An Uneducated, Ignorant Generation

My grandchildren know what a loser Ronnie the Ray Goon was.

Do they know that their grandparent is a loser? Maybe you should tell them
And why do you think that? Could it be that I stepped on your pride?

You couldn't climb up out of the gutter to step on my pride. :D
Well you have to have some idea why you believe I am a loser.

Your previous statement suffices.
They just traded economic liberalism in for blind sex, fun and rock in roll. Their kids are being brainwashed by the goddamn rich to vote against their interest to the haul.
Materialism is not the best thing in life to become a slave to..

We're becoming a society that services the rich and doesn't give a damn improving the quality of life for the lower classes.

Doesn't care about our food standards
Doesn't care about health of anyone that isn't rich
Doesn't care about the environment
Doesn't care about fair for the workers
Doesn't care about educating our children and giving them a chance

It is all about the goddamn 1% that has spent the past 50 years sticking the knife in our middle classes back.
Yes, ever since FDR they have planned on taking the US back to the time before FDR and Trump is helping to do that. Along with the rest of the GOP led insurgents that feel the need to concentrate the wealth in the top percentile..The lower half of the US population has been left behind in the last 40 years.....But then again, rich folks is way more important than us plebs...

The time before FDR was better than the time after. True Story.
Not according to the people I knew that lived through it...I am sure the vets from WWI would not agree...
That lived through what? The 20s?

How many people do you know who lived through the twenties? My dad was born in 1928, and he died in the 90s. My mom was born in 34 and she's in her 80s now.
Well, the rich have made 950% more compared then the late 1980's, while the worker has made next to nothing. Why? Because they're taking all the extra profit. Tell me how 99% of society is more free for allowing these fuckers to do this? We aint.

Tell me how we're more free having less money and going deep into debt when a family member gets sick. We don't have to have this current profit driven healthcare but we must because the rich want it that why. How are we more free?

We sure as fuck aint. Republican ideas allow the super rich more freedom to fuck over me and you!

Ain't freedom wonderful!
Now US cities must bribe a company to set up shop, not the small business man, only the corporation giants...Seems a little unfair to me...
Materialism is not the best thing in life to become a slave to..

We're becoming a society that services the rich and doesn't give a damn improving the quality of life for the lower classes.

Doesn't care about our food standards
Doesn't care about health of anyone that isn't rich
Doesn't care about the environment
Doesn't care about fair for the workers
Doesn't care about educating our children and giving them a chance

It is all about the goddamn 1% that has spent the past 50 years sticking the knife in our middle classes back.
Yes, ever since FDR they have planned on taking the US back to the time before FDR and Trump is helping to do that. Along with the rest of the GOP led insurgents that feel the need to concentrate the wealth in the top percentile..The lower half of the US population has been left behind in the last 40 years.....But then again, rich folks is way more important than us plebs...

The time before FDR was better than the time after. True Story.
Not according to the people I knew that lived through it...I am sure the vets from WWI would not agree...
That lived through what? The 20s?

How many people do you know who lived through the twenties? My dad was born in 1928, and he died in the 90s. My mom was born in 34 and she's in her 80s now.
My Papa and his brothers were born in the 1890's, along with my granny and great grandads which I new..
Well, the rich have made 950% more compared to the late 1980's, while the worker has made next to nothing. Why? Because they're taking all the extra profit. Tell me how 99% of society is more free for allowing these fuckers to do this? We aint.

Tell me how we're more free having less money and going deep into debt when a family member gets sick. We don't have to have this current profit driven healthcare but we must because the rich want it that why. How are we more free?

We sure as fuck aint. Republican ideas allow the super rich more freedom to fuck over me and you!

And as the super rich get more freedom to fuck you and me over...The little guy has less say and freedom. Conservative ideas = fuck 95% of society. Unions and the enforcement of anti-trust was the best thing to ever happen to 90% of society.

This is a fact.

Do you really believe we shouldn't have paved highways which benefit us all?
Do you really believe that all children shouldn't have an education unless they can pay 30 thousand per year.
Do you really believe our quality of life should go down?
Do you really believe society shouldn't regulate food, water and air for all?

How is not doing any of the above make us freer? Unless you think free is to die on the side of the street or get kicked in the head by the rich.
Well, the rich have made 950% more compared to the late 1980's, while the worker has made next to nothing. Why? Because they're taking all the extra profit. Tell me how 99% of society is more free for allowing these fuckers to do this? We aint.

Tell me how we're more free having less money and going deep into debt when a family member gets sick. We don't have to have this current profit driven healthcare but we must because the rich want it that why. How are we more free?

We sure as fuck aint. Republican ideas allow the super rich more freedom to fuck over me and you!

And as the super rich get more freedom to fuck you and me over...The little guy has less say and freedom. Conservative ideas = fuck 95% of society. Unions and the enforcement of anti-trust was the best thing to ever happen to 90% of society.

This is a fact.

Do you really believe we shouldn't have paved highways which benefit us all?
Do you really believe that all children shouldn't have an education unless they can pay 30 thousand per year.
Do you really believe our quality of life should go down?
Do you really believe society shouldn't regulate food, water and air for all?

How is not doing any of the above make us freer? Unless you think free is to die on the side of the street or get kicked in the head by the rich.

Wow! Now you have gone to quoting yourself?
Well, the anti-capitalists are showing up, loud and proud.

And the Left whines when this stuff is pointed out.
The best societies have a heavy emphasis on communism with a dash of capitalism. If we can get rid of fiat money and the worship of money communism would work out great. You would get state parks, roads, free health care etc.
You just described China. You would rank China above the USA as a superior society?
If thats true then...Yes
Well, the rich have made 950% more compared to the late 1980's, while the worker has made next to nothing. Why? Because they're taking all the extra profit. Tell me how 99% of society is more free for allowing these fuckers to do this? We aint.

Tell me how we're more free having less money and going deep into debt when a family member gets sick. We don't have to have this current profit driven healthcare but we must because the rich want it that why. How are we more free?

We sure as fuck aint. Republican ideas allow the super rich more freedom to fuck over me and you!

And as the super rich get more freedom to fuck you and me over...The little guy has less say and freedom. Conservative ideas = fuck 95% of society. Unions and the enforcement of anti-trust was the best thing to ever happen to 90% of society.

This is a fact.

Do you really believe we shouldn't have paved highways which benefit us all?
Do you really believe that all children shouldn't have an education unless they can pay 30 thousand per year.
Do you really believe our quality of life should go down?
Do you really believe society shouldn't regulate food, water and air for all?

How is not doing any of the above make us freer? Unless you think free is to die on the side of the street or get kicked in the head by the rich.
Conservatives are not too bright. The same guys telling them that socialism is very bad are also the same guys getting free healthcare and pensions for life.
Youre just mad you white boys dont understand civilization. No wonder you prefer capitalism. You think the rich guys want you to get as rich as they are and provide them more competition. :laugh:
Social commentary is not your forte. Stick to sharing the wonders of African communism brought to that continent. As for the rich, we don't care what rich guys want or don't want for us. Our success is up to us and a great business plan.
Youre just mad you white boys dont understand civilization. No wonder you prefer capitalism. You think the rich guys want you to get as rich as they are and provide them more competition. :laugh:
Social commentary is not your forte. We don't care what rich guy want or don't want for us. Our success is up to us and a great business plan.
Thats what those rich guys keep telling you. Wake me when you wake up and smell the coffee.
Education is not a function of the federal government.
Federal government involvement is what's wrong with "education." They have an interest in NOT teaching the Constitution, the God Given Rights of Man. Teaching such "heresy" makes a large, intrusive federal government UNNECESSARY. The vast populations of the world prefer living under a Godvernment.
Education is not a function of the federal government.
Federal government involvement is what's wrong with "education." They have an interest in NOT teaching the Constitution, the God Given Rights of Man. Teaching such "heresy" makes a large, intrusive federal government UNNECESSARY. The vast populations of the world prefer living under a Godvernment.

I am glad you agree that it is not a federal function, but the rest of your post is not the problem. The federal government has nothing to do with those functions. They have no input.
Liberal leaning children have never experienced real life application of their childish ideas.

They dont have to. They are smart enough to know the first humans employed a communistic approach to life.

So what! The first humans lived in small groups as hunter/gathers. Communism does work in small groups of people who have an emotional connection, like families. Most family units are fairly communistic. The problem is it doesn’t scale because of the lack of emotional commitment to millions of people. Pretty basic stuff.
What the younger people see is the disaster capitalism is in regards to other people. They also do not mind sharing with others as greedy capitalist's can't do.

People who haven’t worked and acquired things never have a problem sharing. Wait until they have to work and pay rent and their roommate is short his share of the rent.
Liberal leaning children have never experienced real life application of their childish ideas.

They dont have to. They are smart enough to know the first humans employed a communistic approach to life.

So what! The first humans lived in small groups as hunter/gathers. Communism does work in small groups of people who have an emotional connection, like families. Most family units are fairly communistic. The problem is it doesn’t scale because of the lack of emotional commitment to millions of people. Pretty basic stuff.
I hope I am just getting you mixed up with someone I remember as really stupid but thats the smartest thing I have ever heard you say! I agree with a point. Thats where a little capitalism comes in. However, as I said already, the basis should be socialistic or communistic.
What the younger people see is the disaster capitalism is in regards to other people. They also do not mind sharing with others as greedy capitalist's can't do.

People who haven’t worked and acquired things never have a problem sharing. Wait until they have to work and pay rent and their roommate is short his share of the rent.
Depends on if his roommate fulfills another need. Reminds me of when married couples didnt have to have two people working in order to make ends meet.
I think we knew where this was going when the hippies from the war generation started to throw off the shackles of capitalism..

They just traded economic liberalism in for blind sex, fun and rock in roll. Their kids are being brainwashed by the goddamn rich to vote against their interest to the haul.
Materialism is not the best thing in life to become a slave to..

We're becoming a society that services the rich and doesn't give a damn about improving the quality of life for the lower classes.

Doesn't care about our food standards
Doesn't care about health of anyone that isn't rich
Doesn't care about the environment
Doesn't care about fair for the workers
Doesn't care about educating our children and giving them a chance

It is all about the goddamn 1% that has spent the past 50 years sticking the knife in our middle classes back.

The country will get sick of the republicans in a few years then the demorats will be back in power. If repubs really screw things up this time, they'll be thrown out of power for a long long time like back in the 30's after FDR got in. Back and forth, dem/repub, then repub/dem
Do you really believe society shouldn't regulate food, water and air for all
As a conservative, I'm in favor of being served rotten food, filthy, diseased water sources and air so thick with smog, it makes your eyes burn within minutes. And I vote that way, of course.


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