Analysis of the Walmart Shooter Manifesto


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
There will be much to be said about the latest shooting by a White Man perpetrated against those he perceived to be illegal aliens (a term not being used?).

I thought it wise to find and read the manifesto. To educate myself about the content, the ideas, the inspiration for this man's actions.

The following quote is from the first paragraph of the manifesto, hence I believe the most significant.

Wayback Machine
Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

As we see, The Great Replacement inspired this man. A book written by a French Socialist?
The Great Replacement - Wikipedia
The theory was the basis of Renaud Camus's 2011 book The Great Replacement

Renaud Camus? The Great Replacement? There is much searching to find the truth. Sort of, I think the truth is found very quickly.

Renaud Camus - Wikipedia
Camus has been during the 1970-80s a member of the Socialist Party
Camus is openly gay and in favour of same-sex marriage

Well, that is a start, we can see that this young man was influenced greatly, by a openly gay french socialist.
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In the second paragraph of the manifesto we see a Democrat Political Talking Point. Corporations. It seems that the shooter was angry about corporations, which everyone knows the Democrats actively campaign against.

Wayback Machine
The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations
I would say, that the education of the shooter was done through the media, and the Democrats messages. First and foremost, they certainly did influence this young man. From the anti-corporation rhetoric which is shown to be a concern to the allowing of illegal aliens to break our laws and be rewarded.

The Democrats know exactly what they are doing. Dividing our country, tearing it apart, causing terror, mayhem, and death. It is their plan. So that they can be in power to save us.

Wayback Machine

America will soon become a one party-state. TheDemocrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold.
Examination of the manifesto may be premature. There are indications that it's not his.
Examination of the manifesto may be premature. There are indications that it's not his.
Yes, you could be right. But at this point, all comments are premature. I thought I would take a chance and open a broad discussion on what is being reported and I thought the manifesto to be of importance. It is actually quite broad and critical of both political parties. If it was posted by the shooter I see that he was pretty angry at the political rhetoric that has been mainstream for many years.
And who's message is this? It is the Democrat and the Media's message. The hate in this man was created by the Media and the DemoRATs!!!!!
The American lifestyle affords our citizens an incredible quality of life. However, our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources.
this happens every DAY -----------EIGHT times a DAY
but no HEADlines like that, is there??
There will be much to be said about the latest shooting by a White Man perpetrated against those he perceived to be illegal aliens (a term not being used?).

I thought it wise to find and read the manifesto. To educate myself about the content, the ideas, the inspiration for this man's actions.

The following quote is from the first paragraph of the manifesto, hence I believe the most significant.

Wayback Machine
Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

As we see, The Great Replacement inspired this man. A book written by a French Socialist?
The Great Replacement - Wikipedia
The theory was the basis of Renaud Camus's 2011 book The Great Replacement

Renaud Camus? The Great Replacement? There is much searching to find the truth. Sort of, I think the truth is found very quickly.

Renaud Camus - Wikipedia
Camus has been during the 1970-80s a member of the Socialist Party
Camus is openly gay and in favour of same-sex marriage

Well, that is a start, we can see that this young man was influenced greatly, by a openly gay french socialist.
He is a 21 year old sociopath. I don't care what his little manifesto says he is obviously mentally disturbed.
He is a 21 year old sociopath. I don't care what his little manifesto says he is obviously mentally disturbed.
You do not care what the mentally disturbed get inspired by? You do not care how sociophaths think or why?

You may find he is not mentally disturbed at all or a sociopath. Simply a person brainwashed by the media and the demoRATs into thinking there is no future, no hope, that we are destroying the world. It is a tough world for those who become consumed by the negative message of the Democrat party.
There will be much to be said about the latest shooting by a White Man perpetrated against those he perceived to be illegal aliens (a term not being used?).

I thought it wise to find and read the manifesto. To educate myself about the content, the ideas, the inspiration for this man's actions.

The following quote is from the first paragraph of the manifesto, hence I believe the most significant.

Wayback Machine
Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

As we see, The Great Replacement inspired this man. A book written by a French Socialist?
The Great Replacement - Wikipedia
The theory was the basis of Renaud Camus's 2011 book The Great Replacement

Renaud Camus? The Great Replacement? There is much searching to find the truth. Sort of, I think the truth is found very quickly.

Renaud Camus - Wikipedia
Camus has been during the 1970-80s a member of the Socialist Party
Camus is openly gay and in favour of same-sex marriage

Well, that is a start, we can see that this young man was influenced greatly, by a openly gay french socialist.

Not so fast:

That is wrote by a Republcan, plain and simple.

A gay French white supremacist, you mean.
this happens every DAY -----------EIGHT times a DAY
but no HEADlines like that, is there??
Actually, there is a lot said about, Black on Black crime. It is mostly from Republicans, some talk show hosts, and even Bill Cosby.
did you NOT read what I said!!!????
the MSM hardly ever talks about the everyday murders that blacks commit
....and hardly ever--if they even do--bring up race when a black murders a white even if the black murders BECAUSE of race
here's a perfect example:
Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward - Wikipedia
He is a 21 year old sociopath. I don't care what his little manifesto says he is obviously mentally disturbed.
You do not care what the mentally disturbed get inspired by? You do not care how sociophaths think or why?

You may find he is not mentally disturbed at all or a sociopath. Simply a person brainwashed by the media and the demoRATs into thinking there is no future, no hope, that we are destroying the world. It is a tough world for those who become consumed by the negative message of the Democrat party.
He lost hope in the political process. He believes that the Democratic Party is greatly benefiting from the influx of Latin American people to this country. He fears that Texas will become a Democratic Party stronghold.
Jean Renaud Gabriel Camus (/kæˈmuː/; French: [ʁəno kamy]; born 10 August 1946) is a French writer and white nationalist conspiracy theorist.

He is known for the theory of the "Great Replacement", a conspiracy theory that claims a global elite is conspiring against the European white populations to replace them with non-European peoples.[/QUOTE]The white population of Europe is declining. Europe needs many more babies to avert a population disaster

I thought that was taken for granted. How is it "conspiracy theory" that globalists have encouraged and engineered (through the UN and Catholic church, principally) a mass migration from the Middle East and Africa to Europe?

Camus sounds more like a Trump supporter in this single respect than a socialist but when the manifesto is read, the shooter sounds real alarms over unchecked immigration and blames both parties, rightfully enough.

But he has special scorn for the democrats who are doing back flips to gain Hispanic votes. Globalists have plans for North America too.

"They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future."

This man sounds bright, thoughtful, perceptive and on target but how could someone so smart not know that walking into a Wal Mart and opening fire would be a futile and pointless exercise in nihilism and so counter productive?

His point may have been as a final wake up alerting others to the changes the left is instigating as they steal the nation right out from under the noses of it's many citizens (not all white by any means). But his message would be better delivered in a more constructive way.

This fight is existential and generational. Many Hispanics are with us and they have a stake in America too and don't want to see it handed over to the lowest common denominators from South of the border, and beyond.
This act was unnecessary and bloody and not the best way to get his message across.
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He is a 21 year old sociopath. I don't care what his little manifesto says he is obviously mentally disturbed.
You do not care what the mentally disturbed get inspired by? You do not care how sociophaths think or why?

You may find he is not mentally disturbed at all or a sociopath. Simply a person brainwashed by the media and the demoRATs into thinking there is no future, no hope, that we are destroying the world. It is a tough world for those who become consumed by the negative message of the Democrat party.
He lost hope in the political process. He believes that the Democratic Party is greatly benefiting from the influx of Latin American people to this country. He fears that Texas will become a Democratic Party stronghold.

Yes, that is true, and at the same time he hates what the Republicans are doing. I say as far as reasons he did this, his manifesto is inspired by what both Democrats and Republicans have done.
Recently, the senate under a REPUBLICAN administration has greatly increased the number of foreign workers that will take American jobs.

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