And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

The Civil Rights Act was proposed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Kennedy- and it was signed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Johnston.

It passed with the majority of Democrats- and the majority of Republicans voting in favor of the CRA.
More Democrats than Republicans voted in favor.
Virtually every Southern lawmaker- of both parties- voted against the CRA.
And Southern Democrats led the opposition to the CRA.

The fact of the matter is, that Democrats passed the CRA- with assistance from Republicans.

The CRA of 1964 was proposed by true liberal, President Kennedy, and signed into law by southern Democrat and racist, President Johnson (not Johnston).

The CRA of 1964 is resemblance of CRA of 1957 proposed by Republican President Eisenhower, and was opposed by Democrats. Not just southern Democrats, not conservative Democrats, but all were (southern manifesto) Democrats. By voting for CRA of 1964, Democrats bought the black vote (for next 200 years) and officially stopped being racist (in public).

It's true, more Democrats then Republicans voted in favor of CRA of 1964 because there were more Democrats then Republicans in Congress. Only Goldwater Republicans voted against it. Note the percentage.

The fact of the matter is that if not for Republicans, south would still be in the hands of Democrat slave owners or segregated or without civil rights.

Get your "facts" straight.

Every fact that I cited- other than the spelling of President Johnson's name- is correct.

Despite the attempts of revisionists to make it appear that the CRA was an entirely Republican affair- as I said

  • The CRA was proposed by Democrat and Liberal President Kennedy
  • The CRA was voted by a majority of Democrats- and Republicans
  • More Democrats than Republicans voted for the CRA
The Senate version:[20]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[20]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

  • The opposition to the CRA was entirely regional
  • The original House version:
    • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
    • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
    • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
    • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
    The Senate version:

The Civil Rights Act was proposed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Kennedy- and it was signed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Johnston.

It passed with the majority of Democrats- and the majority of Republicans voting in favor of the CRA.
More Democrats than Republicans voted in favor.
Virtually every Southern lawmaker- of both parties- voted against the CRA.
And Southern Democrats led the opposition to the CRA.

The fact of the matter is, that Democrats passed the CRA- with assistance from Republicans.

The fact of the matter is that if not for Republicans, south would still be in the hands of Democrat slave owners or segregated or without civil rights. t.

Which party today supports the flag of the Confederate slave owner states?
The far right Pubs try and fail to revise CRA history all the time. The country was not ready for an active federally-enforced CRA in the 1950s. The majority leader in the Senate, LBJ, was fully aware of that fact. He himself had changed the race restrictive deed covenants on his property some years ago, but he knew it would take time. The simple fact is that Dems and Pubs together with Presidents Johnson and Kennedy and the Democratic majority taking the lead passed the CRA. That is how it is taught in HS and higher education and always will be so taught.

The Republican Party does not support the Confederate flag at all. There are some Republicans on the far right that support is as southern heritage and a few that are outright racist about it, but to suggest the GOP supports it is flat wrong.
Liberal, this is official notice.

This is the last chance you have to exit the liberal movement before the pedophiles move in and turn you all into pedophilia defenders.

Once that happens, there will be no turning back for you.

This is your last chance.
Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

Slick willy will love this...
Liberals have tossed God out the window along with the Ten Commandments, and everything Jesus taught, including his teaching that anyone who causes children to stumble will suffer a fate worse than having a millstone put around his neck and getting tossed in the sea.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.
Liberal, this is official notice.

This is the last chance you have to exit the liberal movement before the pedophiles move in and turn you all into pedophilia defenders.

Once that happens, there will be no turning back for you.

This is your last chance.

Blackrook- this is official notice.

You are officially delusional.

You had your last chance.
Liberals have tossed God out the window along with the Ten Commandments, and everything Jesus taught, including his teaching that anyone who causes children to stumble will suffer a fate worse than having a millstone put around his neck and getting tossed in the sea.

Conservatives have tossed God out of the window and ignored Jesus greatest commandments

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’a]">[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’b]">[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

And instead preach hatred of neighbors and love of wealth.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
If you're not a Christian then you do not have any clue what Christianity is and you have no idea what the Bible stands for.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
If you're not a Christian then you do not have any clue what Christianity is and you have no idea what the Bible stands for.

Since I am not a Christian, I can say what the Bible actually says without the Conservative BS you spew.
The Civil Rights Act was proposed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Kennedy- and it was signed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Johnston.

It passed with the majority of Democrats- and the majority of Republicans voting in favor of the CRA.
More Democrats than Republicans voted in favor.
Virtually every Southern lawmaker- of both parties- voted against the CRA.
And Southern Democrats led the opposition to the CRA.

The fact of the matter is, that Democrats passed the CRA- with assistance from Republicans.

The CRA of 1964 was proposed by true liberal, President Kennedy, and signed into law by southern Democrat and racist, President Johnson (not Johnston).

The CRA of 1964 is resemblance of CRA of 1957 proposed by Republican President Eisenhower, and was opposed by Democrats. Not just southern Democrats, not conservative Democrats, but all were (southern manifesto) Democrats. By voting for CRA of 1964, Democrats bought the black vote (for next 200 years) and officially stopped being racist (in public).

It's true, more Democrats then Republicans voted in favor of CRA of 1964 because there were more Democrats then Republicans in Congress. Only Goldwater Republicans voted against it. Note the percentage.

The fact of the matter is that if not for Republicans, south would still be in the hands of Democrat slave owners or segregated or without civil rights.

Get your "facts" straight.

Every fact that I cited- other than the spelling of President Johnson's name- is correct.

Despite the attempts of revisionists to make it appear that the CRA was an entirely Republican affair- as I said

  • The CRA was proposed by Democrat and Liberal President Kennedy
  • The CRA was voted by a majority of Democrats- and Republicans
  • More Democrats than Republicans voted for the CRA
The Senate version:[20]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[20]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

  • The opposition to the CRA was entirely regional
  • The original House version:
    • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
    • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
    • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
    • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
    The Senate version:

And where am I denying that? You're talking about CRA of 1964 only.

Once you realize that fight for civil rights didn't started in 1964 with Kennedy, we may get somewhere. Republicans were fighting for civil rights and voting rights long before 1964 and every time were blocked by Democrats. You should read about Civil Rights Act of 1957 and 1960 that preceded the Civil Rights Act of 1964 proposed by Kennedy. Even that one had more support from Republicans by percentage.

Democrats were blocking women voting rights for 50 years before 19th amendment was accepted. Yet Democrats still claim they are champions of women rights. Load of crap and you know it.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
Take the whole bible in context, that is learned in grade school aged kids. Dolt
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
Take the whole bible in context, that is learned in grade school aged kids. Dolt

So what's the context of killing infants in their cribs?
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
Take the whole bible in context, that is learned in grade school aged kids. Dolt

So what's the context of killing infants in their cribs?
It's a Sovereignty thing you wouldn't understand...
The far right Pubs try and fail to revise CRA history all the time. The country was not ready for an active federally-enforced CRA in the 1950s. The majority leader in the Senate, LBJ, was fully aware of that fact. He himself had changed the race restrictive deed covenants on his property some years ago, but he knew it would take time. The simple fact is that Dems and Pubs together with Presidents Johnson and Kennedy and the Democratic majority taking the lead passed the CRA. That is how it is taught in HS and higher education and always will be so taught.

The Republican Party does not support the Confederate flag at all. There are some Republicans on the far right that support is as southern heritage and a few that are outright racist about it, but to suggest the GOP supports it is flat wrong.


Country was not ready to give blacks voting rights? What are you smoking? It would be interesting to hear what blacks think of it. At least you're honest when you run your mouth.

Riiiigt... Country wasn't ready to end the slavery neither, so Democrats resisted it. Country wasn't ready to give women right to vote, so Democrats were blocking it for 50 years. Of course, country was ready for segregation, and Democrats jump right on it.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
Take the whole bible in context, that is learned in grade school aged kids. Dolt

So what's the context of killing infants in their cribs?
It's a Sovereignty thing you wouldn't understand...

Killing children and infants in their cribs is about 'sovereignty'?

I don't think that works means what you think it means.
Without belief in God, there are no rules, and there is no logical argument against abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, S&M, child molestation, incest, polyamoury, etc.

Liberals are on this road down the path towards destruction, but they are blind to the peril they are in.

Only a spiritual reawakening can save our nation.

The Bible doesn't condemn abortion, or female homosexuality or same sex marraige, or S&M or child molestation or polygamy.

Indeed- within the Bible we learn of King David and his many wives- we learn about a God who commands Jews to kill entire cities- taking the young girls to be slaves.

These are the lessons that belief in God can teach.
Take the whole bible in context, that is learned in grade school aged kids. Dolt

So what's the context of killing infants in their cribs?
It's a Sovereignty thing you wouldn't understand...

Killing children and infants in their cribs is about 'sovereignty'?

I don't think that works means what you think it means.
God is sovereign, the bible is gods word. You can't be that dense...

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