Analyzing Mendacity & Media Bias


Sep 23, 2010
I’ll begin by saying the US should not get involved in Syria’s civil war no matter which side used sarin gas.

Nevertheless, to satisfy my own curiosity I’ve been trying to determine which entity in Syria launched the sarin gas attack. The answer could be Assad, the Syrian Free Army, or both. If the answer is both it follows that the rebels had to make it look like Assad did it.

I can only base my conclusions on what is reported in the media. Mendacity and media bias notwithstanding, I can only analyze the info the government via the media feeds me. I certainly will not take anything they say at face value.

Based on everything I’ve heard and read to date, I tend to believe the chemical attack was launched by the Free Syrian Army. Barack Taqiyya & Company offer nothing that proves otherwise; no satellite photos showing vapor trails from delivery missiles in flight; no proof of any kind that Assad or his thugs launched the attack. The only proof the administration offers consists of horror stories, videos of corpses accompanied by emotional manipulation, scare tactics, and a moral obligation to engage in war when America is not threatened.

Parenthetically, the West should have learned by now that Arab Muslims will not convert to Christianity because of phoney humanitarian concerns. America’s foreign policy in the Middle East should be based on one rationale —— in for a penny in for a pound. If the Middle East is such bloody stink hole then the whole damned Arabian Peninsula should be leveled. The longer the West avoids the truth the stronger fanatics in the Middle East become. As for the only thing of value on the Arabian Peninsula —— petroleum —— either take it by force, or walk away and to hell with the moral garbage.

Here’s one possibility I considered in the real world.

The UN’s report is due next Monday. In the unlikely event the UN surprises the world and proves conclusively that the Syrian Free Army launched the attack does John Kerry’s moral obligation call for bombing the rebels? No matter. I would not believe Kerry any more than Putin believes him:


Frankly, I think Putin despises Kerry for betraying his own country after he returned from Vietnam. The Administration’s bungling of the civil war in Syria gave Putin a chance to publicly tell Kerry exactly what he thinks of him.

Ain’t it a bitch when an unrepentant Communist like Putin turns out to be morally superior to America’s secretary of state! And who knows what is in old KGB files. I’m referring to information the North Vietnamese might have shared with the Soviets surrounding Kerry’s activities in Paris in 1971:

Not only is Kerry a liar he cites liars to make his case for bombing Syria:

Five days after WND first broke the news that the strategy by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Secretary of State John F. Kerry to cast members of the Free Syria Army as “moderates” among the Syrian rebel forces was the brain-child of a Wall Street Journal researcher, the analyst has been fired from a Washington think-tank for lying about her qualifications.


In his Sept. 3 testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, Kerry cited O’Bagy, arguing that the war in Syria is “not being waged entirely or even predominately by dangerous Islamists and al-Qaida die-hards,” but rather the struggle is being led but “moderate opposition forces – a collection of groups known as the Free Syria Army.”


Corsi also reported that when McCain when to Iraq, O’Bagy set up interviews and provided him with a Washington operative who was in Syria.

“Basically O’Bagy made fools of them all (Obama, McCain and Kerry),” Corsi said. “They wanted so desperately to go on their theory there was a moderate force in Syria. They jumped on the bandwagon. They didn’t realize she was loading them up with radicals from the Free Syria Army.”

Kerry's student spinner fired after WND report
Resume fraud exposed after researcher cast Syrian rebels as 'moderates'
Published: 15 hours ago

Kerry?s student spinner fired after WND report

At this point in time the details in this article acquit Assad:

Expert: Poison gas was 'kitchen' variety
Suggests evidence shows involvement by jihadists of Syrian opposition
Published: 2 days ago

Expert: Poison gas was ?kitchen? variety

Of course, there is a possibility that Assad ran off a batch of the kitchen variety sarin gas then used it just to fool the world.

On the other side of the issue Walid Shoebat makes a case against the rebels supported by the administration. Whether or not a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood is credible is for you to decide. Always conscious of double agents, I cannot see how Shoebat, or the Muslim Brotherhood, benefits from the following article and videos:

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)
By Shoebat Foundation on August 27, 2013 in Blog, General
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad) | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

Finally, experts say it will take eight to ten years to round up all of the chemical weapons in Assad’s stockpile; dismantle them, and dispose of them. I have a suggestion. If Putin and Assad are serious send in as many troops as it takes to gather up the weapons; load them on an old ship, then sink the vessel in the deepest part of the Marianas Trench. Regardless of how it is accomplished none of it should be done by United Nations hustlers.

I know that environmental freakazoids will object but screw them.
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