And Just Like That Elections Can Be Easily Stolen

Already listed


Possibly 2004

North Carolina

Attempted steal of 2020

Plans in place for stealing 2022

All by Republicans
Hilarious. Gore and his dimples.
North Carolina? Never heard of it tossing a POTUS election, but creative!

I love this thread. Filled with Leftards claiming the election system is flawed after insisting Biden won legally.
WTF? How'd they break their law?
FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.
Anomalies and irregularities have been a found in all versions. The Nov 10th Version showed 23,305 ballots having a “Returned” date before their actual “Mailed” date. The Nov 16th Version change most of the ballots, leaving only 185 ballots with this anomaly. The December 16th version has only 181.
With each updated version, ballots are deleted. There were 9,763 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 10th Version and Nov 16th Version. 3,687 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 16th Version and the December 16th Version.
The Texas Lawsuit lays out many of the impossible anomalies from the Nov 10th Version.
Lying Nazi twat is stinging after being exposed again.

Stop lying, and I'll stop exposing you as the lying pile of shit you are.

No 35% said that the "conspiracy theory" of Russia changing vote tallys could be true. only 17% thought the Russians actually did so.


There's a reason you're a Nazi


You should have finished 1st grade.

So you think Omicron understand nationality and affects American differently?

Really smart virus huh?

I'm pointing out that you're a fucking liar.

Zero documented deaths in the USA from Omicron.

You tried to lie your way around it, but failed.
Hilarious. Gore and his dimples.
North Carolina? Never heard of it tossing a POTUS election, but creative!

I love this thread. Filled with Leftards claiming the election system is flawed after insisting Biden won legally.
Cute how you pretend not to know about the GOP election fraud in NC

And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

More like “we need the swamp to be in charge so we can steal elections easier”

Didn't the commies and the LSM beat the shit out of Trump for saying something similar? Commies are such hypocrites.

He means tramp putting tramp people in counting the votes. He doesn't trust the republicans.

ROFLMFAO So tell the class how that would work when there are more than 10,000 election administration jurisdictions in the US.


In case you hadn't noticed, it was two Democrats who stopped the second "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics", to quote Joe Biden.

I bet that really burns your ass. :laughing0301:
And now Dems are even putting on Twitter that Manchin and Sinema should be assaulted. And no removal of those tweets. It’s funny that Dems cry that no Republican will go against the party, yet when 2 of theirs do exactly that, they call for physical violence against them.
Fucking liar.

Turns out the Nazis were the ones in bed with Russia, using Kremlin supplied disinformation to commit treason.
Add in that in just the last few days, Dems used that “racist” filibuster to kill a bill that had bipartisan support and would have passed. One that would have put sanctions on Putin and Russia over their Xiden approved pipeline. Filibustered by DEMOCRATS. Who’s in Putin’s pocket again?
More people died in 2021 than in 2020. We're far from over COVID. And with the omicron variant, do you want people standing in crowded lines for hours?

I've never stood in a line for more than 20-25 minutes. Most of the time there is no line.

You claim it's was the least secure because it was the most used. More people got to vote in 2020, than in previous elections.

GA has identified some 250 people through meta data that made multiple trips to drop boxes. The investigation is still underway, but it appears they were illegally harvesting ballots.

Yeah, but you have 5 times the chance of catching it. So the number of deaths per million goes down, but the number of cases per million goes up.

So the hospitals get filled up, but the morgue doesn't.

Reported cases have gone up, but hospitalizations have gone down.

Don't count on that. 2,000 people a day are dying currently and omicron is the diagnosis in the vast majority

So tell the class how many of those folks died with covid and how many have died from covid. CDC says the people that are dying have at least 4 comorbidities and didn't necessarily die from covid.

He should know since he stole the 2020 election.

Joe's not smart enough for that.

He was promised something big if he ran for a term (or less). They told Joe, don't you worry, we'll get you in, we'll handle it. You just do xyz for us once there."

Joe's spent a HUNDRED days at home in Delaware just since in office! You know, the house where taxpayers just bought him a $500,000 security fence for around the property?

So what?

Unlike the White House, no one need keep a visitor's log there of who comes and goes and when.
By the time 2022 and 2024 are over, the Biden presidency will be the best thing that ever happened to the GOP and this country. :clap2:
And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

More like “we need the swamp to be in charge so we can steal elections easier”
With all the voting restrictions Republicans have put in place I see how that's possible.
Here is what it looks like when an election is ACTUALLY rigged:

North Carolina had to redo their Congressional election because of the Republican fraudsters.

And you commies wonder why voting by mail should be heavily restricted.

GA has identified some 250 people through meta data that made multiple trips to drop boxes. The investigation is still underway, but it appears they were illegally harvesting ballots.
Why would Georgia make it illegal for somebody to drop off a ballot for one of their neighbors? You can go shopping for your neighbor with their EBT card. You can drop off paperwork at the DMV for your neighbor. You can drop off your neighbors mail in a mailbox. Why would they make doing a favor for your neighbor illegal? And how does that effect the election. The ballots still have to be signed, and verified no matter who put them in the box.

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