Analysis of media reaction to possible Supreme Court win for gun Rights...

Well if the DNC becomes to agitated by SCOTUS, they will simply have to pack the courts, or add a state, etc. So if they can't control the system with the rules as is, they will simply change the rules.
Well if the DNC becomes to agitated by SCOTUS, they will simply have to pack the courts, or add a state, etc. So if they can't control the system with the rules as is, they will simply change the rules.
When has that ever happened? Yeah Stalin’s Stooge (FDR) tried it and lost. So no worries and stop with the Republican Party propaganda.

Yeah, not so much....a school shooting is an individual walking into the school to murder as many random children and faculty as they can before someone with a gun stops them.

Read through their list of "school" shootings and yiu will see events that happened when school was out or had no connection to the students or staff.....a guy comitting suicide in the parking lot is not a school shooting.
The only thing I can see that would make SCOTUS side with New York is SCOTUS doesn't want to be seen as the "trump Supreme Court".

They want to be the SCOTUS of all Americans.

The decision isn't due out until the Spring so we'll see then.

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