Analysis of the Walmart Shooter Manifesto

Is it not the republican message that illegal immigrants are here to steal our jobs and destroy our culture?

Destroy our culture? Nope, that is not our message, not at all. But the message that they are here to steal our jobs is not new and most likely began with Democrat Bill Clinton.

Clinton, 1995, immigration, SOTU |
Bill Clinton All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers.
That is what makes me say hum about this manifesto that critical of both political parties

You would suspect that it would be only one and a misdirection play

Driving 6 or 7 hours to the border and shooting up a walmart hoping to get illegals when he would get both illegals and legal residents.

The FBI has its work cut out because he probably had accomplices

It is reported that he posted on 8 chan which is a far right website and they quickly removed it.
I suspect, growing up and being educated under Common Core, this is what we get. There is nothing but gloom and doom taught these days. From we are destroying the environment to the USA is the bad guy. There is no doubt that the Democrats have turned their backs on their traditional base, as have the Republicans.

The anti-republican rhetoric is so hate filled that it does not resemble the truth about republicans in the least.

Democrats are so desperate they are actively recruiting people that are not US citizens. Literally encouraging them to break the law to come here.

Who taught this young man such a bleak future. He is fresh out of school. What job did he get after 8 years of Obama? What did have to look forward to?

There is plenty of political, revisionist, propaganda to blame for the despair of this young man.

One side in politics does need to lose, for good. Reading his manifesto, it is plain who taught this man to hate. It is the Democrat message.
Is it not the republican message that illegal immigrants are here to steal our jobs and destroy our culture?
Are they not
I got one saying yes and one trying to deflect, which is a sure sign he knows better.
Trump's message has not been the message of the Republican party. Or at least not the actions of Republicans.

As far as politicians go, which way is the wind blowing?
There will be much to be said about the latest shooting by a White Man perpetrated against those he perceived to be illegal aliens (a term not being used?).

I thought it wise to find and read the manifesto. To educate myself about the content, the ideas, the inspiration for this man's actions.

The following quote is from the first paragraph of the manifesto, hence I believe the most significant.

Wayback Machine
Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

As we see, The Great Replacement inspired this man. A book written by a French Socialist?
The Great Replacement - Wikipedia
The theory was the basis of Renaud Camus's 2011 book The Great Replacement

Renaud Camus? The Great Replacement? There is much searching to find the truth. Sort of, I think the truth is found very quickly.

Renaud Camus - Wikipedia
Camus has been during the 1970-80s a member of the Socialist Party
Camus is openly gay and in favour of same-sex marriage

Well, that is a start, we can see that this young man was influenced greatly, by a openly gay french socialist.

Checklist for many of the young mass killers is to leave behind an online trail of radical so that the media will keep you in the news cycle a few extra days...this guy posts it the day before; gilroy guy created his instagram the day before...
There will be much to be said about the latest shooting by a White Man perpetrated against those he perceived to be illegal aliens (a term not being used?).

I thought it wise to find and read the manifesto. To educate myself about the content, the ideas, the inspiration for this man's actions.

The following quote is from the first paragraph of the manifesto, hence I believe the most significant.

Wayback Machine
Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

As we see, The Great Replacement inspired this man. A book written by a French Socialist?
The Great Replacement - Wikipedia
The theory was the basis of Renaud Camus's 2011 book The Great Replacement

Renaud Camus? The Great Replacement? There is much searching to find the truth. Sort of, I think the truth is found very quickly.

Renaud Camus - Wikipedia
Camus has been during the 1970-80s a member of the Socialist Party
Camus is openly gay and in favour of same-sex marriage

Well, that is a start, we can see that this young man was influenced greatly, by a openly gay french socialist.

Checklist for many of the young mass killers is to leave behind an online trail of radical so that the media will keep you in the news cycle a few extra days...this guy posts it the day before; gilroy guy created his instagram the day before...
They do want attention and to be remembered.
Interesting theory from Brian Cates: Wal-Mart shooter is a shit-posting nihilist. He didn't off himself. He wants the attention.

cates 1.jpg

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'Media and politicians DON'T get it': Brian Cates' thread on the gunman's alleged 'manifesto' is a must read
He is a 21 year old sociopath. I don't care what his little manifesto says he is obviously mentally disturbed.
You do not care what the mentally disturbed get inspired by? You do not care how sociophaths think or why?

You may find he is not mentally disturbed at all or a sociopath. Simply a person brainwashed by the media and the demoRATs into thinking there is no future, no hope, that we are destroying the world. It is a tough world for those who become consumed by the negative message of the Democrat party.
He just murdered 20 people at point blank range, men women and kids and tried to murder 30 more. That is not a normal person, that is a sociopathic nutcase.
This is a war. We are soldiers and he did a great thing. Good job young man! Politicians actions have Patriots reactions. This was a reaction to the invasion of our country. I love it.
Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
Not even Mulvaney could defend Trump.

The whole nation knows what Trump has said about the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and KKK members after Charlottesville along with his comments about "The Squad" and Elijah Cummings. On the first day of his candidacy Trump attacked immigrants from Mexico and Central America. All Mulvaney was able to say was Trump was both angry and sad that three mass shootings occurred within of eight days.

Two of the shootings were committed by white supremacists and it is safe to assume Conner Betts was a copy cat killer, not be outdone by Santino William Legan (Gilroy) and Patrick Crusius (El Paso).

Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy were unintended consequences of Trump's racial blasphemy and that is why Mulvaney could not defend Trump.

The chief of staff cannot un-ring a bell.

“You cannot be a white supremacist and be normal in the head. These are sick people," Mulvaney said.

Describing neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK at Charlottesville, Trump said, "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
And what is it that Trump said, exactly. How about a quote.
Camus is an ethnic and cultural warrior - the same as Trumpkins.

You couldn't switch the subject from the Great Replacement fast enough, could you?
You could not stay on subject and deflect without projecting. You made a comparison, that Camus is like a Trump supporter. I addressed what you stated, specifically. You did not like the fact I presented and deflected accordingly.

You also did not quote or offer any comment on the "The Great Replacement", you made a comparison of the author to Trump supporters.

Again, Camus is openly gay, a socialists, and does fight for same sex marriage. Literally the opposite of Trump supporters.

Do you see, "the great replacement", in the title of this OP?

Yet in his shooting, he did not target gays, capitalists or those who oppose gay marriage. He drove to El Paso specifically to kill Mexicans

He adhered to the same Anti Mexican rhetoric we hear from Trump
Yet in his shooting, he did not target gays, capitalists or those who oppose gay marriage. He drove to El Paso specifically to kill Mexicans

He adhered to the same Anti Mexican rhetoric we hear from Trump
Only a bigot thinks gay people are not mexicans.
Only a bigot label Mexicans not capitalust.

Bottom line, the Democrats created this monster, it is plain to see in his manifesto.
Just a reporter who is far more insightful than you, bub.
Reporter? Except of course, the obvious, he did not report on the shooting.

At best, he offered his poorly phrased opinion based on his feelings. He did nothing to connect his opinion to any shooter let alone the latest.

Insightful, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Nice try, but those tweets are idiotic.
Just a reporter who is far more insightful than you, bub.
Reporter? Except of course, the obvious, he did not report on the shooting.

At best, he offered his poorly phrased opinion based on his feelings. He did nothing to connect his opinion to any shooter let alone the latest.

Insightful, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Nice try, but those tweets are idiotic.

He's much more insightful and interesting than you, bub.
Yet in his shooting, he did not target gays, capitalists or those who oppose gay marriage. He drove to El Paso specifically to kill Mexicans

He adhered to the same Anti Mexican rhetoric we hear from Trump
Only a bigot thinks gay people are not mexicans.
Only a bigot label Mexicans not capitalust.

Bottom line, the Democrats created this monster, it is plain to see in his manifesto.
He was created the way all terrorists are created. People with a sense of hopelessness latch on to an enemy they see as being the cause of their hopelessness.

In that sense, Trump and his base are not without blame for this tragedy. They painted the target.

What this country needs to do is figure out how to provide real economic opportunity for its citizens. I don't see how things improve until that happens.
Yet in his shooting, he did not target gays, capitalists or those who oppose gay marriage. He drove to El Paso specifically to kill Mexicans

He adhered to the same Anti Mexican rhetoric we hear from Trump
Only a bigot thinks gay people are not mexicans.
Only a bigot label Mexicans not capitalust.

Bottom line, the Democrats created this monster, it is plain to see in his manifesto.
He was created the way all terrorists are created. People with a sense of hopelessness latch on to an enemy they see as being the cause of their hopelessness.

In that sense, Trump and his base are not without blame for this tragedy. They painted the target.

What this country needs to do is figure out how to provide real economic opportunity for its citizens. I don't see how things improve until that happens.
Illegal aliens been here much longer than trump has been president.

Trump has created economic opportunity. More than any president in the last 100 years. I am sure you may challenge me on this but there is a logical explanation.

Illegal aliens, the politicians have allowed illegal aliens to break our laws forever! It is clear, by the Democrats rhetoric, that this is what they want. Mass shootings, violence, and crime perpetrated against minorities.

Hell! They even stage these attacks, Smoulett in Chicago is a great example.

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