Anaconda: TrumpUSA Doomsday (Fiction?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an Orwellian fable inspired by The Beach and The Phantom of the Opera and referencing the eco-terrorist Ra's al Ghul, G.I. Joe comics, TrumpUSA, and the Anaconda snake!

Signing off,



American movie star Leo DiCaprio made a provocative but jarring film about the metaphysical consciousness generated when man contemplates too deeply about the odd nature of isolationism (even in paradise-like settings) and how it creates feelings of pure anti-social absurdism. The film was called The Beach (director: Danny Boyle), and it represented a modernism perspective on the primal 'spiritual-backlash' felt as a response to the new age mass proliferation of consumerism-related labyrinths and tech-toys. In the film, the protagonist, an American tourist named Richard (DiCaprio) lands on an idyllic hidden island where a group of hippie-like liberals are creating a 'Utopian' society (complete with rotation of division-of-labor), but as Richard thinks about freedom and pleasure, he also starts thinking about the eerie reality of the mind's desire to renounce all obligatory ties to other human beings in the name of personal vanity(!).


As Richard 'evolves' into some 'prince of darkness,' we realize that he's both a messenger of alienation and nihilism as well as some kind of Kerouac-like 'prophet' of the filth and fury of being 'consumed' by the maze of commerce/consumerism soaked 'kitchens.' We might compare The Beach to similarly-themed escapism-paranoia films such as Terence Malick's The Thin Red Line, John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness, Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant, and Rupert Julian's The Phantom of the Opera(!). Richard arguably has to grip the reality that man is both a thinking animal as well as a complicated 'robot.' Richard also comes face-to-face with a snake and snarls at is (almost as if he's now the AntiChrist himself!). Perhaps Richard meditates about the Hindu god Shiva (master of destruction) who keeps a snake wrapped around his neck (as a sign of primal focus). After all, the anaconda (an ominous giant snake) symbolizes perceived self-loathing!


When Richard re-integrates back into 'normal society,' he sits down in front of a 1998 Apple iMac and starts to reorient his thinking to feel more 'civilized,' but we get the nagging feeling that his intimations about the limits and frailty of civilization will remind him (every now and then) of the strange and haunting futility of modern bureaucratic structures and vanities that build monumental gloomy dark-cities of workaholics and capitalism obsession. Will Richard become an eco-activist? That's the sort of question we're inspired to ask in The Beach!


As I report on these findings regarding a culturally-symbolic film starring the popular movie star Leo DiCaprio, I am compelled to disclose my real identity. My name is Ra's al Ghul. I'm an eco-terrorist and I prey on the claustrophobic American city called 'Gotham.' Gotham is full of gluttony and sloth, and it boasts a 'valiant vigilante' named Batman (a masked 'caped-crusader' and self-proclaimed 'democracy-defender') who tries to defy my schemes for complete civilization domination. You see, Batman simply does not 'approve' of my interests in eco-terrorism, though I'd remind him that Richard in The Beach is a story-character who reminds us that any degree of civilization-evolution compels us to ask, "Isn't rebellion natural and even therapeutic?"


Batman will never agree with me, so I've decided I can never recruit him for my agenda. He'd make an incredible ally should he have seen things my way (about The Beach, etc.). That's why I intend to use a special genetic-mutation serum to turn all the people of Gotham into monkeys. From the ashes of this age, I will build a new 'society' of obedient Communist apes who will appreciate why streamlined governance requires a complete adherence to pedagoguery. Who can stop me?


The Tower of Babel is a symbol of the scale of human ambition, and I (Ra's al Ghul) will use it to teach modern civilization that any scope of revolution is only realized through an imaginative contemplation of the 'shape' of human innocence and human fears. That's why I became an eco-terrorist, and I have yet to read/hear anything U.S. President Donald Trump (a former casino-baron!) that motivates me to consider the inherent 'magical virtue' of 'standard political patriotism.' I'm a big fan of the modernism-paranoia film Babel (Brad Pitt)...


TRUMP: I like Batman; I hate Ra's al Ghul!
CARTER: Everyone hates Ra's, sir...
TRUMP: They should.
CARTER: He's a real eco-terrorist.
TRUMP: Just imagine if I invited him to the White House.
CARTER: I doubt he should meet the First Lady.
TRUMP: I agree; Ra's is a bad influence.
CARTER: I like that film Bad Influence (Rob Lowe).
TRUMP: The modern world is full of cynics, Carter...
CARTER: I understand!
TRUMP: Are you sure? Some of it is maddening.
CARTER: Do you regret becoming President?
TRUMP: No. I can handle all this finance pinball.
CARTER: That's what everyone hopes is true!
TRUMP: There're simply too many 'anti-TrumpUSA' street-protests.
CARTER: Yes, they fuel the fire, don't they?
TRUMP: They sure do; they give terrorists the wrong ideas.
CARTER: Maybe we should ask Batman to negotiate with Ra's.
TRUMP: Yes, I'm a fan of G.I. Joe comics, not terrorism fantasies...
CARTER: Let's make sure there're no snakes in the White House!


As all this terrorism-intrigue proceeded, a demon of darkness rose from the Bottomless Pit of Hell, a giant snake-leviathan named Anaconda(!). Anaconda heard the defiant cries of Ra's al Ghul and realized he posed a terrible challenge to the idealistic Batman and to the bureaucracy-minded Trump Administration. Anaconda wanted to roam around the sewers of Gotham City and create a metaphysical 'mist' of anti-social meditation. Anaconda was not a fan of The Beach, G.I. Joe, Batman, or anything else for that matter. Anaconda sought to select one 'prodigal son' and mutate him into a snake-humanoid 'emperor of fascism' to help him build a truly Machiavellian dominion. Even Ra's al Ghul would be in awe. Capitalism was officially on trial(!).




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