Anchor babies hit over 400,000 last year

When the waves of last century came , they had zero welfare

They actually worked and contributed
Would it shock you to learn that today’s immigrants are not eligible for most welfare and they work hard? (Probably harder than most Americans).
Would it shock you to learn that today’s immigrants are not eligible for most welfare and they work hard? (Probably harder than most Americans).
Vast majority are all being taken care of and you are paying
In fact , you are also being replaced
No kidding. We were founded as a Christian nation, and were letting America turn into crap by allowing more non-Christians in.
Soon the entire nation will be as blue as the sky
Vast majority are all being taken care of and you are paying
In fact , you are also being replaced
Oh good grief…not the Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory….

I wonder if it is like the Stepford Wives?
Would it shock you to learn that today’s immigrants are not eligible for most welfare and they work hard? (Probably harder than most Americans).
Bullshit, you really think those countries are sending their best? You're an idiot if you think so.
They are emptying out their prisons
I don't know how much your party bought and paid you with, but those illegals are getting more. Which pronoun is Moonglow going with today?
They are getting more, of course, I don't get a govt. check that starts in June when I sign up for SS.

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