entities.
Thank you for your relentless pursuit in making Make America Great Again despite the nonstop resistance from America’s lowest grade.
Thank you President Trump for bringing faith and optimism back to America and to the whole world, thank you for being a true Patriot, thank you for all you have done and for what you will still do.

Thank you for being a breath of fresh air in politics and for being yourself!

Thank you for fulfilling so far what you have promised to do :clap:

From the bottom of my heart I thank you Mr President!!!!

And from the bottom of your skirt his thumb may repay you for your patriotic-ness

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