ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists

Look at the courageous mob chasing down the old man in the video.

Antifa hates the inequality in life because they can't compete in the harsh real world and THEY are the losers at the bottom. Of course capitalism sucks when you have 50,000 dollars in student loans from chasing a useless degree and the only job you can get afterwards is a blue collar job that your arrogant, delusional, pseudo-intellectual ass sees as beneath you.
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.
Proof? Or just more libtarded lies?
Look at the courageous mob chasing down the old man in the video.

Antifa hates the inequality in life because they can't compete in the harsh real world and THEY are the losers at the bottom. Of course capitalism sucks when you have 50,000 dollars in student loans from chasing a useless degree and the only job you can get afterwards is a blue collar job that your arrogant, delusional, pseudo-intellectual ass sees as beneath you.

I hope that happens to me. They will remember me every time they put their pants on.
Between these shithead cretins, and the exploding numbers of "homeless", Portland has become a complete shithole.

Police union leader calls Portland a 'cesspool.' What Portlanders have to say

Turner's statement on Monday described what he labeled as "livability" issues such as feces at the doorstep of businesses and aggressive panhandlers.

Good for him! I've wondered often what hell it must be to be a cop in a leftard city run by far left nutjobs.

The cops here just sit back and watch the protesters do as they please.
Mayor Wheeler has made it clear he sides with the protesters.
During the seige on the ICE headquarters here, the police stood by and watched the Occupy ICE assholes terrorize and block the entire facillity. It went on for weeks.
When ICE finally had had enough, they erected a tall security fence, and a Portland official showed up and fined them for erecting a fence without a permit and making it too tall and too close to the street.

How they

Like I've said....when one of these fags with the batons end up on CNN with the baton sticking out of his ass, these limpwristers will take their bats and balls and go home.:gay::gay:
It was amusing to watch the goofy white skinned Antifa loon scream "your white, your a whitey" at the older white man driving the car. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
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Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.

And of course you have a link to Antifa patching potholes... right?
Antifa is patching potholes that aren't being fixed by the city. They are donating the labor materials and equipment. Nobody expects you to praise them for their voluntary community service, but you could back off on the whining a little. Act like a grown up.
Proof? Or just more libtarded lies?
Libtard lies huh! You dumb fucks there are people with cell phones taking pictures and videos every where. Antifa is not directing traffic the cops are. Mean while no one on here even thought to investigate further and find out both antifa and proud boys are there. Both acting the fools and the cops are stuffing any one that causes trouble. Whole sale bull shit being delivered by the gateway pundit.
Look at the courageous mob chasing down the old man in the video.

Antifa hates the inequality in life because they can't compete in the harsh real world and THEY are the losers at the bottom. Of course capitalism sucks when you have 50,000 dollars in student loans from chasing a useless degree and the only job you can get afterwards is a blue collar job that your arrogant, delusional, pseudo-intellectual ass sees as beneath you.

And some of these turds here wonder why the guy in Charlottesville ran through protesters?
This is the reality of any society under the rule of liberals.
Between these shithead cretins, and the exploding numbers of "homeless", Portland has become a complete shithole.

Police union leader calls Portland a 'cesspool.' What Portlanders have to say

Turner's statement on Monday described what he labeled as "livability" issues such as feces at the doorstep of businesses and aggressive panhandlers.

Good for him! I've wondered often what hell it must be to be a cop in a leftard city run by far left nutjobs.

The cops here just sit back and watch the protesters do as they please.
Mayor Wheeler has made it clear he sides with the protesters.
During the seige on the ICE headquarters here, the police stood by and watched the Occupy ICE assholes terrorize and block the entire facillity. It went on for weeks.
When ICE finally had had enough, they erected a tall security fence, and a Portland official showed up and fined them for erecting a fence without a permit and making it too tall and too close to the street.

The feds need to sue the city for not doing their job.
Antifa is worse than the klan and the Nazis combined -- they MAY have actually killed more people then both of those groups or maybe they will one day -- and at least those other two groups were killing the right people...
Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.

Are you sure you aren't exaggerating just a tiny bit?

Antifa Arsonists Vandalize Pro-Trump Truck — THEN TORCH IT (Video)
Antifa Arsonists Vandalize Pro-Trump Truck -- THEN TORCH IT (Video)
A man in Vancouver, WA, just north of Portland returned to the bar he had left his truck at the night before to find charred remains of what used to be his Nissan Titan.
Anarchy In Portland: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)​

ANARCHY IN PORTLAND: City Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists (VIDEO)
There was pure anarchy in the streets of Portland over the weekend, as Antifa took over directing traffic and harassed elderly motorists.
Portland has one of the largest and most active populations of Antifa members in the United States.
On Saturday, a group of the violent far-left extremists took over directing traffic in the city without the city stepping in to keep the peace and protect drivers.
“You’re a whitey, aren’t ya! Get the f*** down the road!” the leftists scream at a motorist.
The vulgar and violent group noticed North Carolina plates on a vehicle and began shouting at the couple in the car saying that they are white supremacists. They shouted at multiple drivers threatening to “beat their ass.”

Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA are proud of their shows of Anarchy and violence in the streets. This is what they want for America. I guess it takes longer for the PPD to get back from their weed break so they let #Antifa take over routine duties like traffic control.
We now have what is DEFINED AS TERRORISM.... Portland is now under Antifa terrorist control just like Beirut, parts of Iraq, Syria and West Africa. WHERE IN THE HELL IS SESSIONS AND THE DOJ...????
At this point, if the mayor isn't going to order the police to protect civilians from Antifa, I think at the very least, Portland ought to send out an emergency alert warning people away from an Antifa gathering. Antifa acts like they own downtown, Pioneer Square and the Transit Centers. Normal people are scared for their lives. Business owners are scared too. The damn mayor consistently tells the police to "stand down." He should be tarred and feathered...
This is the America, that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats want for YOU. Harassment, Intimidation and Violence.

These groups are essentially democrat party militias....or you could call them the para-military wing of the democrat party...and they should be treated as such....their violence is not going to de escalate...they are only going to get worse...

History repeats...

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Antifa is the latest iteration of the Democrat's Klan

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