And another rat joins the race Big Bird De Blasio...

The Mayor who cut out Meat on Mondays for School Kids so that NY could reduce Cow Farts is Running for President!

Oh Goody

He should have made the announcement earlier this week at President Trump's domicile. He was in front of the Golden Escalator, he should have descended it with his Old Lady.

Then we would have something to compare him with President Trump.

The ride down the escalator worked for TRUMP because he owned the building.

Don't quit your Day Job!
de Blasio for President? LOL.....:21:

not gonna happen!:21:

de Blasio for President? LOL.....:21:

not gonna happen!:21:

De Blasio should really go by his real name, Varren Vilhelm.

But what the hell, in a race with a phony Mexican, and a phony squaw, a phony Italian would fit right in.
the nerve this piece of crap has! it's almost incomprehensible!:cuckoo:

Ha ha ha, got to be kidding me. Apparently there won’t be any remaining elected dim’s not running.

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