An Overly Politically Correct Supposedly Reaganite GOP Faction

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
An Overly Politically Correct GOP Faction : An Overly Politically Correct Supposedly Reaganite GOP Faction

There are those in the the GOP who are publicly saying many of their brethrem within the party are not 'conservative enough' to be Republicans. So much for the myth of "Reagan Republicans" as Reagan became widly popular for the delusion of conservatices wanting a big tent party.

This is the classic textbook definition of "political correctness"
The Tea Party with their 'politically-correct dogma' are slowing tearing apart the GOP as we know it which may be a good thing for the time present.
The Tea Party with their 'politically-correct dogma' are slowing tearing apart the GOP as we know it which may be a good thing for the time present.

Correct. :cool:

But as you say 'for the time' being because our system needs to viable, healthy parties to survive. The two-party system has kept America going since the founding
What is that line Reagan used that is trotted out by cons once in a while to show how supposedly rational and open to ideas they are? Something about not attacking each other and how conservatives have a big tent mentality to go with the big tent gop. Hmm...

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