And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

Be careful what you wish for. Since Pedophilia is no longer considered to be a mental disorder (unless you are in freaking prison for it) it's likely that psychiatric counseling won't be funded by the ironically named "affordable care act". Pedophiles who can't afford psychiatric counseling would be free to prey on kids until they get caught.
Be careful what you wish for. Since Pedophilia is no longer considered to be a mental disorder unless you are in freaking prison for fondling a kid, it's likely that psychiatric counseling won't be funded by the ironically named "affordable care act".

Who is wishing for what, now?
It has always been slippery slope. And lefties wants us to be like Swedes...

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia

Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?

I'm assuming you know what the slippery slope is.

There's no movement toward normalizing pedophilia. So what slope?

I just posted a link that there is. And lefties are screaming "let's be like Europe".

This thread was inactive for a long time. The story from Europe somehow revived it. Maybe you should read whole thread before jumping into discussion.

What slope? OK, in few words...

Gay marriage 40 years ago would've drawn revulsion, 20 years ago laughter, 10 years ago debate and today lefties are labeling normal heterosexuals as narrow-minded cis-gendered people. It's 2016, you know...

What's proposed in Sweden does draw revulsion in here today. Regardless, it's shamelessly proposed by European lefties, the seed is planted so we just matter of time before they start debating about it abroad and soon here as well. Of course, it wont stop there, because it never does, lefties will deny any of it, while pushing for it behind the curtains.
No lefty is doing anything of the sort, silly head.

Shoot, the mods even boot anyone on the board that insinuates others are pedos and favor pedophilia.

What more do you want?
I'm sure muslims and catholics will be pleased with this.....the two most degenerate, gutter-rat, child-fucking, predatory death cults which ever existed.
"And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized."

This is as much a moronic lie now as it was almost a year ago.


What's moronic is commenting the threat title, and not the thread content.
Even more moronic is doing it twice.
Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?

I'm assuming you know what the slippery slope is.

There's no movement toward normalizing pedophilia. So what slope?

Gay marriage 40 years ago would've drawn revulsion, 20 years ago laughter, 10 years ago debate and today lefties are labeling normal heterosexuals as narrow-minded cis-gendered people. It's 2016, you know...

Mixed race marriage 60 years ago did draw revulsion- and today 'lefties' are labeling normal racists as narrow minded race obsessed people.

That slippery slope- from letting women vote, to letting African Americans to vote, to allowing mixed race marriages, to allowing same gender marriage.

While I am sure you object to all of those 'leftie' changes.....none of that has anything to do with pedophilia- except in your mind.
Mixed race marriage 60 years ago did draw revulsion- and today 'lefties' are labeling normal racists as narrow minded race obsessed people.

That slippery slope- from letting women vote, to letting African Americans to vote, to allowing mixed race marriages, to allowing same gender marriage.

While I am sure you object to all of those 'leftie' changes.....none of that has anything to do with pedophilia- except in your mind.

You forgot to mention that mixed race marriage did draw revulsion - among racist Democrats. Today the same ones are assuring everyone else that they're actually the good guys.

The same one who were slave owners, who brought segregation, run the KKK... the same ones who were blocking the 19th amendment for 50 years before it finally passed, the same ones who opposed CRA for decades before was passed, again with majority of R votes.

But hey, who cares about those little details... it's 2016.
And that is why 95 of blacks will vote against Trump.

They are smarter than you, Americano, far smarter.
Nope. Who among the 'lefties' has advocated the legalization of incest or pedophilia?

Its just not a 'lefty' proposal.

Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?

I'm assuming you know what the slippery slope is.

There's no movement toward normalizing pedophilia. So what slope?

I just posted a link that there is. And lefties are screaming "let's be like Europe".

And who among the 'lefties' is advocating the legalization of incest.....or pedophilia? You keep insisting its a 'slippery slope', but can't show anyone here backing any part of it.
Mixed race marriage 60 years ago did draw revulsion- and today 'lefties' are labeling normal racists as narrow minded race obsessed people.

That slippery slope- from letting women vote, to letting African Americans to vote, to allowing mixed race marriages, to allowing same gender marriage.

While I am sure you object to all of those 'leftie' changes.....none of that has anything to do with pedophilia- except in your mind.

You forgot to mention that mixed race marriage did draw revulsion - among racist Democrats. Today the same ones are assuring everyone else that they're actually the good guys.

It drew revulsion among southern conservatives.
Mixed race marriage 60 years ago did draw revulsion- and today 'lefties' are labeling normal racists as narrow minded race obsessed people.

That slippery slope- from letting women vote, to letting African Americans to vote, to allowing mixed race marriages, to allowing same gender marriage.

While I am sure you object to all of those 'leftie' changes.....none of that has anything to do with pedophilia- except in your mind.

You forgot to mention that mixed race marriage did draw revulsion - among racist Democrats..

No- since it drew revulsion from racists- regardless of their political party.

And still does

Interracial Marriage: Many Deep South Republican Voters Believe Interracial Marriage Should Be Illegal
On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren't sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.
Mixed race marriage 60 years ago did draw revulsion- and today 'lefties' are labeling normal racists as narrow minded race obsessed people.

That slippery slope- from letting women vote, to letting African Americans to vote, to allowing mixed race marriages, to allowing same gender marriage.

While I am sure you object to all of those 'leftie' changes.....none of that has anything to do with pedophilia- except in your mind.

The same one who were slave owners, who brought segregation.

I am fairly sure there were no slave owners left when Virginia fought to protect its anti-mixed marriage laws.
[, the same ones who opposed CRA for decades before was passed, again with majority of R votes..

The Civil Rights Act was proposed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Kennedy- and it was signed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Johnston.

It passed with the majority of Democrats- and the majority of Republicans voting in favor of the CRA.
More Democrats than Republicans voted in favor.
Virtually every Southern lawmaker- of both parties- voted against the CRA.
And Southern Democrats led the opposition to the CRA.

The fact of the matter is, that Democrats passed the CRA- with assistance from Republicans.
Not yet. One step at the time.

Follow the thread.

So far all I've seen is right wing speculation backed by exactly jack shit.

Is there something more than what has been presented in this thread?

I'm assuming you know what the slippery slope is.

There's no movement toward normalizing pedophilia. So what slope?

I just posted a link that there is. And lefties are screaming "let's be like Europe".

And who among the 'lefties' is advocating the legalization of incest.....or pedophilia? You keep insisting its a 'slippery slope', but can't show anyone here backing any part of it.
Those who claim it's a slippery slope claim that a 25 year old married to a 17 year old is pedophilia. They widen the definition of the word Pedophilia to make their claim. They ignore the fact that until a few years ago 16 was the legal age in most states and still is in most countries.
The Civil Rights Act was proposed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Kennedy- and it was signed by Democrat- and Liberal- President Johnston.

It passed with the majority of Democrats- and the majority of Republicans voting in favor of the CRA.
More Democrats than Republicans voted in favor.
Virtually every Southern lawmaker- of both parties- voted against the CRA.
And Southern Democrats led the opposition to the CRA.

The fact of the matter is, that Democrats passed the CRA- with assistance from Republicans.

The CRA of 1964 was proposed by true liberal, President Kennedy, and signed into law by southern Democrat and racist, President Johnson (not Johnston).

The CRA of 1964 is resemblance of CRA of 1957 proposed by Republican President Eisenhower, and was opposed by Democrats. Not just southern Democrats, not conservative Democrats, but all were (southern manifesto) Democrats. By voting for CRA of 1964, Democrats bought the black vote (for next 200 years) and officially stopped being racist (in public).

It's true, more Democrats then Republicans voted in favor of CRA of 1964 because there were more Democrats then Republicans in Congress. Only Goldwater Republicans voted against it. Note the percentage.

The fact of the matter is that if not for Republicans, south would still be in the hands of Democrat slave owners or segregated or without civil rights.

Get your "facts" straight.

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