And it begins


August: Cheney leaves his position as Halliburton's CEO to run as Bush's Vice President. Halliburton announces that it is giving Cheney a retirement package worth more than $33.7 million.19 Under public pressure, Cheney sells company stock worth $30 million. October 5: In a broadcast debate with Joe Lieberman, Cheney asserts that "the government has absolutely nothing to do" with his financial success as chairman of Halliburton Co.20

Halliburton Watch

Which mentions nothing about stock OPTIONS .

Since options are not owned stocks, they would not be included under the heading "stocks". are wrong...but please...continue....
I tend to ignore lefties as I'm far more concerned about conservatives having a quality, logical and coherent message instead of emotional knee jerk reactions.......kind of like you just displayed.

I'm wondering why you post here if you enjoy "quality, logical and coherent messages"? I ask because many here characterize me as a "lefty", and while I do enjoy baiting conservatives, few have ever responded to opinions - which are not knee jerk if you really want to debate, and not all left by any stretch - with any response but emotion.
I'm also curious how you define "lefty" and "conservative". I differentiate (most times) between conservatives and right wingers - do you acknowledge a difference between the liberal/progressive and the left wingers?

My use of "lefties" was in response to Willow's use of the term in our exchange. I'm often accused of being a socialist/liberal/leftie by those who call themselves conservative because I don't join in on using smear tactics. I'm a conservative libertarian. I am not a social conservative. While I don't care for Bill O'Reilly, I do appreciate his point of you don't justify your bad behavior by pointing out someone else's worse behavior. Too often that is all that "political debate" devolves into. Yeah, we suck, but you suck worse. Or even worse than that is you suck and we don't.......when you know you do. My point is this, rather than attack those I disagree with and call them names, I'd prefer my side sell their ideas based on their merit. Simple enough.

Which would make you buy a Coke? "Coke, it's cold, crisp and refreshing"......or......."Coke, at least we ain't Pepsi".

LOL, good point, but if the coke you sell is all fizz and no flavor, might you devolve into, "at least were not ...". Seems many who post here and elsewhere with the cover of anonymity choose the latter, and when pressed for evidence, cut and run. Sadly, they don't run away for ever, they appear on a new thread with the same old play.
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Since options are not owned stocks, they would not be included under the heading "stocks". are wrong...but please...continue....

Well, there's a defense...

"No it's not"

Good one!

You stupid fuck...I provided my PROOF he divested himself of any Haliburton/KBR holdings to include stock you prove what you say...provide a link...


and I like how you edit and attribute posts to me that I never said....typical dishonesty from you that's become expected...and I caught your ass CHANGING YOUR POST BACK!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha here's the proof.....Last edited by Vast LWC; Today at 02:03 PM.
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Happy Festivus to the rest of us!

What are you celebrating?

Google is your friend.

festivus - Google Search

Festivus has been discontinued. We are incredibly proud of five wonderful years of Festivus: Bringing a sense of fun to an otherwise stressful holiday season. After much deliberation, we decided that the market landscape in New Orleans has shifted and there are regular retail outlets for many of the funky, fun goods offered at Festivus. We are proud of the Festivus tradition and hope that the success of our market was a part of the stimulus for the New Orleans market renaissance. In markets we trust! Please continue to visit us at Crescent City Farmers Market on Tuesdays and Saturdays and visit to learn more about our programs. For questions/concerns/comments please contact [email protected].
Thank you for all of your support.

I have Christmas! I say Merry Christmas!

Perhaps Wry Catcher is not in fact a Christian.

Maybe he should have been wishing you a Happy Chanukah instead. Would that be better?

Wry Catcher was raised and confirmed Catholic. He is not practicing any organized religion and hasn't since his confirmation. His children were raised to understand right from wrong because it is the right thing to do, not because they might go to hell if they did not comply with some arbirtrary authority.
And your 'Yes, it is' is somehow better? I don't see your proof.

Actually, though I am right, I found a surprising tidbit on

Turns out Cheney's not a TOTAL heartless bastard:


Stock Options

That still would leave the possibility that Cheney could profit from his Halliburton stock options if the company's stock rises in value. However, Cheney and his wife Lynne have assigned any future profits from their stock options in Halliburton and several other companies to charity. And we're not just taking the Cheney's word for this -- we asked for a copy of the legal agreement they signed, which we post here publicly for the first time.

The "Gift Trust Agreement" the Cheney's signed two days before he took office turns over power of attorney to a trust administrator to sell the options at some future time and to give the after-tax profits to three charities. The agreement specifies that 40% will go to the University of Wyoming (Cheney's home state), 40% will go to George Washington University's medical faculty to be used for tax-exempt charitable purposes, and 20% will go to Capital Partners for Education, a charity that provides financial aid for low-income students in Washington, DC to attend private and religious schools.

The agreement states that it is "irrevocable and may not be terminated, waived or amended," so the Cheney's can't take back their options later.

The options owned by the Cheney's have been valued at nearly $8 million, his attorney says. Such valuations are rough estimates only -- the actual value will depend on what happens to stock prices in the future, which of course can't be known beforehand. But it is clear that giving up rights to the future profits constitutes a significant financial sacrifice, and a sizable donation to the chosen charities.

It should be noted however, that 8 million dollars in charitible contributions will create a rather large tax shelter for Dick... Just saying.
See? I check my facts, and give credit where it's due even to Dick Cheney. LOL.

and then you edit other people's posts, put words in their mouthes, make shit up and believe deciet is your only strategy to get people to see your fucked up views.

and...I was are WRONG!!!!
Exactly what was It Bush did for Enron again? OPh that's right he busted their butts and threw them in jail. What was it Clinton did for Enron took their money and got them a sweet heart deal with the Indian government. Leftists are such ignoramuses.
it was flat out in your face racism on the part of the CBC. I think it's high time we had a CWC.

Stupid statement of the day on your part - You really are a racist twat, totally stupid. The CWC is the MALE Repubilcan side of the aisle, ya dumb fuck! Just listen to the nasal whinetwang!

now now now llooooke there would ya,, a leftis calling names and using fowl language.. you are a vagina tweetie,, oh the visual,, where is wry catcher to admonish you on your bad leftist behavior and right after that happens bodunk will applaud wry catcher.. let us all get together and call them officially the Congressional White Caucus.. you got any problems with that??? welldoyahuh? I think the Congressional White Caucus sounds so fair and balanced don'tewe?

CWC sounds too prosaic, it needs more umph. I suggest the White And Conservative Organization, or WACO. See, it rolls right of the tongue and as fitting as it is, no one will ever see Boehner or McConnell and not immediately think "WACO".

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