And Just Like That Elections Can Be Easily Stolen

They cut down on the wait time by letting more people vote by mail. The lines went way down.

Now the state legislature is cutting down on voting by mail, in order to push wait times back up to 4-6 hours.

Like I mentioned ... Hire someone that knows what they are doing.
I didn't suggest hiring someone that was going to bitch about their job
or fail to provide for whatever the law requires as passed by the State Legislature in an efficient manner.

Stop making excuses ... Do it correctly ... :thup:


Like I mentioned ... Hire someone that knows what they are doing..
They still have to follow state (legislature) rules.
This reminds me of Florida, where each election board consisted of three members. And where responsible for the recount, and hand count of elections. Three members, whether overseeing 10,000 people in the panhandle, or 3 million people in Miami-Dade.

3 election board members can count 10,000 votes in a day.

That's why it took Miami-dade much longer, with each board member allocated 1,000,000 votes to count.
Do I get a dollar for every Democrat convicted of election fraud the past 25 years?
So long as I get a dollar for every Republican convicted of election fraud in the same period.

Start here: Guess Who Is Committing Voter Fraud

Here's a morsel:
What I see coming is "my rules were put in place so yes it's fair we won" and if they lose "my rules weren't put in place so this is wrong we lost and the racist Republicans robbed every black person in America of their vote so they could win because they wanted climate change to win so covid will kill everyone except the people who tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6th".
They still have to follow state (legislature) rules.
This reminds me of Florida, where each election board consisted of three members. And where responsible for the recount, and hand count of elections. Three members, whether overseeing 10,000 people in the panhandle, or 3 million people in Miami-Dade.

3 election board members can count 10,000 votes in a day.

That's why it took Miami-dade much longer, with each board member allocated 1,000,000 votes to count.

And if you hand someone a bucket of paint and tell them to paint the garage door ...
Don't pay them until they paint the garage door, no matter what excuse they make ... :thup:

The state legislature has been granted the power to make the laws, and election officials are hired to follow the laws.
Find someone that can provide you with an efficient service as required by law and stop making excuses.

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What I see coming is "my rules were put in place so yes it's fair we won" and if they lose "my rules weren't put in place so this is wrong we lost and the racist Republicans robbed every black person in America of their vote so they could win because they wanted climate change to win so covid will kill everyone except the people who tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6th".
Under the new Texas rules, half the people applying to vote got rejected because of the new rules. If that doesn't say voter suppression, I don't know what does.
Trump Tactics 101.

Step 1: Declare ahead of time the next election is rigged.

Step 2: If you lose the next election, storm the Capitol. If you win, don't even mention the election was rigged.
Hey Stupid, Veggie Joe just did that yesterday in his clusterfuck presser.

The state legislature has been granted the power to make the laws, and election officials are hired to follow the laws..

And state legislatures have made highly discriminatory laws in the name of Jim Crow. Like setting election board size the same throughout the state, or the number of drop boxes the same throughout the state. So a town with 10,000 people have the same number of board members, and drop boxes as a city of 3 million.

That's like the zoo keeper saying in order to treat all the animals fairly, they would each get the same amount of food as all the others. The elephants and the penguins alike.
Plain and simple: The Republicans want as low a voter turnout as can be fixed, in the belief that low voter turnout favors Republican candidates.

Therefore, make voting by mail harder. Make drop boxes as scarce as possible. Make early voting go away. Making the voting period as brief as possible. With these measures, you can make it as difficult for "low income" (read: negroes) people to vote as possible.
Make early voting go away.

Hey Dummy, Delaware doesn't have early voting. Joe Biden's home state.

About those long lines…

I live in NY (Hudson Valley). In 2020 I decided I would brave the virus and vote in person. I thought voting early would reduce human contact but turnout was SO big that the lines were very long .

Luckily NY had laws such that I didn’t have to vote in only my district. I found one with a much shorter wait and was able to vote… legally.

Is that the case in Fulton Co Georgia?
And state legislatures have made highly discriminatory laws in the name of Jim Crow. Like setting election board size the same throughout the state, or the number of drop boxes the same throughout the state. So a town with 10,000 people have the same number of board members, and drop boxes as a city of 3 million.

That's like the zoo keeper saying in order to treat all the animals fairly, they would each get the same amount of food as all the others. The elephants and the penguins alike.

Damn dude ... Just stop with the excuses.

This is the 21st Century ... Your state might have to spend some money, may have to provide better training,
may have to do any number of things to provide better service ...

But if in the modern era you cannot seem to figure out how to get people through the polls in less than 4-6 hours
and as required by law ... Then whoever you hired to do the job sucks at their job.

Although I cannot disagree with your comparison between the Government and a Zoo ... :thup:

Hey Dummy, Delaware doesn't have early voting. Joe Biden's home state.

That's because they don't need early voting. Everybody voting on election day in Delaware doesn't result in 4-6 hour long lines.
But doing so in Georgia means 4-6 hour long lines.

Think of it like you don't need pre-boarding on a commuter airline flight, but you do on a 737.

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