And Just As The Berlin Wall Fell....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...the Obama 'legacy' is about to suffer the same fate.

1. "A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction which prevents certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act from taking effect. ....US District Court Judge Reed O’Connor halted enforcement of Section 1557 of the act, which “forbids discriminating on the basis of ‘gender identity’ and ‘termination of pregnancy.’”

2. ....O’Connor wrote, “Plaintiffs claim the Rule’s interpretation of sex discrimination pressures doctors to deliver healthcare in a manner that violates their religious freedom and thwarts their independent medical judgment and will require burdensome changes to their health insurance plans on January 1, 2017.”
Federal judge strikes down Obamacare transgender mandate - Hot Air

For purposes of definition, Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

3. "The regulation in question implements Section 1557 of the ACA, which prohibits health-care entities that receive federal funding from discriminating on the basis of sex. According to the regulation, this prohibition extends to discrimination based upon “gender identity,” “sex stereotyping” and “termination of pregnancy.” Among other things, it requires that covered entities treat individuals in accordance with their self-proclaimed gender identity, which is defined as a person’s “internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female.”

One more time...'self-proclaimed gender identity'....forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

4. "The originators of the suit are referencing religious freedom as part of the initial complaint, and while there’s certainly an element of that in play, the appeal of this decision should probably focus more on the science underlying it all.
his is yet another example of the Obama administration seeking to bend the definition of “sex” (when it comes to questions of discrimination) to encompass a Social Justice Warrior concept of “gender” as something unique and wholly separate from biology. The mandate would punish health care providers who refused to administer transgender procedures – even to children – in cases where it might conflict not only with their religious beliefs, but run afoul of their professional opinions as to the beneficial nature of such treatments."

5. often have the Left's acolytes claimed 'the Right is anti-science"???

"...a Social Justice Warrior concept of “gender” as something unique and wholly separate from biology."

The real question is, based on this set-back, will the Movement continue to allow Barack Hussein Obama to remain as the titular head of the LBGT Popular Front?????
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
...the Obama 'legacy' is about to suffer the same fate.

1. "A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction which prevents certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act from taking effect. ....US District Court Judge Reed O’Connor halted enforcement of Section 1557 of the act, which “forbids discriminating on the basis of ‘gender identity’ and ‘termination of pregnancy.’”

2. ....O’Connor wrote, “Plaintiffs claim the Rule’s interpretation of sex discrimination pressures doctors to deliver healthcare in a manner that violates their religious freedom and thwarts their independent medical judgment and will require burdensome changes to their health insurance plans on January 1, 2017.”
Federal judge strikes down Obamacare transgender mandate - Hot Air

For purposes of definition, Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

3. "The regulation in question implements Section 1557 of the ACA, which prohibits health-care entities that receive federal funding from discriminating on the basis of sex. According to the regulation, this prohibition extends to discrimination based upon “gender identity,” “sex stereotyping” and “termination of pregnancy.” Among other things, it requires that covered entities treat individuals in accordance with their self-proclaimed gender identity, which is defined as a person’s “internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female.”

One more time...'self-proclaimed gender identity'....forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

4. "The originators of the suit are referencing religious freedom as part of the initial complaint, and while there’s certainly an element of that in play, the appeal of this decision should probably focus more on the science underlying it all.
his is yet another example of the Obama administration seeking to bend the definition of “sex” (when it comes to questions of discrimination) to encompass a Social Justice Warrior concept of “gender” as something unique and wholly separate from biology. The mandate would punish health care providers who refused to administer transgender procedures – even to children – in cases where it might conflict not only with their religious beliefs, but run afoul of their professional opinions as to the beneficial nature of such treatments."

5. often have the Left's acolytes claimed 'the Right is anti-science"???

"...a Social Justice Warrior concept of “gender” as something unique and wholly separate from biology."

The real question is, based on this set-back, will the Movement continue to allow Barack Hussein Obama to remain as the titular head of the LBGT Popular Front?????
Section 1557 of the ACA wasn't ruled on, dummy! It was the implementing regulation that was ruled on. The rule can be rewritten, posted in the Federal Register and be implemented again, fool! Your OP is full of misinformation and exaggeration!
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Can you show any proof that all liberals hate your god?
Well, to put in a way you might understand, if liberals loved God, they wouldn't be liberals.
To put it mildly, another post from an inferior being with no idea what logic is..
See? When I put it in a way you might understand, you still don't understand. Brainwashed to the depths of hell.
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Can you show any proof that all liberals hate your god?
Well, to put in a way you might understand, if liberals loved God, they wouldn't be liberals.
To put it mildly, another post from an inferior being with no idea what logic is..
See? When I put it in a way you might understand, you still don't understand. Brainwashed to the depths of hell.
You may put in a form in which your perception is understood, but it's still a fallacy... a math problem which can't be true, is not a applicable calculation...The mirrored effect of your fallacious statement about all liberals hating God is an opinion, not a fact..
...the Obama 'legacy' is about to suffer the same fate.

1. "A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction which prevents certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act from taking effect. ....US District Court Judge Reed O’Connor halted enforcement of Section 1557 of the act, which “forbids discriminating on the basis of ‘gender identity’ and ‘termination of pregnancy.’”

2. ....O’Connor wrote, “Plaintiffs claim the Rule’s interpretation of sex discrimination pressures doctors to deliver healthcare in a manner that violates their religious freedom and thwarts their independent medical judgment and will require burdensome changes to their health insurance plans on January 1, 2017.”
Federal judge strikes down Obamacare transgender mandate - Hot Air

For purposes of definition, Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

3. "The regulation in question implements Section 1557 of the ACA, which prohibits health-care entities that receive federal funding from discriminating on the basis of sex. According to the regulation, this prohibition extends to discrimination based upon “gender identity,” “sex stereotyping” and “termination of pregnancy.” Among other things, it requires that covered entities treat individuals in accordance with their self-proclaimed gender identity, which is defined as a person’s “internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female.”

One more time...'self-proclaimed gender identity'....forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

4. "The originators of the suit are referencing religious freedom as part of the initial complaint, and while there’s certainly an element of that in play, the appeal of this decision should probably focus more on the science underlying it all.
his is yet another example of the Obama administration seeking to bend the definition of “sex” (when it comes to questions of discrimination) to encompass a Social Justice Warrior concept of “gender” as something unique and wholly separate from biology. The mandate would punish health care providers who refused to administer transgender procedures – even to children – in cases where it might conflict not only with their religious beliefs, but run afoul of their professional opinions as to the beneficial nature of such treatments."

5. often have the Left's acolytes claimed 'the Right is anti-science"???

"...a Social Justice Warrior concept of “gender” as something unique and wholly separate from biology."

The real question is, based on this set-back, will the Movement continue to allow Barack Hussein Obama to remain as the titular head of the LBGT Popular Front?????
"But like so many other of these “transgender” questions, it’s one which the courts need to address once and for all. This should be done on a scientific basis, providing guidance for legislatures at all levels going forward. And liberals who like to declare themselves the “party of science” on other subjects should be made to answer these questions once and for all."

Glad common sense is taking the lead on this issue.
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Dude, religious freedom means just that. It DOES NOT mean only religions or religious people have religious freedom, it means all citizens are free to practice whatever spiritual or non spiritual entity they wish WITHOUT the influence of any religion onto society.

Christians have tried to embed their beliefs about gays and women's rights onto society, so obviously you Christian freaks DO NOT understand what religious freedom is.

Damn, go back to school.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Can you show any proof that all liberals hate your god?
Well, to put in a way you might understand, if liberals loved God, they wouldn't be liberals.
To put it mildly, another post from an inferior being with no idea what logic is..
See? When I put it in a way you might understand, you still don't understand. Brainwashed to the depths of hell.
You may put in a form in which your perception is understood, but it's still a fallacy... a math problem which can't be true, is not a applicable calculation...The mirrored effect of your fallacious statement about all liberals hating God is an opinion, not a fact..
Not just an opinion. But it does, as you might say, follow the path of logic.
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Can you show any proof that all liberals hate your god?
Well, to put in a way you might understand, if liberals loved God, they wouldn't be liberals.

As shown in this statement by their 'godfather'

"There is no God:
This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses."
When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Dude, religious freedom means just that. It DOES NOT mean only religions or religious people have religious freedom, it means all citizens are free to practice whatever spiritual or non spiritual entity they wish WITHOUT the influence of any religion onto society.

Christians have tried to embed their beliefs about gays and women's rights onto society, so obviously you Christian freaks DO NOT understand what religious freedom is.

Damn, go back to school.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

A winner in the category of unintentional humor!

Happens every time a Liberal simpleton tries to use terms like 'science' or 'school.'

Christians created this society, you dope.

1. "The charters and founding -era documents of the Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire and New Jersey colonies ....all referred to the 'Christian faith' or the 'Christian religion' as a foundation of the colonial project." Mike Lee, "Our Lost Constitution," p.84

2. By the end of the 1780s, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia all had state-sponsored churches.
"The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction,"
by Professor Akhil Reed Amar and Akhil Reed Amar, p. 32-33
Vermont, the same when it entered the union in 1791

3. Delaware and Maryland required their legislators to profess Christianity.

4. For these five, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland and South Carolina, one had to be a Protestant to be a law maker.

5. For Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Hampshire and South Carolina, one need only state that the Bible was the word of God, to make laws.
"Church, state, and freedom," by Leo Pfeffer, p. 118

You're a government school grad, huh?
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Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Dude, religious freedom means just that. It DOES NOT mean only religions or religious people have religious freedom, it means all citizens are free to practice whatever spiritual or non spiritual entity they wish WITHOUT the influence of any religion onto society.

Christians have tried to embed their beliefs about gays and women's rights onto society, so obviously you Christian freaks DO NOT understand what religious freedom is.

Damn, go back to school.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

A winner in the category of unintentional humor!

Happens every time a Liberal simpleton tries to use terms like 'science' or 'school.'

Christians created this society, you dope.

1. "The charters and founding -era documents of the Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire and New Jersey colonies ....all referred to the 'Christian faith' or the 'Christian religion' as a foundation of the colonial project." Mike Lee, "Our Lost Constitution," p.84

2. By the end of the 1780s, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia all had state-sponsored government.
"The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction,"
by Professor Akhil Reed Amar and Akhil Reed Amar, p. 32-33
Vermont, the same when it entered the union in 1791

3. Delaware and Maryland required their legislators to profess Christianity.
4. For these five, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland and South Carolina, one had to be a Protestant to be a law maker.
5. For Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Hampshire and South Carolina, one need only state that the Bible was the word of God, to make laws.
"Church, state, and freedom," by Leo Pfeffer, p. 118

You're a government school grad, huh?
Where in the New Testament does Jesus say it's okay to kill for land?
6. "The mandate would punish health care providers who refused to administer transgender procedures – even to children

These are procedures which the government doesn’t even force their own military doctors to perform, nor must such procedures be covered under Medicare or Medicaid (even for adults) under current rules.

There is absolutely zero compelling evidence being offered that anyone has a physical malady which requires correction based on the fact that they “feel like” a different gender than the one defined by basic science.

7. If the government is willing to not only recognize but mandate the acceptance of a person’s desired gender rather than their actual sex, why should there be any barriers at all.

What about people suffering from Cotard’s Syndrome? They fervently believe that they are undead… literally zombies walking the Earth. Can Uncle Sam declare them dead just to honor that belief and force the medical community to treat them as corpses?

There is precisely as much scientific evidence that a man identifying as a “transgender woman” is actually female as there is that a Cotard’s sufferer is actually a zombie."
Federal judge strikes down Obamacare transgender mandate - Hot Air

Hold on.....didn't Bill's wife win the popular vote by counting the zombie constituency????

Barack Obama just named titular head of the Zombie Movement.

He will retain leadership of the LBGT Campaign after January 20th.

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