And it starts...

Of course unions are important. Think of how much less money Hillary would have had to campaign with had not unions contributed so strongly.

Equally, however, union MEMBERS knew better despite their having no choice in how their union masters spent their dues. Suck it up, union members, safe in the knowledge that your hard-earned money was pissed away on a losing cause and without your even having a voice in it.
Poor Henry. Sofa king stupid he does not know that unions can not use dues for political donations.
well I'm all for crushing unions, they are outdated, even more than NATO.
but hey it's the media so we don't even know if this is true.

so you voted for a man that employs union workers, and was fully supported by unions, but you want to crush unions ...

you're an idiot.
He's spot on

he's a brown spot on Trumps drawers.
you've seen Trumps drawers? how did you get there and what were you looking for, hmmmmmmmm?
Like the fact that child labor is outlawed? Thank a union.

Like a 40 hour work week? Thank a union.

Like having safe working conditions in your job? Thank a union.

Unions have done more to strengthen this country than anything else. If it wasn't for unions, robber barons would still pay slave wages.

Ever hear of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire? That was one of the tragedies that caused unions to form, because the company rules led to over 40 deaths that could have been prevented.
like having jobs go over seas, thank a union.

folks unemployed, thank a union.

yep we know who to thank, it's why right to work is now making its way through all of the states. D'oh!!!
well I'm all for crushing unions, they are outdated, even more than NATO.
but hey it's the media so we don't even know if this is true.

so you voted for a man that employs union workers, and was fully supported by unions, but you want to crush unions ...

you're an idiot.
He's spot on

he's a brown spot on Trumps drawers.
you've seen Trumps drawers? how did you get there and what were you looking for, hmmmmmmmm?
Damn siete loves trump more than I do. Never saw that coming!
I see the Trump supporters have no problem with this. Just like they had no problem when dick Cheney handed out no bid contracts to his former company Halliburton. But hey, that no good Hillary met with some country who had donated to the Clinton Foundadtion. OMG OMG OMG
dude, cover up. your stupid is showing.
Like the fact that child labor is outlawed? Thank a union.

Like a 40 hour work week? Thank a union.

Like having safe working conditions in your job? Thank a union.

Unions have done more to strengthen this country than anything else. If it wasn't for unions, robber barons would still pay slave wages.

Ever hear of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire? That was one of the tragedies that caused unions to form, because the company rules led to over 40 deaths that could have been prevented.
like having jobs go over seas, thank a union.

folks unemployed, thank a union.

yep we know who to thank, it's why right to work is now making its way through all of the states. D'oh!!!

No, thank W. He's the guy who made it gave tax breaks to corporations moving jobs offshore.
I see no Trump supporter than defend their hero.

By naming new people to the NLRB, Trump can profit.

But hey, Hillary had a meeting with some country leader as SofS & they had donated to the Clinton charity.
Like the fact that child labor is outlawed? Thank a union.

Like a 40 hour work week? Thank a union.

Like having safe working conditions in your job? Thank a union.

Unions have done more to strengthen this country than anything else. If it wasn't for unions, robber barons would still pay slave wages.

Ever hear of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire? That was one of the tragedies that caused unions to form, because the company rules led to over 40 deaths that could have been prevented.
like having jobs go over seas, thank a union.

folks unemployed, thank a union.

yep we know who to thank, it's why right to work is now making its way through all of the states. D'oh!!!

No, thank W. He's the guy who made it gave tax breaks to corporations moving jobs offshore.
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.

You go read up. The jobs were lost on Bush's watch. He's the guy who oversaw the mass exodus of US jobs. W had negative job creation for his 8 years in office, and that's with huge expansions of the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
He is also going to have a Treasury Secretary who will be in charge of the IRS, and we know that Trump has never paid taxes.... what?
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.

You go read up. The jobs were lost on Bush's watch. He's the guy who oversaw the mass exodus of US jobs. W had negative job creation for his 8 years in office, and that's with huge expansions of the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Yep, it's a darn shame that Clinton didn't take care of Bin Ladin when he had the chance.
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.

You go read up. The jobs were lost on Bush's watch. He's the guy who oversaw the mass exodus of US jobs. W had negative job creation for his 8 years in office, and that's with huge expansions of the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Yep, it's a darn shame that Clinton didn't take care of Bin Ladin when he had the chance.
Its a darn shame that Reagan armed & trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.

You go read up. The jobs were lost on Bush's watch. He's the guy who oversaw the mass exodus of US jobs. W had negative job creation for his 8 years in office, and that's with huge expansions of the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Yep, it's a darn shame that Clinton didn't take care of Bin Ladin when he had the chance.
Its a darn shame that Reagan armed & trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
That's not true.
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.

You go read up. The jobs were lost on Bush's watch. He's the guy who oversaw the mass exodus of US jobs. W had negative job creation for his 8 years in office, and that's with huge expansions of the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Yep, it's a darn shame that Clinton didn't take care of Bin Ladin when he had the chance.
Its a darn shame that Reagan armed & trained Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
That's not true.

Yes it is. Bin Laden was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan at the time, and Reagan was arming and training the resistance fighters. Those resistance groups became the Taliban and AQ
Bill Clinton was offered BIN LADIN after the Cole bombing and the embassy attacks in Africa....and did not take him.

Utter bullshit.

THose 3,000 murdered Americans on 9/11 must weigh heavily on Bill Clinton's soul.
hahahahahahahahaahahahaha, go read up bubba.

You go read up. The jobs were lost on Bush's watch. He's the guy who oversaw the mass exodus of US jobs. W had negative job creation for his 8 years in office, and that's with huge expansions of the military for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Why was that? Come on, I asked you to read up. You never answered

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