And Just Like That Elections Can Be Easily Stolen

We learned. More printing of ballots this summer and more Viking hats in 25.
You did learn. You’re now passing laws giving legislatures the ability to toss out local election officials and install their own cronies as well as electing state officials who have less reservations about throwing out people’s votes if the voted wrong.

There were shockingly few people that prevented Trump from stealing the last election. You’re party is systematically going through and replacing them.
Ya know what stops Republicans from stealing elections?


Wait in those long lines if you have to

Vote absentee if you can and feel safer. Dot all the Is and cross all the Ts

And for God's sake don't vote for Republicans locally because they will do everything possible to screw you and make it even harder to vote next time
Ya know what stops Republicans from stealing elections?


Wait in those long lines if you have to

Vote absentee if you can and feel safer. Dot all the Is and cross all the Ts

And for God's sake don't vote for Republicans locally because they will do everything possible to screw you and make it even harder to vote next time

Why don't you just say you think the voting laws suck, because you cannot seem to win everything you want, by following the law?
That's pretty much what your opposition thinks about you, and is accusing you of trying to circumvent.

And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”
Thats right, just like 2020 election could've been made illegitimate, only more easily this time around.

A few good men that took their oath of office more seriously than their fealty to Trump is all that prevented it.

If GA and and other state officials officials caved to Trump's demands that they "find him some votes"
If DOJ officials went along with his push for them to send out a letter to state declaring election illegitimate.
If Vice President Pence simply accepted Republican delegates instead of true delegations certified by the states.

Who the f know where we would be today.

And what are Republicans doing now? Pushing out career election admins and making sure that elections are in their partisan hands. If thier politicos want to over-ride the will of the people, well then they can go ahead.
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Why don't you just say you think the voting laws suck, because you cannot seem to win everything you want, by following the law?
That's pretty much what your opposition thinks about you, and is accusing you of trying to circumvent.

Hey dickhead. That's exactly what I DID say.

VOTE. In SPITE of the bullshit laws trying to stop you.

They can't outright stop you from voting but they can make it very hard. Beat them. Make sure your registration hasn't been "purged" (removed fraudulently) and do it EARLY.

Do everything they require and get it DONE.

They can't actually stop you. They can only make it difficult
Hey dickhead. That's exactly what I DID say.

VOTE. In SPITE of the bullshit laws trying to stop you.

They can't outright stop you from voting but they can make it very hard. Beat them. Make sure your registration hasn't been "purged" (removed fraudulently) and do it EARLY.

Do everything they require and get it DONE.

They can't actually stop you. They can only make it difficult

Find me one damn poster on this board who is willing to say they are too stupid to figure out how to follow the law and vote ...
Or just shut up with your empty assed meaningless nonsense ... :thup:

All the stupid people you are imagining are hiding under your bed with the boogeyman.
You are trying to protect people who are not willing to admit they even exist.

You aren't going to have any more luck making them appear than anyone else can make fraudulent votes appear.
If we are just going to go with the speculation both are worth equal concern ...
Then you are going to have to come up with a better position, or you don't have anything to bargain with.

In the state where I live ... The only way they could make voting easier.
Is if the government just voted for you and the people didn't have to do anything ...
Or ... You wanted to cheat and didn't care who was voting.

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Wrong again douchebag

Why would anyone be against early voting?
I should have said until now. The law just went into effect. Nobody in DE has been able to vote early up to now. They have a very limited window this November.
I could continue to attempt to explain how wrong you are, but since you ignore the content my posts, I don’t see the point.
I'm talking about the American media, which went from foreign interference was the worst attack on our elections in like forever to barely a peep in one election cycle. That doesn't trip any kind of alert for you? I mean, when something changes that drastically, you look to see what changed, and AFAIK, the one thing that changed the most was the party of the winner. You mentioned that TRUMP! put in place things to shut it down, and maybe he's due credit for that.

And yes, I'm having fun with it.

So the VA elections were all stolen? That is your statement, correct?
That is the narrative that is taking shape. When democrats win, all is good, there is no fraud, the elections are secure. When Republicans win, election laws are lax, they cheated, fraud was rampant and the whole thing has to be done over until the right one wins.
They can't actually stop you. They can only make it difficult

And ... If you live where I live, don't have a photo ID or don't have $1.50 in your pocket ...
The cops can drive you to the city limits and drop you off on the charge of vagrancy ... :thup:

I should have said until now. The law just went into effect. Nobody in DE has been able to vote early up to now. They have a very limited window this November.
Just admit you were wrong and go back and sit in your dunce corner.

This is getting monotonous
I'm talking about the American media, which went from foreign interference was the worst attack on our elections in like forever to barely a peep in one election cycle. That doesn't trip any kind of alert for you? I mean, when something changes that drastically, you look to see what changed, and AFAIK, the one thing that changed the most was the party of the winner. You mentioned that TRUMP! put in place things to shut it down, and maybe he's due credit for that.

And yes, I'm having fun with it.
Because Russian attempts at interference weren't as successful. We learned a lot in 2016. For starters, Russia wasn't able to hack email servers as they did last time around. Social media companies were better at sniffing out false online personalities. Advertisement rules were made more stringent.

That doesn't mean Russia didn't do anything, as stated the Ukraine story was pushed by Russia and that aspect did get extensive media coverage. You may have missed this if you listen to conservative media since they buried the story, but it's still true.
When did I say anything about "VA elections" ya fucking Nazi Zionist
That's the only way they can win...and to them...winning is all there is

That was your statement, Herr Lesh. So then by that statement you believe the VA elections were stolen, correct?

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