An Uneducated, Ignorant Generation

For you advocates of capitalism...please tell us how having the wealth concentrated among the 1% is a good thing for the rest of a society?
Someone's wealth in no factor to my happiness. Sorry your life is so tortured.
For you advocates of capitalism...please tell us how having the wealth concentrated among the 1% is a good thing for the rest of a society?
Someone's wealth in no factor to my happiness. Sorry your life is so tortured.
You deflected from the question like most conservatives do. Cant you guys answer a simple question or do you need someone to provide prescripted answers for you?
For you advocates of capitalism...please tell us how having the wealth concentrated among the 1% is a good thing for the rest of a society?

Point taken.

Asslips here advocates Socialism/Communism.

That doesn't exactly jibe with the "American Way"dude.

Expect blowback from every American there is. GFY, faggot!

You commie ****** fuck! Wtf is wrong with you?

You are the sorriest black I've ever seen in my life!

Tbh, I never seen a sorry Commie nigga before.

I know 6'4" women that love me that would slap you silly if I told them what stupid you were doing.

Shiet, they're the ones that told me what's what. You non-American turd.

I learned about racism from 6'4"-5" big ol' black women that loved me.

They 'splained it to me.

True story, and them women had some serious wisdom.

All Asslips has is his head up his ass.
Liberal leaning children have never experienced real life application of their childish ideas.


Like Barron or Tiffany Trump...

Peddle the soft soap elsewhere grifter.
What the younger people see is the disaster capitalism is in regards to other people. They also do not mind sharing with others as greedy capitalist's can't do.
. It's not capitalism that's the problem, but rather the corruption or greed that might end up exploiting the platform of capitalism. The more and more that a society loses it's moral compass, it is when we find that our most sacred platforms and institutions can become our worst nightmare if becomes even 45% corrupt throughout the system of things. Cleaning up and returning the systems or platforms to their original intent and ownerships is the best solution. Communism, Marxism, and socialism in their pure forms are absolutely not the answers. Capitalism works, we just need to drain the swamps.
What the younger people see is the disaster capitalism is in regards to other people. They also do not mind sharing with others as greedy capitalist's can't do.
. It's not capitalism that's the problem, but rather the corruption or greed that might end up exploiting the platform of capitalism. The more and more that a society loses it's moral compass, it is when we find that our most sacred platforms and institutions can become our worst nightmare if becomes even 45% corrupt throughout the system of things. Cleaning up and returning the systems it platforms to their original intent and ownerships is the best solution. Communism, Marxism, and socialism in their pure forms are absolutely not the answers. Capitalism works, we just need to drain the swamps.
Capitalism and capitalize have the same root words. Gaining advantage is in the meaning of capitalize. There is an inherent tendency to attract those with little to no moral compass.
For you advocates of capitalism...please tell us how having the wealth concentrated among the 1% is a good thing for the rest of a society?

First, having the wealth gap we have is not good. Second, it is not purely the product of capitalism. Afterall, the US has always operated as a regulated capitalistic free market. If you look at the chart below, you’ll see that in the 1970’s the wealth gap begins to accelerate.


So what occurred around that time to cause this? IMO it was started with the dissolution of the Bretton Woods system, the system that tied the value of a dollar, and thus all other currencies to gold. When the Bretton Woods agreement was signed in 1944, the US had the largest gold reserve in the world and the dollar became the reserve currency. Then, In 1971 Nixon took the US off the gold standard. Since that time our central bank, the Federal Reserve, has used a few different tools at its disposal, mainly interest rates and money supply, to try to “fix” the economy with monetary policy. Afterall, since we don’t need to have gold to back dollars, we can just print more dollars. Most recently, since 2008 the Fed has printed over $2 trillion dollars. This excess money without corresponding growth has caused many asset classes like stocks, bonds and real estate to become very expensive. So if you are not in a position to own those assets as they appreciate, you are left behind. Stock market is at an all time high, yet the economy has been growing at less than 3% for over a decade. It’s called mal-investment, and it won’t last.
What the younger people see is the disaster capitalism is in regards to other people. They also do not mind sharing with others as greedy capitalist's can't do.

Yes, I mean we live long lives, no one goes hungry, we have creature comforts never dreamed of in the past .

You Communists are so right that these things are evil, You promise to return us to a time when life is short and brutal, where the vast majority lives in fear under the whip of cruel masters who decide if they live or die.

You have a dream, Comrade.
Even the people now eating their pets, with prisons dining on other prisoners still want socialism. They reject all forms of capitalism. They just want socialism the way it was promised. There is where the failure is. Even here, those supporting socialism want a socialism that fulfills all its promises and it never happens.

Governor William Bradford honestly believed that communism would work for the Plymouth colony. All would work for the good of all. The fields would be tilled, the animals cared for, the children raised, God celebrated by all working together for the success of the colony. And the reality was, everyone wanted a share, no one wanted to do any work at all. That's why socialism fails. Too many takers, not enough makers.
Liberal leaning children have never experienced real life application of their childish ideas.

They dont have to. They are smart enough to know the first humans employed a communistic approach to life.

So what! The first humans lived in small groups as hunter/gathers. Communism does work in small groups of people who have an emotional connection, like families. Most family units are fairly communistic. The problem is it doesn’t scale because of the lack of emotional commitment to millions of people. Pretty basic stuff.
I hope I am just getting you mixed up with someone I remember as really stupid but thats the smartest thing I have ever heard you say! I agree with a point. Thats where a little capitalism comes in. However, as I said already, the basis should be socialistic or communistic.

I try to look at what naturally occurs as what is generally good. Ergo, when any system of government requires people to act in ways not in their best interest for that system to function, it needs to be changed. Think of N. Korea as the extreme example of needing to be changed. Look around the globe, where do you find stable societies, societies where people have relative high standards of living, and are generally healthy and happy? It’s a difficult analysis since so many countries are so different. Differences in population size, geographical size and location, racial and cultural diversity all muddy the comparisons. With that said, there are more people trying to come to this country than trying to leave. We are far from perfect, but what other system provides as much for so many?
Even the people now eating their pets, with prisons dining on other prisoners still want socialism. They reject all forms of capitalism. They just want socialism the way it was promised. There is where the failure is. Even here, those supporting socialism want a socialism that fulfills all its promises and it never happens.

Governor William Bradford honestly believed that communism would work for the Plymouth colony. All would work for the good of all. The fields would be tilled, the animals cared for, the children raised, God celebrated by all working together for the success of the colony. And the reality was, everyone wanted a share, no one wanted to do any work at all. That's why socialism fails. Too many takers, not enough makers.

So, China doesn't work?
What the younger people see is the disaster capitalism is in regards to other people. They also do not mind sharing with others as greedy capitalist's can't do.

People who haven’t worked and acquired things never have a problem sharing. Wait until they have to work and pay rent and their roommate is short his share of the rent.
Depends on if his roommate fulfills another need. Reminds me of when married couples didnt have to have two people working in order to make ends meet.

The point is, if the agreement the two share the rent expense, I know few people who willingly work and earn for somebody else to live for free, families not withstanding.
Even the people now eating their pets, with prisons dining on other prisoners still want socialism. They reject all forms of capitalism. They just want socialism the way it was promised. There is where the failure is. Even here, those supporting socialism want a socialism that fulfills all its promises and it never happens.

Governor William Bradford honestly believed that communism would work for the Plymouth colony. All would work for the good of all. The fields would be tilled, the animals cared for, the children raised, God celebrated by all working together for the success of the colony. And the reality was, everyone wanted a share, no one wanted to do any work at all. That's why socialism fails. Too many takers, not enough makers.

So, China doesn't work?

It didn't until it adopted capitalist economic practices. How do you think China got so many millionaires?
Even the people now eating their pets, with prisons dining on other prisoners still want socialism. They reject all forms of capitalism. They just want socialism the way it was promised. There is where the failure is. Even here, those supporting socialism want a socialism that fulfills all its promises and it never happens.

Governor William Bradford honestly believed that communism would work for the Plymouth colony. All would work for the good of all. The fields would be tilled, the animals cared for, the children raised, God celebrated by all working together for the success of the colony. And the reality was, everyone wanted a share, no one wanted to do any work at all. That's why socialism fails. Too many takers, not enough makers.

Jamestown suffered the same fate.
Even the people now eating their pets, with prisons dining on other prisoners still want socialism. They reject all forms of capitalism. They just want socialism the way it was promised. There is where the failure is. Even here, those supporting socialism want a socialism that fulfills all its promises and it never happens.

Governor William Bradford honestly believed that communism would work for the Plymouth colony. All would work for the good of all. The fields would be tilled, the animals cared for, the children raised, God celebrated by all working together for the success of the colony. And the reality was, everyone wanted a share, no one wanted to do any work at all. That's why socialism fails. Too many takers, not enough makers.
Do you have a link for that? The reason I ask is there is no way that would have worked. They were in debt due to the capitalism back in England that financed their trip.

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