And Just Like That Elections Can Be Easily Stolen

If the state legislature says only one polling place per election district, whether there are 2,000 people or 2 million. How do think the lines are going to run in the big cities? The places where democrats vote.
doesn't that affect everyone? Or do you think it only affects blacks? BTW, the rule is, if in line, the polls can't close. So you continue to be stupid.
It's as if you've never heard of gerrymandering.

You actually think that all districts are created equal, and that 60% of the population, should hold 60% of the seats in the legislature.

I have heard of gerrymandering ... I can also get through the polls in less than 4-6 hours just like everyone in my state can.
We are a Red State and actually like it when people vote ... Don't want to keep anyone from voting.
No one runs around complaining about the fact they are too stupid to figure out how to vote.

Hell ... it is easier to vote than get through the line at a major sporting goods store ...
Although they are still going to scan your photo ID if you are buying ammo or want to vote.

I never suggested all districts are equal ... But The Laws They Have To Follow Are.
If the people you put in charge aren't doing the job as required by law ... Get a clue and fire them ... :thup:

It was becoming too easy to vote in Georgia, hence more people voted. And the result is that probably the closest watched set of elections in history, the democrats pulled a hat trick.
No, I was told there was absolutely no voter fraud in 20.
And I have said over and over election fraud happens every election cycle…

Anyone that claims it never happens is lying because Texas alone has a case or two each election cycle, so I know damn well it happens and you better know the dead in Chi-Town vote!
It sure is, but that doesn't take away from the reality that the mass media went from foreign interference being a terrible attack on our elections to saying virtually nothing about it the very next election cycle. The most obvious reason is the democrat won so no one wanted to rock the boat by digging into foreign interference.

That's my takeaway, apparently you believe TRUMP! emphatically shut the door on them. Maybe he did.
I could continue to attempt to explain how wrong you are, but since you ignore the content my posts, I don’t see the point.
I could continue to attempt to explain how wrong you are, but since you ignore the content my posts, I don’t see the point.
Don’t worry. Just sit back and relax as we rape the nation by stealing the election this year because moderate Brandon can’t get anything passed despite controlling both Houses.
Don’t worry. Just sit back and relax as we rape the nation by stealing the election this year because moderate Brandon can’t get anything passed despite controlling both Houses.
Sorry you couldn’t steal the last election, that must have really sucked.

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