And It Just Keeps Getting Worse For Clinton

I sure hope this doesn't take a toll on her health... JK; I hope she has a stroke.

You mean another stroke. She already admitted to having a short circuit.

She is already having server mental break down in coming into terms with the fact that she can't in fact stump the Trump.
Almost as severe as the break down our resident collaborators are having. They haven't quite been the same since Hillary started nose diving in the polls... Been kinda quiet. Not that I'm complaining...
Delusional is thinking that Hillary is qualified to be President and Commander in chief.
The polls cited are generally about popularity not about voting.

Read it and weep:

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.0 41.3 Clinton +5.7

4-Way RCP Average 42.6 37.1 Clinton +5.5
Favorability Ratings -11.3 -29.3 Clinton +18.0
Betting Odds 79.0 21.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3
Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8
Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2
New Hampshire 45.0 35.7 Clinton +9.3
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8
Nevada 43.3 41.0 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answer to for their campaign donations.
Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

But the real story is the sag in Clinton's numbers. Quinnipiac finds that her favorability rating is just 35 percent in Colorado, 33 percent in Iowa and 41 percent in Virginia. In previous Quinnipiac and other polls in Iowa and Colorado, Clinton was running above 40 percent against these Republicans; in this Quinnipiac poll she is running significantly under 40 percent — a sharp and significant drop.

Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

Yet more bad news, for she who would be queen...
As Joe Biden once said........I don't have to beat the almighty, I only have to beat the alternative

In this case, the alternative is Trump

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answer to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.
Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

But the real story is the sag in Clinton's numbers. Quinnipiac finds that her favorability rating is just 35 percent in Colorado, 33 percent in Iowa and 41 percent in Virginia. In previous Quinnipiac and other polls in Iowa and Colorado, Clinton was running above 40 percent against these Republicans; in this Quinnipiac poll she is running significantly under 40 percent — a sharp and significant drop.

Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

Yet more bad news, for she who would be queen...
No, Trump supporters just get more delusional.
Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

But the real story is the sag in Clinton's numbers. Quinnipiac finds that her favorability rating is just 35 percent in Colorado, 33 percent in Iowa and 41 percent in Virginia. In previous Quinnipiac and other polls in Iowa and Colorado, Clinton was running above 40 percent against these Republicans; in this Quinnipiac poll she is running significantly under 40 percent — a sharp and significant drop.

Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

Yet more bad news, for she who would be queen...

Your link is to a story from a year ago:

Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

By MICHAEL BARONE (@MICHAELBARONE) • 7/22/15 12:26 PM fucking Muppet. Jesus where do these people come from?
Once again, the sweet smell of right wing desperation. Dumbass posting a 13 month old poll. LMAO!


Swing states are all blue as of today
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Would you Hillary ass lickers like to see the most recent poll?
Politics - Los Angeles Times
The old bitch can't even keep pace with Trump.
She has literally every LIB MSM in her pocket. The REP 'elites' with their silk bow ties and light brown tasseled loafers are shit scared of Trump.
The only supporters Trump has are the millions and millions of ordinary hard working honest folk who want their country back from BONOBO's Socialist Marxist "every illegal we let into the country will someday vote DEM" bullshit and the Clinton Crime INC.
She's had to go take a month long nap.
No more foreseeable campaign events.
President Trump brings a HUUUUUGE! Rolodex of people he will purge from Washington politics.
Take pity on the old Filipina personal nurse who has to clean up after Hillary 'loads' her Depends while wrapped in Huma's arms.
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The poll is conducted weekly of 1/7th of 3000 already earlier prepicked surveyees, chosen from phone calls and online surveys.

In other words, the surveys are skewed to the right and beyond.

What is amazing is that DT is not 15 points ahead, which reveals just how weak is he.

So even in deliberately skewed polls, he is meat for the roasting.
Delusional is thinking that Hillary is qualified to be President and Commander in chief.

MOre qualified than the Trumpster Fire... anyway.
Never said I would vote for Trump, Joey. Never.

It doesn't change my assertion that Hilary is Not now, nor ever will be qualified to lead this Country or our Military.

Deflecting to Trump does not change this.

This Country deserves better, but we will get what we deserve.

Continuous decline as you and the rest of you sycophants vote in Hillary and blame Reagan, Bush and the Republican party, while the rich get richer at the rest of our expense.

You are priceless Joey.
Never said I would vote for Trump, Joey. Never.

It doesn't change my assertion that Hilary is Not now, nor ever will be qualified to lead this Country or our Military.

That happens to be your opinion. Which is fucking worthless. Me, I don't worry about it. I know she will bring in people who are qualified to do so.

Deflecting to Trump does not change this.

This Country deserves better, but we will get what we deserve.

Actually, the country gets EXACTLY what it deserves. I think the choices this year are awful, but that's what we are stuck with. The Democrats could have nominated O'Malley and the GOP could have nominated Walker or Perry and we would have had a race between guys who were qualified to run the country because they've run states effectively.

But this is what we picked. So now we have to vote for the Pathological Liar because the Malignant Narcissist is likely to blow up the world.

Continuous decline as you and the rest of you sycophants vote in Hillary and blame Reagan, Bush and the Republican party, while the rich get richer at the rest of our expense.

You are priceless Joey.

Guy, I voted Republican in every election between 1980 and 2008, and the only time things got better for me in that time period was the 8 years Clinton was in.

Yes, when Republicans give us our last three wars and our last four or five recessions, you REALLY can blame them for everything that has gone wrong.

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