Link Between Climate Denial and Conspiracy Beliefs Sparks Conspiracy Theories

IF you believe that GW is entirely untrue, then your have two choices:

1. You believe that you understand the science of climatology better than the majority of experts who are honestly wrong; or

2. You believe that the majority of experts are part of a nefarious grand conspiracy to fool the public.

If you believe number 1 and are NOT an expert? You are thinker...a magical thinker.

If you believe number 2, then I would dearly love to know what you think motivates these experts to lie.

Also, if you believe number 2, then I would like to ask you how you believe that this grand conspiracy has managed to pull off a secret conspiracy involving thousands of scientists without getting caught, and without also having any of the conspirators RECANTING and exposing this grand conspiracy.

Basically the grand GW conspiracy theory flies in the face of everything we know about human nature and group behavior.
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2. You believe that the majority of experts are part of a nefarious grand conspiracy to fool the public.

If you believe number 2, then I would dearly love to know what you think motivates these experts to lie.
Continued funding for their cushy lifestyles in academe, where they don't have to ever produce anything others want to buy.

Riddle me this...What's in it for any one of them to come out tomorrow and say "Oops!...Looks like we got this one all wrong!...Nothing to worry about, folks!"?
2. You believe that the majority of experts are part of a nefarious grand conspiracy to fool the public.

If you believe number 2, then I would dearly love to know what you think motivates these experts to lie.
Continued funding for their cushy lifestyles in academe, where they don't have to ever produce anything others want to buy.

Riddle me this...What's in it for any one of them to come out tomorrow and say "Oops!...Looks like we got this one all wrong!...Nothing to worry about, folks!"?

We all knew that you are a conspiracy theory nutjob but thanks for confirming it once again. You poor, poor delusional retard.
2. You believe that the majority of experts are part of a nefarious grand conspiracy to fool the public.

If you believe number 2, then I would dearly love to know what you think motivates these experts to lie.
Continued funding for their cushy lifestyles in academe, where they don't have to ever produce anything others want to buy.

Riddle me this...What's in it for any one of them to come out tomorrow and say "Oops!...Looks like we got this one all wrong!...Nothing to worry about, folks!"?

We all knew already that you are a conspiracy theory nutjob but thanks for confirming it once again. You poor, poor, delusional retard.
It's not my fault that you're too much of a stupid hack parrot to know the ancient news that your 97% meme is a total crock of shit.

But please, feel free to keep looking like the complete retard that you are. :lol:

It is sad when they try to defend things like that 97% when it has been so thoroughly debunked and exposed that even the people who originally perpetrated it have done all that is possible to distance themselves from it.
This thread is a perfect illustration of "FAILURE TO CONNECT THE DOTS".

After all the data about glaciers.......after all the angst about "wild weather".........after all of the links about the Arctic melting.....etc......etc......etc........

What is the fucking implication at the end of the day from the environmental OC's?????

Whats the point?

Please explain it to me!!!!!!!!!

But I'll try to take a guess. What? That the world come together to "do something about climate change". Is that it........meatheads???

So what do you propose we do...........and for what end? AND........what are the consequences???

Notice the nutters never factor that into any post with any kind of specificity!!!

Who can tell me that if we quit fossil fuels tomorrow, that all this is reversed?


Is everybody thus ready to throw their iPhone in the garbage tomorrow? Outlaw fireplaces? Ban eating red meat? Double the price of electricity? Litter the landscape with solar panels and windmills in every yard in America and hope for endless sunshine and wind every day? Are we all ready to lose hundreds of thousands/year to hypothermia death? Will the service industry, employing millions of folks, be ready to cover shifts because staff's electric cars die and they cant make it into work? How will 2.5 million people in the coal industry find jobs, and when they cant, must taxes go up again to support them with unemployment benefits?

These are just the tip of the iceberg......questions never considered by the environmental OC's. Never.

Most other people do however, which still makes this whole debate nothing more than internet chatter in the bigger picture of things.......a gigantic group navel contemplation session.

LMAO.....and this is all assumming that this climate stuff is related to man-made sources. And NOBODY can prove that .

jerkoff jackasses are gay.

Fucking morons......we are intelligent beings. We will adapt if water levels rise. We will apply new technologies over time so that movement to current renewables isnt an exercise in stupidity. It'll be a fraction of the expense than to go it the way of the k00ks.
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It is sad when they try to defend things like that 97% when it has been so thoroughly debunked and exposed that even the people who originally perpetrated it have done all that is possible to distance themselves from it.

It is sad when you repeat your myths hoping that someone will finally fall for them.

A number of different studies have shown conclusively that the vast majority, around at least 97%, of the world's climate scientists agree that human activities are causing an abrupt global warming trend and altering the Earth's climate patterns. None of the scientists involved with these studies have in any way repudiated them or "distanced themselves" from their studies. Your lies are pathetic, SSooooDDuuuumb.
This thread is a perfect illustration of "FAILURE TO CONNECT THE DOTS".

After all the data about glaciers.......after all the angst about "wild weather".........after all of the links about the Arctic melting.....etc......etc......etc........

What is the fucking implication at the end of the day from the environmental OC's?????

Whats the point?

Please explain it to me!!!!!!!!!

But I'll try to take a guess. What? That the world come together to "do something about climate change". Is that it........meatheads???

So what do you propose we do...........and for what end? AND........what are the consequences???

Notice the nutters never factor that into any post with any kind of specificity!!!

Who can tell me that if we quit fossil fuels tomorrow, that all this is reversed?


Is everybody thus ready to throw their iPhone in the garbage tomorrow? Outlaw fireplaces? Ban eating red meat? Double the price of electricity? Litter the landscape with solar panels and windmills in every yard in America and hope for endless sunshine and wind every day? Are we all ready to lose hundreds of thousands/year to hypothermia death? Will the service industry, employing millions of folks, be ready to cover shifts because staff's electric cars die and they cant make it into work? How will 2.5 million people in the coal industry find jobs, and when they cant, must taxes go up again to support them with unemployment benefits?

These are just the tip of the iceberg......questions never considered by the environmental OC's. Never.

Most other people do however, which still makes this whole debate nothing more than internet chatter in the bigger picture of things.......a gigantic group navel contemplation session.

LMAO.....and this is all assumming that this climate stuff is related to man-made sources. And NOBODY can prove that .

jerkoff jackasses are gay.

Fucking morons......we are intelligent beings. We will adapt if water levels rise. We will apply new technologies over time so that movement to current renewables isnt an exercise in stupidity. It'll be a fraction of the expense than to go it the way of the k00ks.
It's not any conspiracy at all...It's business as usual.

Well, there isn't any conspiracy at all, that's correct, but you are still a retarded nutjob who believes in the non-existent conspiracy and also apparently thinks that that's normal for all science. You are such a sad little cretin, Screwball.
Don't need any conspiracy theories to know how self-serving circle jerk cliques work.

The "peer review" of the Goebbels warming hoaxers mirrors that of holocaust deniers.

Author A says Author B is right, who in turn says that Author C is right, who in turn says that Author D is right, as he uses the "evidence" of A, B and C as the framework around which his conclusions are drawn.

It's the favored method of charlatans and hoaxers throughout the ages.
Don't need any conspiracy theories to know how self-serving circle jerk cliques work.

The "peer review" of the Goebbels warming hoaxers mirrors that of holocaust deniers.

Author A says Author B is right, who in turn says that Author C is right, who in turn says that Author D is right, as he uses the "evidence" of A, B and C as the framework around which his conclusions are drawn.

It's the favored method of charlatans and hoaxers throughout the ages.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....oh Screwball, we already know that you have no idea how science works so there is no need to keep embarrassing yourself with these kind of absurdly ignorant and extremely retarded delusions.
There is a link between people who use the word "deniers" and freaking idiots.
Don't need any conspiracy theories to know how self-serving circle jerk cliques work.

The "peer review" of the Goebbels warming hoaxers mirrors that of holocaust deniers.

Author A says Author B is right, who in turn says that Author C is right, who in turn says that Author D is right, as he uses the "evidence" of A, B and C as the framework around which his conclusions are drawn.

It's the favored method of charlatans and hoaxers throughout the ages.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....oh Screwball, we already know that you have no idea how science works so there is no need to keep embarrassing yourself with these kind of absurdly ignorant and extremely retarded delusions.
I know how science works and you're the only one embarrassing anyone, with your ignorance and retarded delusions.
Don't need any conspiracy theories to know how self-serving circle jerk cliques work.

The "peer review" of the Goebbels warming hoaxers mirrors that of holocaust deniers.

Author A says Author B is right, who in turn says that Author C is right, who in turn says that Author D is right, as he uses the "evidence" of A, B and C as the framework around which his conclusions are drawn.

It's the favored method of charlatans and hoaxers throughout the ages.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....oh Screwball, we already know that you have no idea how science works so there is no need to keep embarrassing yourself with these kind of absurdly ignorant and extremely retarded delusions.
I know how science works
Yeah, you just told us how it works, as seen by one of the most ignorant and deluded retards on the planet:
"Author A says Author B is right, who in turn says that Author C is right, who in turn says that Author D is right, as he uses the "evidence" of A, B and C as the framework around which his conclusions are drawn."


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