An overwhelming body of data and still we have climate deniers


This right here is the truth

Your truth, which is based off an ideological position, certainly NOT a review of how many scientists and staff are working on this issue vs the available money to support them.

In the end you have NOTHING to back up this ridiculous claim which in the end, is nothing more than another way you DENY the science.

The science is extremely clear

And you seem to think that simply restating the same bull shit over and over makes it true.
How do they make a thermometer ?

They calibrate it against a standard ;--)

Thats not fudging, thats calibrating, same goes for tape measures ;--)

What thermometer did they use in...oh say 320 AD? LOL They've been caught fudging data and numbers, save your BS loon

Um, no, no ones been caught fudging data, actually they have a process called peer review to ensure that the data is accurate.

What your suggesting is basically the worlds biggest conspiracy involving tens of thousands of scientists over hundreds of years LOL. Its simply impossible.

Why would you think its all just fudged data ? Most scientists are still eating cold pizza and drinking warm bear, trying to figure this stuff out. If they misreported anything, they'd lose what little funding they do get.

Oh and its not so hard to figure out the temp hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Multiple techniques are used each having been calibrated just like that tape measure or any newer thermometer and compared against existing data. Its really not that tricky of a process.

If they misreported anything, they'd lose what little funding they do get.

Is that what happened to Nobel Prize winning scientist, Michael Mann?

Mann ( who I've spoken to on several occasions ) didn't misreport anything, he simple didn't include his calculations in his original, and took his time releasing them, which as I recall he eventually did.

Mann, actually has done a great job and been a real mover in the field of climate science. He won that Nobel for a reason, he's good.

Nobel Prize, impressive. Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama "won" the Nobel PEACE Prize after being in office TWO WEEKS. How many wars are we involved in today?


He lied. Surprise. He didn't win the Nobel Prize.
Thread summary:

All the deniers here literally have nothing but loopy conspiracy theories that their political cult ordered them to parrot. Every denier on this thread is a member of the right-wing-fringe extremist political cult. In an attempt to glorify their fringe political cult, they proudly parrot all of their cult's official propaganda. All of them are comically bad at actual science and logic.

In contrast, mainstream climate science crosses all political boundaries all across the world. That's because it's actual science.

So how does this end? It doesn't. The denier cult keeps circling the drain, but it never dies completely, at least not until the last denier dies of old age. They're irrelevant even now, reduced to making noise on message boards.
“An overwhelming body of data and still we have climate deniers”

We’ll always have deniers – even as their beachfront property is going underwater they’ll still be in denial.
where has that happened? And why did Al Gore buy some recently?
Thread summary:

All the deniers here literally have nothing but loopy conspiracy theories that their political cult ordered them to parrot. Every denier on this thread is a member of the right-wing-fringe extremist political cult. In an attempt to glorify their fringe political cult, they proudly parrot all of their cult's official propaganda. All of them are comically bad at actual science and logic.

In contrast, mainstream climate science crosses all political boundaries all across the world. That's because it's actual science.

So how does this end? It doesn't. The denier cult keeps circling the drain, but it never dies completely, at least not until the last denier dies of old age. They're irrelevant even now, reduced to making noise on message boards.

They're irrelevant even now

Which is proven by Obama's cap and trade legislation......wait what?
Wrong on all counts. Calibrating the tape measure is not the fudging data, its building a better tape measure. You can argue fudged data till you are blue in the face but what your really saying is you refuse to acknowledge that any measuring device requires calibration. The more complex the devise, the more detailed the calibration and the greater the chance the initial calibration will require adjustment ;--)

LOL You're a know nothing on an obscure message board and also a leftist twatwaffle...I'm not apt to take you serious

Interesting, so your technique is to declare the other guy a "know nothing" and bail out of the conversation. Thats a great scientific argument, lets go with that.

What would happen if attempted to publish a refutation on a paper and that was the body of your work ?

Do you think the review board would even remotely consider that a valid position ? I mean if you are all that familiar with getting work published, surely you'd present a better argument. ;--)

Maybe you can explain to us how the increase in CO2 won''t lead to warming.

I provided provided your own bias opinion. You may go now I am bored with you

So links to work that isn't peer reviewed or even remotely anything other than ideology based journalism with little or no merit is what you prefer to consider rather than hard science peer reviewed and published in journals which depend on their accuracy to maintain their reputation and viability ?

Very interesting, yet you say you are familiar with history and science ?

Have you ever actually studied climate science ?

Or do you entirely depend on journalistic opinion pieces that frankly, lack in both integrity and accuracy ?

As an example your first link was written by a guy named Josh at a site called "the NO TRICK ZONE"

Really ??????

And this is the basis of your informed denial of climate change ?

This is exactly why I started the thread. So far we have denial based of a complete misrepresentation of the calibration process, and off a journalist and his conspiracy theories which he writes up at a site called the No Trick Zone.

Brilliant, simply brilliant

As you know, "peer reviewed" in the world of "Global Warming", now known as "Climate Change" since GW no longer is arguable, means nothing. The potentates prohibit articles with opposing views and suck up to each other to assure themselves grants. FOLLOW THE MONEY!

Actually, it was so bad it earned itself a new name "pal reviewed". In one case the mans wife was his peer reviewer. Talk about a corrupt system.
Thread summary:

All the deniers here literally have nothing but loopy conspiracy theories that their political cult ordered them to parrot. Every denier on this thread is a member of the right-wing-fringe extremist political cult. In an attempt to glorify their fringe political cult, they proudly parrot all of their cult's official propaganda. All of them are comically bad at actual science and logic.

In contrast, mainstream climate science crosses all political boundaries all across the world. That's because it's actual science.

So how does this end? It doesn't. The denier cult keeps circling the drain, but it never dies completely, at least not until the last denier dies of old age. They're irrelevant even now, reduced to making noise on message boards.

Post summary.... "I have nothing factual so I will rely on people who have been proven to lie about their achievements, who's very professional reputations and money derive from maintaining a fraud, and I am too stupid to either understand, or am too financially tied up with them, to report truthfully, on anything."

That about sum you up mammy?
im from germany, in germany the consensus of scientists politicians and people is : that global warming is real, and that the society should do everything we can as one of the most developed countrys in the world with the nr 4 global economy do to stop global warming
im from germany, in germany the consensus of scientists politicians and people is : that global warming is real, and that the society should do everything we can as one of the most developed countrys in the world with the nr 4 global economy to stop global warming

Yes, and they jumped on the green energy bandwagon so that you folks pay 4 times more for your energy than we do. And it failed. Germany has stopped the wind and solar subsidies and approved new coal fired power plants so that people like you don't freeze in the winter. Nobody wants pollution. However, only a moron wishes to kill other people because their energy systems don't work.

Verstehen sie?
everyone is responsible for his own deeds.
if you think your only doing 1 billions of the crime against nature.
its your responsibility, your not responsible for what the other 7 billion do, but you are 100% responsible for what you do

your 100% responsible for your part in murdering earth
everyone is responsible for his own deeds.
if you think your only doing 1 billions of the crime against nature.
its your responsibility, your not responsible for what the other 7 billion do, but you are 100% responsible for what you do

your 100% responsible for your part in murdering earth

"Murdering" the Earth? Do you have any idea how retarded that sounds? The Earth is going to be keepin on, keepin on for billions of years after I am long gone. I suggest you actually go to school and learn something because you REALLY have no idea what you're blabbering about.
LOL You're a know nothing on an obscure message board and also a leftist twatwaffle...I'm not apt to take you serious

Interesting, so your technique is to declare the other guy a "know nothing" and bail out of the conversation. Thats a great scientific argument, lets go with that.

What would happen if attempted to publish a refutation on a paper and that was the body of your work ?

Do you think the review board would even remotely consider that a valid position ? I mean if you are all that familiar with getting work published, surely you'd present a better argument. ;--)

Maybe you can explain to us how the increase in CO2 won''t lead to warming.

I provided provided your own bias opinion. You may go now I am bored with you

So links to work that isn't peer reviewed or even remotely anything other than ideology based journalism with little or no merit is what you prefer to consider rather than hard science peer reviewed and published in journals which depend on their accuracy to maintain their reputation and viability ?

Very interesting, yet you say you are familiar with history and science ?

Have you ever actually studied climate science ?

Or do you entirely depend on journalistic opinion pieces that frankly, lack in both integrity and accuracy ?

As an example your first link was written by a guy named Josh at a site called "the NO TRICK ZONE"

Really ??????

And this is the basis of your informed denial of climate change ?

This is exactly why I started the thread. So far we have denial based of a complete misrepresentation of the calibration process, and off a journalist and his conspiracy theories which he writes up at a site called the No Trick Zone.

Brilliant, simply brilliant

As you know, "peer reviewed" in the world of "Global Warming", now known as "Climate Change" since GW no longer is arguable, means nothing. The potentates prohibit articles with opposing views and suck up to each other to assure themselves grants. FOLLOW THE MONEY!

Actually, it was so bad it earned itself a new name "pal reviewed". In one case the mans wife was his peer reviewer. Talk about a corrupt system.

Or in the matter of John Cook and his 97% lie, it was himself using aliases..multiple.. We call this self review.. A deception to give your work credibility it does not deserve. This is the reason Skeptical(Shit)Science is not reliable nor is anything on the site.
Last edited:
im from germany, in germany the consensus of scientists politicians and people is : that global warming is real, and that the society should do everything we can as one of the most developed countrys in the world with the nr 4 global economy do to stop global warming
And unfortunately you would be wrong.. Lots of feelings and drama but very short on facts to support your drama. Germany also prohibits dissenting views on AGW. Lies cant stand the light so you outlaw the light.

Your truth, which is based off an ideological position, certainly NOT a review of how many scientists and staff are working on this issue vs the available money to support them.

In the end you have NOTHING to back up this ridiculous claim which in the end, is nothing more than another way you DENY the science.

The science is extremely clear

If it's extremely clear -- then you should have NO PROBLEM giving a forecast temperature anomaly for 2050.. Or predicting the ACE (hurricane activity) for 2100. Or defining a "trigger temperature" over which the planet will commit suicide.

You ARE aware that ALL of key metrics in the SEVERITY of GW have been constantly revised DOWNWARD since the 80s --- right ????? Under what circumstances is "the science settled" and yet projections for doom keep getting revised?

I need answers to all that or I might consider all your "bluster" just denial..

At LEAST --- Tell us how about telling us HOW MANY Climate Scientists are thoroughly convinced that storms are ALREADY being influenced by the 0.6degC in your lifetime?
explenation :
if you use a car and produce co 2 and the rest its just a tiny part of whats killing the ecosystem of earth.
but its exactly your part. your not responsible for the rest of the 7 billion people, your responsible for yourself and your part.

you are responsible for yourself.

you can t control anyone else, but you can control yourself do your job

and your responsible for your 5 billionth part of killing the enviroment and the world.

your responsible for yourself

Your truth, which is based off an ideological position, certainly NOT a review of how many scientists and staff are working on this issue vs the available money to support them.

In the end you have NOTHING to back up this ridiculous claim which in the end, is nothing more than another way you DENY the science.

The science is extremely clear
So friend, why was it 70 degrees in Chicago Saturday and 92 degrees Monday? Did your folks predict that?
explenation :
if you use a car and produce co 2 and the rest its just a tiny part of whats killing the ecosystem of earth.
but its exactly your part. your not responsible for the rest of the 7 billion people, your responsible for yourself and your part.

you are responsible for yourself.

you can t control anyone else, but you can control yourself do your job

and your responsible for your 5 billionth part of killing the enviroment and the world.

your responsible for yourself
well why don't you first prove I've done any of that. measured proof. empirical evidence proof, that you can make such silly statements. please the class is waiting.
explenation :
if you use a car and produce co 2 and the rest its just a tiny part of whats killing the ecosystem of earth.
but its exactly your part. your not responsible for the rest of the 7 billion people, your responsible for yourself and your part.

you are responsible for yourself.

you can t control anyone else, but you can control yourself do your job

and your responsible for your 5 billionth part of killing the enviroment and the world.

your responsible for yourself

How does CO2 "kill" the Earth? Do you even understand that CO2 is the very bottom of the food chain for this planet? Do you understand that if CO2 were to magically vanish, you, and all life on this planet would be snuffed out? Do you even understand the very basics or are you so wrapped up in your religious fanaticism that you will ignore all facts in pursuit of your goal to enslave the poor of this world so they can better serve the wealthy elite?
explenation :
if you use a car and produce co 2 and the rest its just a tiny part of whats killing the ecosystem of earth.
but its exactly your part. your not responsible for the rest of the 7 billion people, your responsible for yourself and your part.

you are responsible for yourself.

you can t control anyone else, but you can control yourself do your job

and your responsible for your 5 billionth part of killing the enviroment and the world.

your responsible for yourself

How does CO2 "kill" the Earth? Do you even understand that CO2 is the very bottom of the food chain for this planet? Do you understand that if CO2 were to magically vanish, you, and all life on this planet would be snuffed out? Do you even understand the very basics or are you so wrapped up in your religious fanaticism that you will ignore all facts in pursuit of your goal to enslave the poor of this world so they can better serve the wealthy elite?
I love uninformed warmers, they do show their ignorance well.

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