And Just As The Berlin Wall Fell....

Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Dude, religious freedom means just that. It DOES NOT mean only religions or religious people have religious freedom, it means all citizens are free to practice whatever spiritual or non spiritual entity they wish WITHOUT the influence of any religion onto society.

Christians have tried to embed their beliefs about gays and women's rights onto society, so obviously you Christian freaks DO NOT understand what religious freedom is.

Damn, go back to school.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

A winner in the category of unintentional humor!

Happens every time a Liberal simpleton tries to use terms like 'science' or 'school.'

Christians created this society, you dope.

1. "The charters and founding -era documents of the Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire and New Jersey colonies ....all referred to the 'Christian faith' or the 'Christian religion' as a foundation of the colonial project." Mike Lee, "Our Lost Constitution," p.84

2. By the end of the 1780s, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia all had state-sponsored churches.
"The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction,"
by Professor Akhil Reed Amar and Akhil Reed Amar, p. 32-33
Vermont, the same when it entered the union in 1791

3. Delaware and Maryland required their legislators to profess Christianity.

4. For these five, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland and South Carolina, one had to be a Protestant to be a law maker.

5. For Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Hampshire and South Carolina, one need only state that the Bible was the word of God, to make laws.
"Church, state, and freedom," by Leo Pfeffer, p. 118

You're a government school grad, huh?

You dumb fuck.

Christians did not create our society, the Constitution was written to form a SECULAR nation, nowhere in the Constitution does it mention God or Christianity.

It's fucks like you who are ruining a free country. You think your Christian bullshit is Heavenly when in fact you're worse than Lucifer. You fuck.
Libs may hate God but they sure love using Religious Freedom as cover for their, as you say, "delusions".

And deluded they are.
Dude, religious freedom means just that. It DOES NOT mean only religions or religious people have religious freedom, it means all citizens are free to practice whatever spiritual or non spiritual entity they wish WITHOUT the influence of any religion onto society.

Christians have tried to embed their beliefs about gays and women's rights onto society, so obviously you Christian freaks DO NOT understand what religious freedom is.

Damn, go back to school.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

A winner in the category of unintentional humor!

Happens every time a Liberal simpleton tries to use terms like 'science' or 'school.'

Christians created this society, you dope.

1. "The charters and founding -era documents of the Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire and New Jersey colonies ....all referred to the 'Christian faith' or the 'Christian religion' as a foundation of the colonial project." Mike Lee, "Our Lost Constitution," p.84

2. By the end of the 1780s, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, and Georgia all had state-sponsored churches.
"The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction,"
by Professor Akhil Reed Amar and Akhil Reed Amar, p. 32-33
Vermont, the same when it entered the union in 1791

3. Delaware and Maryland required their legislators to profess Christianity.

4. For these five, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland and South Carolina, one had to be a Protestant to be a law maker.

5. For Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Hampshire and South Carolina, one need only state that the Bible was the word of God, to make laws.
"Church, state, and freedom," by Leo Pfeffer, p. 118

You're a government school grad, huh?

You dumb fuck.

Christians did not create our society, the Constitution was written to form a SECULAR nation, nowhere in the Constitution does it mention God or Christianity.

It's fucks like you who are ruining a free country. You think your Christian bullshit is Heavenly when in fact you're worse than Lucifer. You fuck.

It seems you've picked up the greater part of your vocabulary from men's rooms walls. How droll.

Gutter language is a well-known trait of one who recognizes that they've lost the argument. Defaulting to vulgarity proves that your thoughts are no more articulated on this subject than on any other.: a second-rater with a third grader's vocabulary.

I produced facts....and you....well, everything you learned in government school.

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