And Just Like That Elections Can Be Easily Stolen

Well, you see, there is no evidence of fraud because the Democrats hid it. Therefore, the absence of evidence of fraud is proof there was fraud.

That's the magical thinking of Trumptards.
Brandon says you’re a liar. Elections are easily stolen.
And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

More like “we need the swamp to be in charge so we can steal elections easier”
Here is what it looks like when an election is ACTUALLY rigged:

North Carolina had to redo their Congressional election because of the Republican fraudsters.
Plain and simple: The Republicans want as low a voter turnout as can be fixed, in the belief that low voter turnout favors Republican candidates.

Therefore, make voting by mail harder. Make drop boxes as scarce as possible. Make early voting go away. Making the voting period as brief as possible. With these measures, you can make it as difficult for "low income" (read: negroes) people to vote as possible.
Is that why New York had long lines to vote?
Here is what it looks like when an election is ACTUALLY rigged:

North Carolina had to redo their Congressional election because of the Republican fraudsters.
And I am enjoying watching you Leftards insist elections are easily stolen just one year after Brandon stole the election.
Just think, we thought this was satire but it is reality.

Democrats Warn That Republicans Plan To Steal Election By Blocking Democrat Efforts To Steal Election

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats have issued a dire warning to the American people that Republicans will steal the election in 2022 by blocking all Democrat efforts to steal the election.

"Republicans want to destroy our democracy by stealing the election, just like Hitler," said Nancy Pelosi in a speech supporting the Voting Rights Act. "If Republicans are not stopped, they will block all our noble efforts to steal the election for ourselves, because Republicans are racist and want to bring back Jim Crow. We cannot allow that!"

The crowd of enthusiastic school kids in the audience who had been bussed in for the speech cheered in agreement.

Democrat strategists agree that their best hope in the midterms is to cheat as much as possible. They warn that if their cheating is stopped by Republicans, Republican candidates may win, which is the same thing as literal fascism.

"When Democrats cheat, that's just Democracy as Martin Luther King intended," said Pelosi. "When Republicans stop Democrats from cheating, that's an unfair attack on Democracy itself. We will not rest until the will of felons, illegal immigrants, and dead people are heard and every vote is counted!"

Republicans started to say something in objection but stopped short after being told that was cheating.

View attachment 590355
Got a link, to support your alleged quotes?
GQ. Hilarious. What’s Kos say?
Are you serious? You don't know about the Republicans rigging a congressional election in North Carolina?

Are your propagandists THAT evil that they never told you about it?

HOLY SHIT! And you keep going back to drink more of their piss. You are one of the most pathetic submissive cucks on this board.

One of the fraudsters didn't quit with just election fraud. He also committed disability fraud: Accused North Carolina Election Scammer Sentenced to Jail For Disability Fraud

Do you need more, retard?
Early voting. First time in history, and they got it wrong. More people voted than anticipated.

But they didn't have long lines on election day, when they knew how many people would be voting.
But Georgia long lines meant cheating?
Hilarious spinning.
The Republican attempt to rig the election in North Carolina is what REAL election fraud looks like, folks.

14 months, and Trump and the tard herd have not produced a shred of proof to back their BIG LIE.
Are you serious? You don't know about the Republicans rigging a congressional election in North Carolina?

Are your propagandists THAT evil that they never told you about it?

HOLY SHIT! And you keep going back to drink more of their piss. You are one of the most pathetic submissive cucks on this board.

One of the fraudsters didn't quit with just election fraud. He also committed disability fraud: Accused North Carolina Election Scammer Sentenced to Jail For Disability Fraud

Do you need more, retard?
Shitforbrains, the law that was just rejected had zero in it to address what your bitching about.
The Republican attempt to rig the election in North Carolina is what REAL election fraud looks like, folks.

14 months, and Trump and the tard herd have not produced a shred of proof to back their BIG LIE.
Yep, real election fraud.
Let’s Go Brandon!
Shitforbrains, the law that was just rejected had zero in it to address what your bitching about.
Tard, you just tried to deny the election rigging in North Carolina, thus exposing yourself as a profoundly submissive cuck of your propagandists.

Your integrity is shot to hell. Your claims and opinions don't mean dick.
Are you serious? You don't know about the Republicans rigging a congressional election in North Carolina?

Are your propagandists THAT evil that they never told you about it?

HOLY SHIT! And you keep going back to drink more of their piss. You are one of the most pathetic submissive cucks on this board.

One of the fraudsters didn't quit with just election fraud. He also committed disability fraud: Accused North Carolina Election Scammer Sentenced to Jail For Disability Fraud

Do you need more, retard?
So you lied last year that election integrity was concrete.
Hey shitforbrains, Brandon just said the next election will be stolen.
He did not, ya illiterate rightard.
Tard, you just tried to deny the election rigging in North Carolina, thus exposing yourself as a profoundly submissive cuck of your propagandists.
Do I get a dollar for every Democrat convicted of election fraud the past 25 years?

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