And...another three dead in Austin

Another democrat city
And.....? Another AMERICAN city.
Not really. Blue Cities aren't interested in America except to spit on her. The citizens vote, time and again for "leadership" that gives them something for "free". They CHOOSE the government they want and they should pay the price for it. No more sympathy for them when they can see for themselves the results of their actions and still won't try to change.

Thoughts & Prayers to the victims.

Guns are the gift that keeps on giving thoughts and prayers!

But the dam has yet to break. The longer the extreme right delay a big shootout, the less effect is can have. Poor and working class Americans are sucking up all the free gifts and prosperity the Biden regime pours on them. If he gets his 2.5T infrastructure bill through, their party is over.

Or more to the point, the party for America's people can at least begin!

Is it even necessary to remind Americans again that their country is already down to 15th. in the world on quality of life?
Another democrat city
And.....? Another AMERICAN city.
Not really. Blue Cities aren't interested in America except to spit on her. The citizens vote, time and again for "leadership" that gives them something for "free". They CHOOSE the government they want and they should pay the price for it. No more sympathy for them when they can see for themselves the results of their actions and still won't try to change.
Yes AMERICAN city.
Another democrat city
It's a good start.... well, more of a tease than a start...

Sure is a lot of killing on the stuttering fuck's watch. Can he stop eating crayons and issue an EO to stop the mass killings.... effective immediately.

Those 81 million followers will stop acting like animals if their leader demands it.... right? <snicker>
Back to the Old Norm of the Obama years where we see Weekly/Daily mass shootings.

Gotta love when Democrats seize power.
Are you saying there were not mass shootings during the Individual One years?
Another democrat city
What the hell is going on. As soon as Trump leaves we got all this now.
Wait...are you saying that mass shootings didn't happen under Individual One in the last four years?
Not in 90 days like this no. But if better this stuff happens in shit holes, and Austin is close, I don't care too much. Elections have consequences
90 days? What about the rest of the Individual One years?

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