Should Trump Insist on his Constitutional Right to Speedy Trials?

The trial is still going on, and everyone- even those who really look guilty- are supposed to be presumed innocent. For all either of us know, the defense may come up with a surprise witness who will exonerate the defendant.
You can pretend he didn’t do it if you want to. It serves no purpose to do so in this case.
Do you want an impartial jury? I don't think so. An impartial jury will put him away for the rest of his miserable life and you may actually smart enought to know that (or not)
An impartial jury looks at the evidence presented at trial, and doesn't let their prejudices or preconceptions influence their verdict.

It will be hard to find such a jury, but with a large enough canvas, they may find the 12-24 jurors they will need for the classified documents trial.
My argument is that Trump has plenty of time to go through all the discovery by December 2023, instead of the March 2024 trial date that Judge Cannon just set.

With all the millions (actually hundreds of millions) Trump has raised for his legal cases, he can hire fifty times the lawyers that Jack Smith has.
His desperate need to defer justice until he can evade it entirely is not going to be tolerated.

In the meantime he'll play his victim card, lash out at officers of the court and their families in hysterical tantrums, spew evidence-free claims of political persecution, deny he lost the 2020 election, and bleat and whine incessantly - not a pretty sight. He's scared shitless, not only about facing juries of his peers, but facing Chris Christie in a public debate.

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Scripture tells us of men with flaws who are used to clean up civilizations. Until he proves differently, that is his job. We see the trials and tribulations of some elected Republicans trying to clean up the massive corrupted system we have. Joe the great deceiver had a 1.38 trillion-dollar federal deficit in 2022. Understand that. Prog Covid fears caused this.
Trump's entire campaign should focus on the corruption of the DOJ and the FBI. The US cannot survive with a justice system controlled by a Political Party.
Would you stop crying, you whiny little bitch? The DoJ and the FBI are overwhelmingly Republican. There has never been an FBI Director who was a Democrat.
Scripture tells us of men with flaws who are used to clean up civilizations. Until he proves differently, that is his job. We see the trials and tribulations of some elected Republicans trying to clean up the massive corrupted system we have. Joe the great deceiver had a 1.38 trillion-dollar federal deficit in 2022. Understand that. Prog Covid fears caused this.
Shove your bible up your ass. This is the real world.
Scripture tells us of men with flaws who are used to clean up civilizations. Until he proves differently, that is his job. We see the trials and tribulations of some elected Republicans trying to clean up the massive corrupted system we have. Joe the great deceiver had a 1.38 trillion-dollar federal deficit in 2022. Understand that. Prog Covid fears caused this.
Biden was left with a $3.13 trillion deficit from Trump. And Trump wanted more stimulus than the Democrats wanted.

Reducing the deficit to $1.38 trillion is a move in the right direction.

Obama inherited a massive deficit from Bush, and then spent the next 8 years reducing the deficit.

Then Trump spent the next four years increasing the deficit.

Now another Democrat has to get the deficit reduced from what he inherited from his predecessor.

See a pattern?

Scripture tells us of men with flaws who are used to clean up civilizations. Until he proves differently, that is his job. We see the trials and tribulations of some elected Republicans trying to clean up the massive corrupted system we have. Joe the great deceiver had a 1.38 trillion-dollar federal deficit in 2022. Understand that. Prog Covid fears caused this.
The Hoax: Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

The Fact: Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years

That was BEFORE Covid.

During Covid:

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

Not a peep from the Trump herd while Trump was submitting record govermmet spending budgets.

Not. A. Peep.

Only when a Democrat is in the White House do they suddenly discover their inner fiscal conservatism.

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?
The election of a president under indictment and facing criminal trial would “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis” and “cripple the operations of government”, Donald Trump said.


“She is likely to be under investigation for many years,” Trump said, “and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.”


The same day, CNN said, Trump told rally-goers in Denver, Colorado, that because Clinton was “the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation”, it would be “virtually impossible for her to govern”.

The election of a president under indictment and facing criminal trial would “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis” and “cripple the operations of government”, Donald Trump said.


“She is likely to be under investigation for many years,” Trump said, “and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.”


The same day, CNN said, Trump told rally-goers in Denver, Colorado, that because Clinton was “the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation”, it would be “virtually impossible for her to govern”.

Oh, I see your confusion. Trump was speaking about Hillary, not himself.

It would be impossible to govern with multiple criminal investigations and indictments to deal with - for H. Clinton. Trump has already shown he can govern for four years with a nearly deranged FBI and DOJ in full pursuit over what has now been confirmed as a deliberate hoax AND a deranged Congress impeaching him for allegedly doing something that Biden bragged about doing.

Trump will be fine and WITHOUT people with dirt on him hanging themselves in their cells.
An impartial jury looks at the evidence presented at trial, and doesn't let their prejudices or preconceptions influence their verdict.

It will be hard to find such a jury, but with a large enough canvas, they may find the 12-24 jurors they will need for the classified documents trial.

I've been saying that a Florida jury will have enough Trump supporters that a conviction will be impossible. I hadn't thought of the fact that the jurors will have to be eligible for security clearances. That will skew the jury even more to Trump supporters, or at least to Republicans. People with criminal records, who are burdened with debt, who consume illegal drugs are not considered good risks for access to classified material. Those people make up the Democratic base along with the rainbow brigade.

Especially since what Trump had was soooooooo highly classified that *echo effect* he put lives in danger! :rolleyes:

I've been saying that a Florida jury will have enough Trump supporters that a conviction will be impossible. I hadn't thought of the fact that the jurors will have to be eligible for security clearances. That will skew the jury even more to Trump supporters, or at least to Republicans. People with criminal records, who are burdened with debt, who consume illegal drugs are not considered good risks for access to classified material. Those people make up the Democratic base along with the rainbow brigade.

Especially since what Trump had was soooooooo highly classified that *echo effect* he put lives in danger! :rolleyes:
You are basically saying Trump is guilty but a rigged jury could get around that.

You know he's guilty and so do most MAGAs
You are basically saying Trump is guilty but a rigged jury could get around that.

You know he's guilty and so do most MAGAs
Here's my suggestion for you, Arlette: Since you prefer to argue against what you wish I said, instead of what i said, you should create a sock, and then have it say the things you want to argue against.

That way, when you tell it, "You are basically saying . . . " you'll be right! Because that will be what you had it say.

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