And it begins: "A Call for American Renewal"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I've been hearing that non-Trumpy Republicans who have been pushed out of the GQP for being comparatively decent and honest were planning on some kind of (a) third party or (b) movement to save the party from what has now happened.

Long shot at best, but at least they appear to be somewhat organized. Maybe they can make some kind of progress here or there. So here it is:
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the establishment political class strikes back I see....
I don't see how this gets much traction. From what I've seen, they're stuck between "we have no choice but to start a third party" and "we have to work from inside the GOP". Hopefully it will at least be entertaining.
I've been hearing that non-Trumpy Republicans who have been pushed out of the GQP for being comparatively decent and honest were planning on some kind of (a) third party or (b) movement to save the party from what has now happened.

Long shot at best, but at least they appear to be somewhat organized. Maybe they can make some kind of progress here or there. So here it is:
Seeing Bush, Cheney, and all those others traitors not say a GD thing about the border, gas, econ, all it falling apart. They say NOTHING. Fuck the Cheneys and Bushes. Their Clinton dick sucking Libturdcrats
I've been hearing that non-Trumpy Republicans who have been pushed out of the GQP for being comparatively decent and honest
Now I understand you. I didn't get it at first, but now it is crystal clear.

You are one naïve motherfucker. That's what it is.
I guess you didn't see the term "comparatively".

I can only make this so simple for you people.
I've been hearing that non-Trumpy Republicans who have been pushed out of the GQP for being comparatively decent and honest
Now I understand you. I didn't get it at first, but now it is crystal clear.

You are one naïve motherfucker. That's what it is.
I guess you didn't see the term "comparatively".

I can only make this so simple for you people.
Oh, yes. I did see your qualifier. It did nothing to take away from your demonstrative naivete.
I've been hearing that non-Trumpy Republicans who have been pushed out of the GQP for being comparatively decent and honest were planning on some kind of (a) third party or (b) movement to save the party from what has now happened.

Long shot at best, but at least they appear to be somewhat organized. Maybe they can make some kind of progress here or there. So here it is:
I’ve seen this movie. The Empire Strikes Back. After some setbacks the rebellion wins. Keep hoping for imperial victories though.
Republican voters have been disenfranchised for many decades, Reagan said all kinds of wonderful things but he didn't so squat for the middle class, and every year since then the middle class has been further ignored while the GOP enriched themselves, defense contractors, oil companies and corporatists. Along comes someone like Trump, who smashed that mold and screams nationalism to his supporters, in the same way as other European leaders many generations ago. Find an enemy to blame for your problems (the media, Democrats, immigrants, regulations, etc.) and say that I am here to represent you, not wage war in other countries, not let black and brown people across the border, and I'm going to bring JOBS back to America.

Boom, you have these folks on a leash, and they'll never leave you, even if you're a pathological liar like Trump, who slashed taxes for the wealthiest Americans, cultivated a cult of fealty where only those loyal to him were allowed, job qualifications were inherently useless, and only getting the praise of his unthinking, gullible base was truly important to him. No jobs were brought back, even thought a media campaign was created to make it seem like they were. Guess what? You end up right back where you started with the classic Republican Party: The middle class, and those who vote for Republicans, were pandered to, and ignored, the focus of Trumpism was still centered on the wealthiest Americans, only the language changed.
Anthony Scaramucci and Bill O'Reilly, too.

Their letter reads like a moderate Democrat's. It's decent sounding, doesn't get into hair pulling, is very positive in its approach. No racism, no populism, no mention of ANY hot button issues. None.

It will be interesting, because it seems targeted toward Independents, Centrists and Democrats disgusted with progressives. Everyone, in fact, except the GOP.

How do the rightwingers here feel about the principles, separate from their avowal to flush Trumpism? If you can be that objective.
Anthony Scaramucci and Bill O'Reilly, too.

Their letter reads like a moderate Democrat's. It's decent sounding, doesn't get into hair pulling, is very positive in its approach. No racism, no populism, no mention of ANY hot button issues. None.

It will be interesting, because it seems targeted toward Independents, Centrists and Democrats disgusted with progressives. Everyone, in fact, except the GOP.

How do the rightwingers here feel about the principles, separate from their avowal to flush Trumpism? If you can be that objective.
I will flush anything and everything that does not promote liberty. It's really that simple.

Each and every policy decision should FIRST start with the goal of promoting and protecting the individual liberty of American's first, all else being secondary, including the liberty of the rest of the world. Protect us first. That's the job. It's not complicated.
Anthony Scaramucci and Bill O'Reilly, too.

Their letter reads like a moderate Democrat's. It's decent sounding, doesn't get into hair pulling, is very positive in its approach. No racism, no populism, no mention of ANY hot button issues. None.

It will be interesting, because it seems targeted toward Independents, Centrists and Democrats disgusted with progressives. Everyone, in fact, except the GOP.

How do the rightwingers here feel about the principles, separate from their avowal to flush Trumpism? If you can be that objective.
I will flush anything and everything that does not promote liberty. It's really that simple.

Each and every policy decision should FIRST start with the goal of promoting and protecting the individual liberty of American's first, all else being secondary, including the liberty of the rest of the world. Protect us first. That's the job. It's not complicated.
Not to decent minded people, at least

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