An Unwelcome job at mcdonalds

Depends on how you approach it. If it's an end in itself it would likely fail, but if it's a means to an end it would likely be successful.
A job like that isn't good enough to be a means to any end except for the end of you.
How is robotic? How am I 15 years your junior, but understand work ethic, personal responsibility and life better than you?
You don't understand shit, because if you knew how life works you would understand life politics.
Maybe you need shut the fuck up and open your ears to people who been through life.

Now shut the fuck up, or let's talk.
Other than that, bye.
You don't understand shit, because if you knew how life works you would understand life politics.
Maybe you need shut the fuck up and open your ears to people who been through life.

Now shut the fuck up, or let's talk.
Other than that, bye.

I'm talking, you're cussing me out, and throwing a tantrum. I get it, McDonalds isn't all that glamorous. I moved 650 miles away from my family, for better job opportunities. I didn't have too, but I wanted a high paying job, so I sacrificed for what I wanted. I got it too.

What's your excuse?
I'm talking, you're cussing me out, and throwing a tantrum. I get it, McDonalds isn't all that glamorous. I moved 650 miles away from my family, for better job opportunities. I didn't have too, but I wanted a high paying job, so I sacrificed for what I wanted. I got it too.

What's your excuse?
I'm not cussing you out...
You think that because you want something you can just go grab it and live life happily ever after and nothing can ever go awry and trying to insult my work ethic which is impeccable...

And you think that you can get something from nothing...
Like a career out of a dead end, bottom rung crappy job.
Get into a technical field that requires certification.

You have to educate yourself above the rabble.

Idiots do not succeed in technical fields.

When i state 'idiot', the type you dealt with at McD's.

I don't think it was an "American" problem, rather it was a "you" problem.
Or just a ****** problem.

Those tend to be rather common.

If you have ever had to work or live around large numbers of them YOU would realize this very quickly.
I'm not cussing you out...
You think that because you want something you can just go grab it and live life happily ever after and nothing can ever go awry and trying to insult my work ethic which is impeccable.

I chased what I wanted, and I got it. No one stopped me, no one told me I couldn't. I don't see why you can't do the same. I don't know your situation, but I can gather from reading your OP, that it's a YOU problem, not your work. You didn't give a single reason why you left, other than you had a problem, and for some reason, you bring race into it.
I chased what I wanted, and I got it. No one stopped me, no one told me I couldn't. I don't see why you can't do the same. I don't know your situation, but I can gather from reading your OP, that it's a YOU problem, not your work. You didn't give a single reason why you left, other than you had a problem, and for some reason, you bring race into it.

They brought race into it..
And like it or not, America has a king and race is the king of America especially when you're poor and you work with racists which Blacks in America can be, and are at a much higher rate than Whites or other races besides.

The Fact is I worked there, and they wanted me fired for being white and that's what they got.

I gave them a chance.
They didn't give me one.

And I have no obligation to stand there and be challenged to fights all day.

And you didn't get what you wanted, from people who hate you because of your race.
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They brought race into it..
And like it or not, America has a king and race is the king of America especially when you're poor and you work with racists which Blacks in America can be, and are at a much higher rate than Whites or other races besides.

The Fact is I worked there, and they wanted me fired for being white and that's what they got.

I gave them a chance.
They didn't give me one.

And I have no obligation to stand there and be challenged to fights all day.

And you didn't get what you wanted, from people who hate you because of your race.

May I ask what state this happened in?

I call bullshit 100%. You didn't get fired because of your race, you got fired for probably posting on USMB your whole shift.

I got my job, and I work with all kinds. My team lead is Hispanic, several of the techs are Japanese/Chinese, there's a middle eastern fellow, several African American folks, and a good lot of white people. We all get along fine, and no one bothers anyone. About the only person who causes headaches is an asshole forklift driver who is a dick to everyone.
May I ask what state this happened in?

I call bullshit 100%. You didn't get fired because of your race, you got fired for probably posting on USMB your whole shift.

I got my job, and I work with all kinds. My team lead is Hispanic, several of the techs are Japanese/Chinese, there's a middle eastern fellow, several African American folks, and a good lot of white people. We all get along fine, and no one bothers anyone. About the only person who causes headaches is an asshole forklift driver who is a dick to everyone.
Back to static robotic thinking I see.
As I said..
Spew harder.

Your work group is a diverse group, like mine today, and not mainly black and not the dregs of society and both.
What is robotic about my thinking?

Elaborate please.
Your idea that you can just go for whatever want and get it handed to you on a silver platter, blaming me because a group of black uneducated dregs of society don't like my race..
Calling me an unproductive worker which I never been.
May I ask what state this happened in?

I call bullshit 100%. You didn't get fired because of your race, you got fired for probably posting on USMB your whole shift.

I got my job, and I work with all kinds. My team lead is Hispanic, several of the techs are Japanese/Chinese, there's a middle eastern fellow, several African American folks, and a good lot of white people. We all get along fine, and no one bothers anyone. About the only person who causes headaches is an asshole forklift driver who is a dick to everyone.
Hispanics, middle eastern, asians, jews, native americans and whoever else you want to name...

None are anything like blacks when they're getting everything they want out of life and having a good old time making life hard and even dangerous for everybody else.
Your idea that you can just go for whatever want and get it handed to you on a silver platter, blaming me because a group of black uneducated dregs of society don't like me my race..
Calling me an unproductive worker which I never been.

Race had nothing to do with your job experience, I guarantee it.

Did I have my job handed to me on a silver platter? Hell no. Did you read about the fact that I moved 659 miles exactly, from my family, pets, friends, home, everything, and I moved out with enough money for one months rent. I had to sell some of my most treasured possessions to make ends meet, for three months because no one would hire me on account of a lack of job history. I didn't give up, I kept on pushing for employers to give me a chance, and one of them. did. When I received my first paycheck, I started crying, because I achieved what I set out to do, and I was rewarded for my efforts. I sat there in the office wiping tears of joy off my face, thanking my boss for giving me a chance, and hiring me. I told her that I was so happy that I was now finally going to have a decent living. She started crying too. That paycheck meant so much to me. I worked for what I wanted.

Are you going to let a couple people who are different from you, stand in your way?
Race had nothing to do with your job experience, I guarantee it.

Did I have my job handed to me on a silver platter? Hell no. Did you read about the fact that I moved 659 miles exactly, from my family, pets, friends, home, everything, and I moved out with enough money for one months rent. I had to sell some of my most treasured possessions to make ends meet, for three months because no one would hire me on account of a lack of job history. I didn't give up, I kept on pushing for employers to give me a chance, and one of them. did. When I received my first paycheck, I started crying, because I achieved what I set out to do, and I was rewarded for my efforts. I sat there in the office wiping tears of joy off my face, thanking my boss for giving me a chance, and hiring me. I told her that I was so happy that I was now finally going to have a decent living. She started crying too. That paycheck meant so much to me. I worked for what I wanted.

Are you going to let a couple people who are different from you, stand in your way?

Then what could it be when I was the best employee there..
That restaurant was the cleanest it ever was.
The dishes and the cooking equipment was the cleanest they have ever been.

When I was there, that place got a A+ rating from the health department.

And the blacks were spewing racist language and were the only ones talking about how great they are and threatening me?
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