And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.


New York's Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community is very resistant to indictment of prominent Hassidic leaders who take advantage of the Talmud's many encouragements of sex with children. Any child, family, or attorney attempting to find justice in secular court against such pedophiles will almost surely become a victim of intense, even violent pressure. Some accusers have had to back down and let indulgent Jewish courts deal with such abuse.

Yet recently a courageous 18-year-old woman reported to secular authorities her sexual victimization from the age of 12 by a respected Ultra-Orthodox counselor, Nechemya Weberman. The resulting court case has inflamed the Satmar Haredim against her, her husband, and their attorney, resulting in intense pressure. Her husband was offered $500,000 to drop the case and go to Israel. Her attorney had acid thrown into his face, temporarily blinding him. His daughter was shot in the face with a BB gun. Haaretz says that this case "has been rife with violence and intimidation." Yet the Brooklyn Civil Court convicted Weberman of 59 counts of sexual abuse, sentencing him to 103 years in prison.

It's important everyone know how much authority the Babylonian Talmud, highest ethical and moral guide to modern religious Jews, gives Jews to have sex with children – if they can get away with it.

The Talmud cautions, however, that in cases such as deceipt, theft, murder of Gentiles, pedophilia, etc. where there is a good chance that the Jew cannot get away with such crimes, it is best to forgo such liberty. This is because, since Jews represent God to the world, the name of God might be profaned!

New York's Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community is very resistant to indictment of prominent Hassidic leaders who take advantage of the Talmud's many encouragements of sex with children. Any child, family, or attorney attempting to find justice in secular court against such pedophiles will almost surely become a victim of intense, even violent pressure. Some accusers have had to back down and let indulgent Jewish courts deal with such abuse.

Yet recently a courageous 18-year-old woman reported to secular authorities her sexual victimization from the age of 12 by a respected Ultra-Orthodox counselor, Nechemya Weberman. The resulting court case has inflamed the Satmar Haredim against her, her husband, and their attorney, resulting in intense pressure. Her husband was offered $500,000 to drop the case and go to Israel. Her attorney had acid thrown into his face, temporarily blinding him. His daughter was shot in the face with a BB gun. Haaretz says that this case "has been rife with violence and intimidation." Yet the Brooklyn Civil Court convicted Weberman of 59 counts of sexual abuse, sentencing him to 103 years in prison.

It's important everyone know how much authority the Babylonian Talmud, highest ethical and moral guide to modern religious Jews, gives Jews to have sex with children – if they can get away with it.

The Talmud cautions, however, that in cases such as deceipt, theft, murder of Gentiles, pedophilia, etc. where there is a good chance that the Jew cannot get away with such crimes, it is best to forgo such liberty. This is because, since Jews represent God to the world, the name of God might be profaned!

So what does this have to do with the premise of the thread that pedophilia is being normalized, with the implication that is has something to do with homosexuality and gay rights advances? Being an Ultra Orthodox Jew is not normal either. Nor is being an Evangelical Christian or an adherence to any other nonsensical belief system that denies the reality of the secular world in favor of superstition and myth. They all seek to control others, the women and children especially, through fear and, yes, sexuality
Pedophilia is just another form of sexual attraction much like Homosexuality, necrophilia, beastiality, etc is.
Horseshit! It is child abuse! Homosexuality is between consenting adults. A child, a corps and an animal cannot consent. What is your point here anyway?
The argument of the pro-pedophiles (those that, for example, who support their sex-hero Harvey Milk's sodomizing Jack Mckinley at 16) here at USMC contend that children as young as 12 "can consent". I made my argument that even though their bodies are fully ready to bear young, their minds have yet to catch up with that rapid physiological change. They are too susceptable to adult coercions until they are at least 18...I'd put the age more at 21-25.
I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

Unless there is a reason... well, there is. Just as homosexuality has been normalized by APA some 40 years ago was a push that resulted in legalization of the same sex marriage, normalization of pedophilia by APA could be that initial push you're talking about. It wont happen overnight, but it's coming. You might say "it will never happen", but those are the same words used 40 years ago.
Horseshit. Did you not understand what I wrote? NOBODY want that. (except pedophiles and child predators and they have no political clout)

Obviously someone wants that, otherwise, why push to normalize it?

Btw, did you not understand what I wrote? Beside being apart some 40 years, the whole process of normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia looks identical.
I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

Unless there is a reason... well, there is. Just as homosexuality has been normalized by APA some 40 years ago was a push that resulted in legalization of the same sex marriage, normalization of pedophilia by APA could be that initial push you're talking about. It wont happen overnight, but it's coming. You might say "it will never happen", but those are the same words used 40 years ago.
Horseshit. Did you not understand what I wrote? NOBODY want that. (except pedophiles and child predators and they have no political clout)

Obviously someone wants that, otherwise, why push to normalize it?

Btw, did you not understand what I wrote? Beside being apart some 40 years, the whole process of normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia looks identical.

That is not an answer . The question was WHO want pedophilia to be normalized. You do not have and answer and all that you can say is that “obviously someone does…and ignore the fact that there is in fact no push to” normalize it” Normalizing it would be making sexual contact with children acceptable and legal. That is not what the APA has done. What is it not possible for you to understand that?

In addition, it IS NOT similar to what happened with homosexuality. There was never a distinction made between homosexuals who acted on their desires and those who did not. Obviously it is you who did not understand what was said. So you post is double bullshit. Why the fuck are we even talking about pedophilia and homosexuality in the same conversation? That is just as stupid as stupid gets.
I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

Unless there is a reason... well, there is. Just as homosexuality has been normalized by APA some 40 years ago was a push that resulted in legalization of the same sex marriage, normalization of pedophilia by APA could be that initial push you're talking about. It wont happen overnight, but it's coming. You might say "it will never happen", but those are the same words used 40 years ago.
Horseshit. Did you not understand what I wrote? NOBODY want that. (except pedophiles and child predators and they have no political clout)

Obviously someone wants that, otherwise, why push to normalize it?

Btw, did you not understand what I wrote? Beside being apart some 40 years, the whole process of normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia looks identical.

That is not an answer . The question was WHO want pedophilia to be normalized. You do not have and answer and all that you can say is that “obviously someone does…and ignore the fact that there is in fact no push to” normalize it” Normalizing it would be making sexual contact with children acceptable and legal. That is not what the APA has done. What is it not possible for you to understand that?

In addition, it IS NOT similar to what happened with homosexuality. There was never a distinction made between homosexuals who acted on their desires and those who did not. Obviously it is you who did not understand what was said. So you post is double bullshit. Why the fuck are we even talking about pedophilia and homosexuality in the same conversation? That is just as stupid as stupid gets.

Something must be wrong with you. For the fifth and last time. Nobody is equalizing homosexuality and pedophilia, except you who are trying to twist the words by saying if both are normalized, they must be the same thing. They're not the same thing, although according to APA neither is mental disorder.

It seems your brain waves fall a little short of the beach because it really doesn't take that many brain cells to connect the dots, and if you still didn't get it, then sorry dude, I'm done explaining.
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Once a culture starts down the path of depravity it doesn't stop until the end. Normalization of homosexuality, the commercialization of body parts, the normalization of pedophilia, all part of the same gruesome depravity.
I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

Unless there is a reason... well, there is. Just as homosexuality has been normalized by APA some 40 years ago was a push that resulted in legalization of the same sex marriage, normalization of pedophilia by APA could be that initial push you're talking about. It wont happen overnight, but it's coming. You might say "it will never happen", but those are the same words used 40 years ago.
Horseshit. Did you not understand what I wrote? NOBODY want that. (except pedophiles and child predators and they have no political clout)

Obviously someone wants that, otherwise, why push to normalize it?

Btw, did you not understand what I wrote? Beside being apart some 40 years, the whole process of normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia looks identical.

That is not an answer . The question was WHO want pedophilia to be normalized. You do not have and answer and all that you can say is that “obviously someone does…and ignore the fact that there is in fact no push to” normalize it” Normalizing it would be making sexual contact with children acceptable and legal. That is not what the APA has done. What is it not possible for you to understand that?

In addition, it IS NOT similar to what happened with homosexuality. There was never a distinction made between homosexuals who acted on their desires and those who did not. Obviously it is you who did not understand what was said. So you post is double bullshit. Why the fuck are we even talking about pedophilia and homosexuality in the same conversation? That is just as stupid as stupid gets.

Something must be wrong with you. For the fifth and last time. Nobody is equalizing homosexuality and pedophilia, except you who are trying to twist the words by saying if both are normalized, they must be the same thing. They're not the same thing, although according to APA neither is mental disorder.

It seems your brain waves fall a little short of the beach because it really doesn't take that many brain cells to connect the dots, and if you still didn't get it, then sorry dude, I'm done explaining.

:bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3: That's it. We're done here. I don't have time for your moronic mindfuck games:ahole-1:
It has always been slippery slope. And lefties wants us to be like Swedes...

Last Sunday in Stockholm the youth wing of the Swedish Liberal party voted for the legislation of incest between consenting siblings over the age of 15. They also voted for the legalisation of sex with dead bodies, provided the deceased had it in his will.

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia

Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.
It has always been slippery slope. And lefties wants us to be like Swedes...

Last Sunday in Stockholm the youth wing of the Swedish Liberal party voted for the legislation of incest between consenting siblings over the age of 15. They also voted for the legalisation of sex with dead bodies, provided the deceased had it in his will.

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia

Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.
Pedophilia is just another form of sexual attraction much like Homosexuality, necrophilia, beastiality, etc is.
Horseshit! It is child abuse! Homosexuality is between consenting adults. A child, a corps and an animal cannot consent. What is your point here anyway?
The argument of the pro-pedophiles (those that, for example, who support their sex-hero Harvey Milk's sodomizing Jack Mckinley at 16) here at USMC contend that children as young as 12 "can consent". I made my argument that even though their bodies are fully ready to bear young, their minds have yet to catch up with that rapid physiological change. They are too susceptable to adult coercions until they are at least 18...I'd put the age more at 21-25.
Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, The Duck Dude, Ted Nugent, Harvey Milk.

Let's see if Sil condemns the heteros who far out do the homos in this area.
There is only a propaganda hit piece in this OP, not any logical consistency to the OP.
It has always been slippery slope. And lefties wants us to be like Swedes...

Last Sunday in Stockholm the youth wing of the Swedish Liberal party voted for the legislation of incest between consenting siblings over the age of 15. They also voted for the legalisation of sex with dead bodies, provided the deceased had it in his will.

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia

Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?
It has always been slippery slope. And lefties wants us to be like Swedes...

Last Sunday in Stockholm the youth wing of the Swedish Liberal party voted for the legislation of incest between consenting siblings over the age of 15. They also voted for the legalisation of sex with dead bodies, provided the deceased had it in his will.

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia

Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?

I'm assuming you know what the slippery slope is.

Lefties here always follow to what's happening in Europe. It's a first push, there will another, and another. Then the age of consent will be dropped out next, solving pedophilia in one fell swoop. That is how left does everything.
It has always been slippery slope. And lefties wants us to be like Swedes...

Last Sunday in Stockholm the youth wing of the Swedish Liberal party voted for the legislation of incest between consenting siblings over the age of 15. They also voted for the legalisation of sex with dead bodies, provided the deceased had it in his will.

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia

Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?

I'm assuming you know what the slippery slope is.

There's no movement toward normalizing pedophilia. So what slope?

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